Liliia Oprysk,
Ingunn Lunde,
Svitlana Arabadzhy,
Yulia Yoffe,
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Russia's forcible deportation and indoctrination of Ukrainian children: Continuation of Russian colonial policies in Ukraine
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Accountability for forceful transfer of children from Ukraine to Russia
Artem Galushko,
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Attacks on critical civilian infrastructure in Ukraine - a decade since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the impact of the war, its hybrid methods, and the relevance of justice.
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Justice for Atrocity Crimes and Human Rights Violations
Committed in Ukraine: the Role of Open-Source Evidence
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
«Nordmannen» etterforskes for krigsforbrytelser
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Pursuing justice for atrocity crimes in Ukraine: it’s more than meets the eye
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Breakfast Briefing with Gaiane Nuridzhanian: The Principle of Ne Bis In Idem in International Criminal Law
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Forceful imposition of foreign citizenship as discrimination and breach of the right to respect for private life
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
International Enough? A Council of Europe Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Seeking justice before international courts and tribunals: why does it matter?
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Ukraine's experience with applying the Genocide Convention
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Destruction of culture as a manifestation of genocidal intent
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
The principle of ne bis in idem in international criminal law
Kristian Åtland,
Geir Flikke,
Anne Gry Gudmundsdotter,
Olga Iermolenko,
Gaiane Nuridzhanian,
Martin Paulsen
et al.:
Norge må øke støtten til akademisk samarbeid med Ukraina
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Importance of justice for international crimes committed in Ukraine
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Book presentation: The principle of ne bis in idem in international criminal law
Gaiane Nuridzhanian,
Carrie McDougall
On Double Jeopardy, the ICC, and the Special Tribunal for the Crime of Aggression
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
(Re)Building Justice for Ukraine: War Crimes and Beyond
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Disinformation and freedom of expression under the ECHR
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
On current state of affairs in Ukraine: violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
The principle of ne bis in idem in international criminal law
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Disputes between Ukraine and Russia before the European Court of Human Rights
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Putins propaganda: – Han har en plan også utenfor Russland
Artem Galushko,
Gaiane Nuridzhanian,
Nandor Knust
The response of international law to Russia's invasion of Ukraine
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Компетенція міжнародних судів та її межі в забезпеченні відповідальності за сексуальне насильство під час збройної агресії
росії проти України [Limits of the jurisdiction of international courts concerning responsibility for sexual violence committed during Russia's aggression against Ukraine]
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Accountability for Russia’s aggression against Ukraine
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Путіна - за ґрати. Усе, що треба знати про трибунал щодо агресії Росії [Putin behind the bars. All you need to know about the tribunal on Russia's aggression]
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Questions of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Ukraine and the Netherlands v. Russia
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Interview about the arrest warrant for Putin and Lvova-Belova issued by the International Criminal Court
18. Mar 2023
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Ensuring Fairness of War Crime Trials in Ukraine
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
ECHR in times of war: understanding Ukraine v Russia
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Russia’s attacks on Ukraine’s critical infrastructure: military necessity or a war crime?
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Why Has Ukraine Not Ratified the Rome Statute? Myths and misunderstanding have prevented Kyiv from joining the ICC.
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Prosecution of Crimes Against Ukraine as A Driver of Evolution of International
Criminal Law
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
All you need to know about the ICC’s arrest warrant for Putin: what it means
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Перший крок до Гааги. Головні питання про ордер на арешт Путіна і чому це — справді історичне рішення [First step towards The Hague. Main issues related to Putin's arrest warrant and why it is a historic development]
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
From ‘denazification’ to fighting ‘satanism’: unlawfulness of Russia’s ‘special military operation’, and efforts to prosecute atrocity crimes committed in Ukraine
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Викрадення українських дітей: ефективність міжнародної кримінальної юстиції? [Unlawful deportation of Ukrainian children: is international criminal justice effective?]
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Проблема для Путіна: які наслідки вже має ордер МКС на арешт президента РФ [Problem for Putin: What consequences does the ICC arrest warrant already have for Russia's President?]
Європейська правда [European Pravda] 2023
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
FAKENEWS project: Governmental Powers under the European Convention on Human Rights to Counter Disinformation
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Application of the ECHR in time of war
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Application of the European Convention on Human Rights in times of war
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
International crimes: definitions, distinctions and individual criminal responsibility
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Genocidal intent behind Russia's aggression against Ukraine
Gaiane Nuridzhanian
Ukraine: The Challenge of Wartime Justice
Institute for Peace and War Reporting 20. Sep 2022