Global Research in Indigenous Studies & History 2023/2024 year-end conference

Global Research in Indigenous Studies & History (GRISH) presents
a year-end conference featuring scholars from around the world

10 June 2024

Poster for GRISH 2024 Year End Conference. Art: Saki Murotani

Presentation: Transnationally Indigenous project
Michael Hathaway (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
Regina Baeza Martinez (Simon Fraser University, Canada)

Presentation: “An Enduring Indigeneity: The Contemporary Life of Mapuche Voices and Chants”
Luis E. Cárcamo-Huechante  (University of Texas at Austin and Comunidad de Historia Mapuche)

Roundtable Discussion: Research Ethics and Collaboration in Indigenous Contexts
Chair: Lena Gross (UiT)
Dana Powell (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)
Michael T. Heneise (UiT)
Patricia Aida Linao Linao (UiT)

"Returning to Reconnect“
Bunun Nation Graduate Students of the CoLab for Environmental Health and Renewal (CEHER/baqlu):
Panay Kumod (Victoria Univ. of Wellington, Aotearoa)
Abus Istasipal (National DongHwa University, Taiwan)
Abus Istasipal Tanapima (National DongHwa University, Taiwan)
Vava Isingkaunan (Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan)

Memory and Resilience on the Kazakh Steppe: Researching History of Settler Colonialism in China 

Guldana Salimjan (Simon Fraser University)

When: 10.06.24 kl 13.00–16.00
Where: Campus Breivika
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Studenter, Ansatte
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