Arctic Frontiers side-event om Framtidens Polhav og Go North

Presentasjon av Framtiden Polhav og Go North

In this session we seek to share plans for future research in the Arctic Ocean related to two national initiatives: GoNorth and Framtidens Polhav (the Future Arctic Ocean). Behind these two initiatives are 17 Norwegian universities and research institutes. In addition to presentations of the two initiatives, we will also host this as a venue for stakeholders and user groups to provide input into the planning and development of the programs


1800: Jørgen Berge, Professor/Dean UiT The Arctic University of Norway – Welcome (Chair)

1805: Maria Varteressian, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Further, further north 

1820: Jon L Fuglestad, Research Council of Norway – Polar research cooperation – perspectives from the Research Council of Norway"

1835: Are Olsen, Professor, University of Bergen – The Future Arctic Ocean (Framtidens Polhav)  

1845: Øyvind Paasche, Head of Climate Department, NORCE - GoNorth – Securing new knowledge from the Arctic through national and international collaboration.
1855: Q&A and Discussion

1925: Concluding remarks

When: 31.01.24 kl 18.00–19.30
Where: The Edge
Location / Campus: Tromsø
Target group: Besøkende, Ansatte
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Vedlegg / Bilder:
Fuglestad-Future Arctic Oceans-GoNorth side-event