Alexander Lott

  • Alexander Lott :
    Maritime Security in the Baltic and Japanese Straits From the Perspective of EEZ Corridors
    Ocean Development and International Law 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Alexander Lott :
    Did an Alleged Ukrainian Attack against the Nord Stream Pipelines Violate the Law of Armed Conflict?
    The NCLOS Blog 2023 ARKIV
  • Alexander Lott :
    Barriers to wildlife movement in straits: Problematizing habitat connectivity across marine ecosystems
    Marine Policy 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Alexander Lott :
    Guidelines for Grey Zone Naval Incidents: Distinguishing between the Rules of Armed Conflict and Law Enforcement
    NCLOS Blog 2022 ARKIV
  • Alexander Lott :
    Maritime Security Law in Hybrid Warfare
    Brill Academic Publishers 2024
  • Alexander Lott :
    Hybrid Threats and the Law of the Sea: Use of Force and Discriminatory Navigational Restrictions in Straits
    Brill|Nijhoff 2022 ARKIV
  • Alexander Lott :
    The Protection of Critical Undersea Infrastructure within and beyond the Limits of the Territorial Sea under the Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello
    Brill Academic Publishers 2024
  • Alexander Lott :
    Concluding Observations on the Nature of Hybrid Warfare at Sea and Its Implications to the Safety of Offshore Infrastructure and International Navigation
    Brill Academic Publishers 2024 DOI
  • Henrik Ringbom, Alexander Lott :
    Sabotage of Critical Offshore Infrastructure: a Case Study of the Balticconnector Incident
    Brill Academic Publishers 2024 DOI
  • Alexander Lott :
    Brill Academic Publishers 2024 DOI
  • Alexander Lott, Arne Willy Dahl, Sofia Galani, Stuart Casey-Maslen :
    Towards a Definition of Hybrid Warfare
    Brill Academic Publishers 2024 DOI
  • Alexander Lott :
    Hybrid Electronic Warfare and Digital Evidence in the Maritime Domain: The Case of Northern Europe
  • Alexander Lott :
    Increasing the Legal Resilience of Critical Submarine Infrastructure against Hybrid Threats: Interdiction of Ships and the Establishment of Safety Zones
  • Alexander Lott :
    Offshore Critical Infrastructure in the Arctic in Times of Geopolitical Tensions
  • Alexander Lott :
    EU’s approach to naval operations
  • Alexander Lott :
    Eesti merealused elektriühendused merendusjulgeoleku(õiguse) perspektiivist (Estonia's submarine electric cables from the perspective of maritime security law)
  • Alexander Lott :
    07. Mar 2024 FULLTEKST / DATA
  • Alexander Lott :
    Balticconnector case more sabotage than an accident, experts say
    16. Feb 2024 FULLTEKST / DATA
  • Alexander Lott :
    Jaanus Piirsalu. Uus võimas relv: blokeerime Vene nafta- ja kaubaveo Läänemerel
    06. Mar 2024 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott, Magne Frostad :
    The Use of Force Against or Defence of Merchant Ships and the Regime of International Straits Applied in an Operational Context
  • Alexander Lott :
    Increasing the Legal Resilience of Critical Offshore Infrastructure in the Context of Hybrid Warfare
  • Alexander Lott :
    Current legal challenges of securing critical offshore infrastructure
  • Alexander Lott :
    Researcher: Damage to underwater infrastructure often remains unresolved
    25. Oct 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Scientist: Closing access to Baltic Sea possible only partially, during war
    22. Oct 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Kas Eesti või Soome saanuks arestida NewNew Polar Beari? (Were Estonia or Finland entitled to arrest NewNew Polar Bear?)
    ERR News 04. Nov 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Sabotaaž merealuse taristu vastu on üha tavapärasem
    ERR News 11. Oct 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Researcher: Imposing 'innocent passage' in Gulf of Finland impossible
    30. Oct 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Attacks against Europe’s Offshore Infrastructure within and beyond the Territorial Sea under Jus ad Bellum
    EJIL:Talk! 17. Oct 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Mait Ots, Alexander Lott :
    Estonian foreign ministry wants to extend controlled maritime area
    17. Jan 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Kas Eesti sulgeb külgvööndiga Soome lahe Vene laevadele?
    ERR (Estonian Public Broadcasting) 2023
  • Alexander Lott :
    Sabotasje mot undersjøisk infrastruktur er stadig mer vanlig
    Skipsrevyen 2023 ARKIV
  • Alexander Lott :
    Kaitseministeerium mõtleb merealadel kontrolli laiendamise peale
    06. Dec 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    The Balticconnector Incident in the Gulf of Finland
  • Alexander Lott :
    Legal Responses to Hybrid Threats under the Law of the Sea
  • Alexander Lott :
    Tallinn Conference on the Law of the Sea and Hybrid Warfare (LOSFARE), organizing the event and delivering the concluding words
  • Alexander Lott :
    Law of the Sea and Domain Awareness in the Context of Hybrid Warfare
  • Alexander Lott :
    Russia-Ukraine (Hybrid) Naval Warfare 2018-2022 and the Proceedings before the Annex VII Arbitral Tribunal
  • Katarina Koivisto, Alexander Lott :
    Gasläckorna hotar inte Östersjöns vapengravar – men nog den marina miljön: "Hade varit tryggare med en ledning på land"
    30. Sep 2022
  • Alexander Lott :
    Å sprenge sjøminer fra andre verdens­krig er dødelig for sjøpattedyr
    2022 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    Norway’s practice of blowing up WWII sea mines is deadly for marine mammals
    2022 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    Maritime security and the law of the sea – A Baltic perspective
  • Alexander Lott :
    Nord Streami plahvatused ja Eesti keskkonnajulgeolek (The Nord Stream Explosions and Estonia’s Environmental Security)
    ERR (Estonian Public Broadcasting) 2022
  • Alexander Lott :
    2022 FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    Presentation on my research on the law of the sea and hybrid warfare
  • Alexander Lott :
    In-person interview with Alexander Lott
  • Alexander Lott :
    International Straits
  • Alexander Lott :
    Sõda ja õigus: jõukasutusest merel Ukraina sõja ja hübriidkonfliktide taustal
  • Alexander Lott :
    Russia’s Blockade in the Sea of Azov: A Call for Relief Shipments for Mariupol
    EJIL:Talk! 14. Mar 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Alexander Lott :
    Vene agressioon ja mere(sõja)õigus (The Russian Aggression and the Law of the Sea/Naval Warfare)
    ERR (Estonian Public Broadcasting) 2022
  • Alexander Lott :
    Alexander Lott: merepiiri muutmine tooks soovitule vastupidise tulemuse
    Postimees 2022

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →