Innovation breakfast; How turn your ideas into reality?


This introductory session is designed for academics, researchers and PhD students at UiT who are seeking guidance on how to transform their research into viable commercial ventures.

The event will include:

  • Information about research-based innovation
  • You have a good idea, now what?
  • Submitting a “DOFI” and techonolgy transfer
  • Introduction to IPR
  • Exampels of commercialised technology from UiT
  • Spinoff, startup and licensing of new technology
  • Chat with Bronwyn Smithies, Business Developer at Norinnova
When: 31.01.25 kl 09.00–10.00
Where: On teams
Location / Campus: Digitalt
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter
Contact: Elisabeth blix Bakkelund

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