Md Jalal Uddin,
Kjersti Julin,
Herman S. Overkleeft,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Christian Stephan Lentz
Activity-Based Protein Profiling Identifies an α-Amylase Family Protein Contributing to the Virulence of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
ACS Infectious Diseases 2025
Roni Miah,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Morten Kjos,
Christian Stephan Lentz
Development of an inducer-free, virulence gene promoter-controlled, and fluorescent reporter-labeled CRISPR interference system in Staphylococcus aureus
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh,
Tirthankar Halder,
Anel Mahmutovic,
Clément Ajayi,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
et al.:
Single-cell phenotypic profiling and backtracing exposes and predicts clinically relevant subpopulations in isogenic Staphylococcus aureus communities
Jeanette Slettnes Grunnvåg,
Kristin Hegstad,
Christian Stephan Lentz
Activity-based protein profiling of serine hydrolases and penicillin-binding proteins in Enterococcus faecium
Stephen Dela Ahator,
Karoline Wenzl,
Kristin Hegstad,
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Mona Susan Johannessen
Comprehensive virulence profiling and evolutionary analysis of specificity determinants in Staphylococcus aureus two-component systems
Stephen Dela Ahator,
Kristin Hegstad,
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Mona Susan Johannessen
Deciphering Staphylococcus aureus–host dynamics using dual activity-based protein profiling of ATP-interacting proteins
Matthias Fellner,
Annabel Walsh,
Stephen Dela Ahator,
Nadia Aftab,
Ben Sutherland,
Eng W Tan
et al.:
Biochemical and Cellular Characterization of the Function of Fluorophosphonate-Binding Hydrolase H (FphH) in Staphylococcus aureus Support a Role in Bacterial Stress Response
ACS Infectious Diseases 2023
Md Jalal Uddin,
Hermen S. Overkleeft,
Christian Stephan Lentz
Activity-Based Protein Profiling in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Reveals the Broad Reactivity of a Carmofur-Derived Probe
Jonathan Hira,
Md Jalal Uddin,
Marius Myreng Haugland,
Christian Stephan Lentz
From Differential Stains to Next Generation Physiology: Chemical Probes to Visualize Bacterial Cell Structure and Physiology
Matthias Fellner,
Christian Lentz,
Sam A Jamieson,
Jodi L Brewster,
Linhai Chen,
Matthew Bogyo
et al.:
Structural Basis for the Inhibitor and Substrate Specificity of the Unique Fph Serine Hydrolases of Staphylococcus aureus
ACS Infectious Diseases 2020
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh
Gjennombrudd i bakterieforskning: Fant bakterienåla i høystakken.
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh
Håper nyutviklet metode skal motvirke uforklarlig svikt i antibiotika-behandling
Jasmin Wilhelmsen,
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Inari Talvikki Kursula
Exploring phenotypic heterogeneity of fibronectin binding proteins in Isogenic populations of Staphylococcus aureus
Anna-Luisa Warnke,
Bhupender Singh,
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Marius Myreng Haugland
Synthesis of fluorescently labeled aminoglycoside antibiotics
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh,
Clément Ajayi,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Christian Stephan Lentz
Sorting out their differences – High-throughput phenotypic profiling of single cells and subpopulations within isogenic bacterial pathogen cell populations
Christian Stephan Lentz
Mapping adaptive changes to antimicrobial resistance to cefiderocol
Christian Stephan Lentz
Functional differentiation of single bacteria with chemical probes
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh,
Theresa Maria Wagner,
Kristin Hegstad,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Christian Stephan Lentz
A high-throughput platform for phenotypic profiling of bacteria coupled to single cell-derived growth analysis
Christian Stephan Lentz
Chemical Probes in Bacterial Infection Biology - From identification of new virulence factors to phenotypic profiling of single cells
Christian Lentz,
Theresa Wagner,
Bhupender Singh,
Md Jalal Uddin,
Gaute Hovde Bø,
Jeanette Grunnvåg
et al.:
Standen "Bli med...som mikrobejeger" på Forskningstorget i Trømso, Forskningsdagene.
Laura J Keller,
Christian Lentz,
Y Erin Chen,
Rebecca J Metivier,
Eranthie Weerapana,
Michael A Fischbach
et al.:
Characterization of Serine Hydrolases Across Clinical Isolates of Commensal Skin Bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis Using Activity-Based Protein Profiling
ACS Infectious Diseases 2020