March 14 2025: “Coffee & Compromise: Keys to Norwegian Working Culture”

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for March 14 2025: “Coffee & Compromise: Keys to Norwegian Working Culture”
David Jensen

Norske og utenlandske ansatte inviteres til workshopen “Coffee & Compromise: Keys to Norwegian Working Culture” 14 mars kl.10:15-13 i den historiske "direksjonen" i 2. etg i Mackbygget Storgata 4 i Tromsø. 13-14 inviteres til felles varm lunsj, og så tar vi Fjellheisen for kaffe på Fløyrestauranten.

Lorelou Desjardins vil belyse særtrekk ved et norsk arbeidsliv. Rundt 25% av ansatte ved UiT har utenlandsk statsborgerskap. Målet med seminaret er å skape en felles forståelse mellom norske og utenlandske ansatte ved UiT for en bedre kommunikasjon i arbeidslivet.

Welcome to the workshop “Coffee & Compromise: Keys to Norwegian Working Culture” where we talk about aspects of the Norwegian culture foreigners face when trying to adapt to the language, country and most of all to people. Time and venue: March 14 at 10:15-13, at the historical offices of the directorate in the 2. floor of the Mack Building in the centre of Tromsø (Entrance: The wooden door between Ølhallen Storgata 4 and Driv Storgata 6). At 13-14 you are invited to a lunch, and 14-15 we go to Fløyrestauranten by Fjellheisen for a coffee. 

Lorelou Desjardins will guide you through how to understand the Norwegian work culture and how to blend in and take part in discussions. Lorelou is hoping to give non-Norwegians a glimpse of what makes Norway and Norwegians so awkward and so lovable; and to give Norwegians something to think about.

Lorelou Desjardins came to Norway 15 years ago. She is a trained lawyer, and writes the blog, as well as opinion pieces in the Norwegian newspaper VG ( commenting the peculiarities of the Norwegian culture in a humoristic manner, and has become a cultural expert on Norway. Her book "A Frog in the Fjord: One Year in Norway" is published in Norwegian, English, French and Spanish. 

The seminar will be a mixture of Lorelou talking about her experiences and conversations in smaller groups joining foreign employees and all those who are working to assist them at UiT.

Please register by Friday March 7.

Mazemap with link for finding the entranceto the venue,69.645791&zoom=16.8&campusid=131&sharepoitype=point&sharepoi=18.95065%2C69.64590

When: 14.03.25 kl 10.15–14.00
Where: Mackbygget, Storgt. 4 Tromsø, 2. floor
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Ansatte
Link: Klikk her
Contact: Mari Buck
Phone: 77623191

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