Environmental humanities gathering #36: Planning session / meet and greet

Welcome to the first Environmental Humanities gathering of 2025!

At this gathering we will plan our events for the upcoming semester. It will take place in MH2 U.11.339 (møterom). Please join us with (or without!) ideas and suggestions – there is a list of ideas already underway so it is definitely safe to attend without the risk of pressure to volunteer for something 😊

As the mailing list and interest in the group has expanded considerably since the summer, we also thought that this would be a great opportunity for people to say hello and meet other EnvHums-minded folks. If you are new and/or curious, be sure to check out our webpage to see the kind of things that we have been doing for the last four years.

If you can’t attend the gathering but want to add something to the list for the semester's events, please email your idea to Eimear (Eimear.Tynan@uit.no) and Kate (Kate.Maxwell@uit.no) in January before the meeting. 

We look forward to seeing you!

When: 10.01.25 kl 14.30–15.30
Where: MH2 U.11.339
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende
Contact: Kate Maxwell
E-boastta: kate.maxwell@uit.no
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