Hui Xue,
Johan-Fredrik Røds,
Øyvind Haugseggen,
Anders Johan Christensen,
Bjørn-Morten Erdal Batalden,
Ove Tobias Gudmestad
A study on the effects of rapid training method related to ship handling in decision-making skills under stressful situations
Journal of navigation 2025
Hui Xue,
Øyvind Haugseggen,
Johan-Fredrik Røds,
Bjørn-Morten Erdal Batalden,
Dilip Kumar Prasad
Assessment of stress levels based on biosignal during the simulator-based maritime navigation training and its impact on sailing route reliability
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP) 2024
Yufei Wang,
Lokukaluge Prasad Channa Perera,
Bjørn-Morten Erdal Batalden
Localized advanced ship predictor for maritime situation awareness with ship close encounter
Nikolai Figenschau,
Jinmei Lu,
Bjørn-Morten Erdal Batalden,
Giuliana Panieri
Linking ship-associated emissions and resource development in the Arctic: Trends and predictions along the Northern Sea Route
Ocean and Coastal Management 2024
Yufei Wang,
Lokukaluge Prasad Channa Perera,
Bjørn-Morten Erdal Batalden
Adaptive Kalman Filter-based Estimator with Sea Trail Data to Calculate Ship States in Complex Navigation Conditions
Hui Xue,
Johan-Fredrik Røds,
Bjørn-Morten Erdal Batalden
The impact of safety factors on decision-making in maritime navigation
Transportation Human Factors 2023
Hooshyar Azizpour,
Edwin R. Galea,
Sveinung Erland,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Steven Deere,
Helle Asgjerd Oltedal
Factors influencing the time required to don thermal protective immersion suits correctly
Hooshyar Azizpour,
Edwin R. Galea,
Steven Deere,
Sveinung Erland,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Helle Asgjerd Oltedal
Analysis of the impact of deploying thermal protective immersion suits on evacuation time for passenger ships operating in polar waters
Yufei Wang,
Lokukaluge Prasad Channa Perera,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Kinematic motion models based vessel state estimation to support advanced ship predictors
Yufei Wang,
Lokukaluge Prasad Channa Perera,
Bjørn-Morten Erdal Batalden
Coordinate Conversion and Switching Correction to Reduce Vessel Heading-Related Errors in High-Latitude Navigation
Hao Chen,
Yngve Birkelund,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Abbas Barabadi
Noise-intensification data augmented machine learning for day-ahead wind power forecast
Tae-Eun Kim,
Lokukaluge Prasad Channa Perera,
Magne-Petter Sollid,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Are Kristoffer Sydnes
Safety challenges related to autonomous ships in mixed navigational environments
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA) 2022
Hooshyar Azizpour,
Edwin R. Galea,
Sveinung Erland,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Steven Deere,
Helle Asgjerd Oltedal
An experimental analysis of the impact of thermal protective immersion suit and angle of heel on individual walking speeds
Yufei Wang,
Lokukaluge Prasad Channa Perera,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
The Comparison of Two Kinematic Motion Models for Autonomous Shipping Maneuvers
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2022
Ria Brünig,
Edwin R Galea,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Helle Asgjerd Oltedal
A methodology for collecting donning times of thermal protective immersion suits intended to be worn by passengers on vessels operating in cold environments
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2021
Hui Xue,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Puneet Sharma,
Jarle André Johansen,
Dilip K. Prasad
Biosignal-Based Driving Skill Classification Using Machine Learning: A Case Study of Maritime Navigation
Yufei Wang,
Lokukaluge Prasad Perera,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Particle Filter Based Ship State and Parameter Estimation for Vessel Maneuvers
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers 2021
Tae-Eun Kim,
Are K. Sydnes,
Bjørn-Morten Erdal Batalden
Development and Validation of a Safety Leadership Self-Efficacy Scale (SLSES) in Maritime Context
Helene Xue,
Bjørn-Morten Erdal Batalden,
Johan-Fredrik Røds
Development of a SAGAT query and simulator experiment to measure situation awareness in maritime navigation
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2020
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Peter Wide,
Johan-Fredrik Røds,
Øyvind Haugseggen
Enhanced human-machine interaction by fuzzy logic in semi-autonomous maritime operations
Ingrid Batalden Eidnes,
Bjørn-Morten Erdal Batalden,
Are K. Sydnes
Maritime Security and Threat Assessments
TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation 2019
Lokukaluge Prasad Perera,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Possible COLREGs Failures under Digital Helmsman of Autonomous Ships
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2019
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Helle Asgjerd Oltedal
Safety Management Systems
Routledge 2018
Sturle Danielsen Tvedt,
Helle Asgjerd Oltedal,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Manuel Fradinho Oliveira
Way-finding on-board training for maritime vessels
Entertainment Computing 2018
Kåre Johansen,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Active learning for enhanced understanding of "Ship damage stability"
International institute of social and economic science 2018
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Peter Wide
A new generation of lifeboats, provide an optimized cold climate concept.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU 2018
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Per Roald Leikanger,
Peter Wide
Towards autonomous maritime operations
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2017
Fuqing Yuan,
Jinmei Lu,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Jinyong Yao
The investigation of physical explanation for proportional hazard model (PHM) for typical failure mechanisms
Proceedings. Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) 2017
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Are K. Sydnes
What causes 'very serious' maritime accidents?
CRC Press 2017
Yuan Fuqing,
Jinmei Lu,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Sample size determination and confidence interval derivation for exponential distribution
ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings 2016
Yuan Fuqing,
Jinmei Lu,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Big Data Issue in Railway Engineering
Jaap van Rijckevorsel,
Are K. Sydnes,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Disruptions and supply chain risk management in offshore logistics: a case study
CRC Press 2015
Jaap van Rijckevorsel,
Are K. Sydnes,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Disruptions and supply chain risk management in offshore logistics: A case study
CRC Press 2015
Odd Jarl Borch,
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Business-process management in high-turbulence environments: the case of the offshore service vessel industry
Maritime Policy & Management 2015
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Are K. Sydnes
Auditing in the Maritime Industry: a Case Study of the Offshore Support Vessel Segment
Safety Science Monitor 2015
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Are K. Sydnes
Risk assessment, key shipboard operations and soft barriers in offshore operations
CRC Press 2014
Bjørn-Morten Batalden,
Are K. Sydnes
Maritime safety and the ISM code: a study of investigated casualties and incidents
WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA) 2014
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Disruption Risk Management in Arctic Offshore Support Operations
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers 2012
Bjørn-Morten Batalden
Integration of Operation Management and Risk Assessment Using Hierarchical Task Analysis
Curran Associates, Inc. 2012