Catrine Buck Jensen,
Anita Iversen,
Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren,
Bente Norbye
“Everyone who wants to can practice on me”– a qualitative study of patients’ view on health profession students’ learning in an interprofessional clinical placement
Matias Rasi,
Tove Aminda Hanssen,
Bente Norbye,
Kristina Mikkonen,
Monica Evelyn Kvande
Critical care nurses' competence in mentoring students in intensive care units—A cross-sectional study
Annika Lindh Falk,
Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren,
Johanna Dahlberg,
Bente Norbye,
Anita Iversen,
Kylie J. Mansfield
et al.:
ALLin4IPE- an international research study on interprofessional health professions education: a protocol for an ethnographic multiple-case study of practice architectures in sites of students’ interprofessional clinical placements across four universities
Jill M. G Bally,
Carol Bullin,
Jyoti Oswal,
Bente Norbye,
Emmy Stavøstrand Neuls
“Balancing two worlds”: a constructivist grounded theory exploring distributed/decentralised nursing education in rural and remote areas in Canada and Norway
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2023
Catrine Buck Jensen,
Bente Norbye,
Inga Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren,
Tove Törnqvist,
Anita Iversen
Students in interprofessional clinical placements: How supervision facilitates patient-centeredness in collaborative learning
Catrine Buck Jensen,
Bente Norbye,
Inga Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren,
Anita Iversen
Getting real in interprofessional clinical placements: patient-centeredness in student teams’ collaborative learning
Advances in Health Sciences Education 2022
Catrine Buck Jensen,
Bente Norbye,
Inga Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren,
Anita Iversen
Patient participation in interprofessional learning and collaboration with undergraduate health professional students in clinical placements: A scoping review
Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice 02. Feb 2022
Helle Krone-Hjertstrøm,
Bente Norbye,
Birgit Abelsen,
Aud Obstfelder
Organizing work in local service implementation: an ethnographic study of nurses’ contributions and competencies in implementing a municipal acute ward
BMC Health Services Research 2021
Bente Norbye,
Nina Bøhle Cheetham
The Innovative Learning Institute for Circumpolar Health
Catrine Buck Jensen,
Ole Johan Olsen,
Bente Norbye
Teknologistøttet ferdighetstrening for sykepleierstudenter i desentralisert utdanning
Anita Carin Gudmundsen,
Bente Norbye,
Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren,
Aud Obstfelder
Interprofessional student groups using patient documentation to facilitate interprofessional collaboration in clinical practice - A field study
Bente Norbye
Tverrprofesjonell praksis utfordrer samarbeidet mellom helsefagstudenter
Anita Carin Gudmundsen,
Bente Norbye,
Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren,
Aud Obstfelder
Interprofessional Education: Students´Learning of Joint Patient Care
Professions and Professionalism 2019
Anne- Lise Thoresen,
Bente Norbye
Reflective writing followed by dialogue improves supervision practices and cooperation in midwifery education
Educational Action Research 2019
Bente Norbye,
Lorna Butler,
Heather Exner-Pirot
Under the Same Sky: Connecting Students and Cultures through Circumpolar Nursing Education
Helle Kise Hjertstrøm,
Aud Obstfelder,
Bente Norbye
Making New Health Services Work: Nurse Leaders as Facilitators of Service Development in Rural Emergency Services
Anita Carin Gudmundsen,
Bente Norbye,
Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren,
Aud Obstfelder
Interprofessional student meetings in municipal health service - Mutual learning towards a community of practice in patient care
Journal of Interprofessional Care 2018
Bente Norbye
Desentraliserte og fleksible profesjonsutdanninger
Anita Carin Gudmundsen,
Aud Uhlen Obstfelder,
Bente Norbye,
Madeleine Abrandt Abrandt Dahlgren
Towards interprofessional patient care: Health profession students exploring interprofessional collaboration in group meetings in joint clinical placement
Catrine Buck Jensen,
Bente Norbye,
Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren,
Anita Iversen
Pasienters aktive medvirkning i studenters tverrprofesjonelle samarbeidslæring er uforløst
Bente Norbye
Arctic collaboration in praxis 2021-2024
Bente Norbye
Arktisk samprax. Sykepleierutdanningen utforsker nye samarbeidspartnere
Anita Iversen,
Bente Norbye
Interprofessional education in Health and Social Sciences in the Arctic. From policy to Practice at UiT the Arctic University of Norway
Bente Norbye,
Kari Birkelund Olsen,
Stefan Bye,
Nina Johnsen,
Ingrid Waldahl
Arktisk samprax - Digitale muligheter for nærhet på avstand i praksisstudier
Bente Norbye
Rural Healthcare
‘TN Northern Nursing education’
Professor Bente Norbye
Bente Norbye,
Donald Leidl,
Kathie Pender
Nursing Voices- Building capasity in the Circumpolar North
Bente Norbye,
Anne-Sofie Sand,
Stefan Bye
Arktisk samprax
Praxis ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet- sykepleierutdanningen utforsker nye samarbeidsformer
Anne-Sofie Sand,
Bente Norbye,
Stefan Bye,
Ingrid Waldahl,
Nina Johnsen,
Lisa Øien
et al.:
Ny praksis skal gi flere sykepleiere i nord
Nina Johnsen,
Stefan Bye,
Ingrid Waldahl,
Anne-Sofie Sand,
Lisa Øien,
Kari Birkelund Olsen
et al.:
Veiledningskraft i praksisstudier
Arktisk samprax
Bente Norbye,
Anne- Lise Thoresen
Derfor må vi forske på egen undervisning. UiTs helseblogg
Anne-Lise Thoresen,
Bente Norbye
Fra ide til en vitenskapelig antologi. Kunnskapsutvikling for- og i helsefaglig profesjonsutdanning
Donald Leidl,
Kathie Pender,
Bente Norbye
Nursing education technologies during a global pandemic
Wenche Bergseth Bogsti,
Silje Sveen,
Maren Kristine Raknes Sogstad,
Bente Norbye
Forebyggende hjemmebesøk:Legger kommunen mest vekt på mestring eller omsorg?
Sykepleien 02. Mar 2020
Donald Leidl,
Kathie Pender,
Bente Norbye,
Nikolai Diachkovskii,
Nina Gao
Northern Nursing Education Network - Continuing Nursing Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Frontiers in Medicine and Health Research 2020
Kathie Pender,
Donald Leidl,
Bente Norbye
Northern Nursing Students Raising Awareness and Spreading knowledge
The Arctic Magazine Shared Voices 2020
Aud Obstfelder,
Bente Norbye,
Lill Sverresdatter Larsen
Det er tid for å legge vekk den historiske tvangstrøyen!
Dagens medisin 18. Apr 2020
Bente Norbye,
Anne- Lise Thoresen
Bente Norbye
The development of joint educational activities and digital tools
Bente Norbye
Om å utfordre akademia og lokalsamfunnet.
Desentralisert syekpleierutdanning - å gjøre det umulige mulig
Rigmor Furu,
Bente Norbye
Hvem bistår Emma til å komme hjem etter sykehusoppholdet? Film og digital diskusjon som læreverktøyFilm og digital diskusjon som pedagogisk læreverktøy
Bente Norbye
Northern Nursing Education Network
Anita Carin Gudmundsen,
Bente Norbye,
Madeleine Abrandt Dahlgren,
Aud Obstfelder
Exploiting students`creativity in interprofessional education - Development of interprofessional documentation
Bente Norbye
Interprofessional Education ved University of Otago, New Zealand
03. Apr 2018
Lorna Butler,
Heather Exner-Pirot,
Bente Norbye
Connecting People and Cultures, through a Northern Nursing Education Network
The Arctic Magazine Shared Voices 2018
Bente Norbye
Culture and Health
Bente Norbye
Community Health in Northern and Indigenous Communities
Heather Exner-Pirot,
Bente Norbye,
Lorna Butler
Bente Norbye,
Lorna Butler,
Heather Exner-Pirot
Under the Same Skye: Connecting students and Cultures through Cicumpolar Nursing Education