Participate in a study about exploring language diversity!

Illustrasjons-/bannerbilde for Participate in a study about exploring language diversity!

Join us in exploring the rich tapestry of language diveristy in Tromsø/ Bli med oss i å utforske det rike mangfoldet av språk i Tromsø! 

We're conduction a survey to understand how Norwegian and Sámi languages are used in everyday life and to support the promotion of Sami language and culture. The survey takes around 10 minutes, and your responses will be kept confidential. All information provided will be used for research purposes only. For more information; check out the attached picture. 

Use the QR-code to enter, og check out the link attached to the announcement. 

Starts: 14.05.24 kl 10.25
Ends: 14.06.24 kl 10.26
Where: Online
Location / Campus: Digitalt
Target group: Ansatte, Studenter, Besøkende
Contact: Michiel-Christiaan Eloff
Phone: +497666579686

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