Silvia Anna Cordieri,
Chiara Bordin,
Sambeet Mishra
A bottom-up optimization model for solar organic Rankine cycle in the context of transactive energy trading
Energy Systems, Springer Verlag 2025
Sambeet Mishra,
Thiago Lima Silva,
Lars Hellemo,
Stefan Jaehnert,
Lars Even Egner,
Sobah Abbas Petersen
et al.:
Agent-based modeling: Insights into consumer behavior, urban dynamics, grid management, and market interactions
Energy Strategy Reviews 2025
Sulabh Sachan,
Sambeet Mishra,
Thomas Øyvang,
Chiara Bordin
Comparison of Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Methods in IEEE 30 Bus System
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 2024
Abd Alelah Derbas,
Chiara Bordin,
Sambeet Mishra,
Frede Blaabjerg
ANN-Based Real-Time Optimal Voltage Control In Islanded AC Microgrids
IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 2024
Sambeet Mishra,
Praveen Prakash Singh,
Ivar Kiitam,
Muhammad Shafiq,
Ivo Palu,
Chiara Bordin
Diagnostics analysis of partial discharge events of the power cables at various voltage levels using ramping behavior analysis method
Electric power systems research 2024
Abd Alelah Derbas,
Chiara Bordin,
Sambeet Mishra,
Mohsen hamzeh,
Frede Blaabjerg
AC Microgrid Modeling and Adaptive Control Using Biomimetic Valence Learning: An AI-Based Approach
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2024
Martin Haug,
Chiara Bordin,
Sambeet Mishra,
Julien Moisan
Prescriptive analytics for optimal multi-use battery energy storage systems operation: State-of-the-art and research directions
Procedia Computer Science 2023
Chiara Bordin,
Sambeet Mishra,
Fred Espen Benth
Pedagogical Perspectives of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Research: An Energy System Modelling Outlook in Relation to Energy Informatics
Sambeet Mishra,
Chiara Bordin,
Qiuwei Wu,
Henri Manninen
Resilient expansion planning of virtual power plant with an integrated energy system considering reliability criteria of lines and towers
International Journal of Energy Research 2022
Sambeet Mishra,
Chiara Bordin,
Kota Taharaguchi,
Adri Purkayastha
Predictive analytics beyond time series: Predicting series of events extracted from time series data
Sambeet Mishra,
Cletus John Crasta,
Chiara Bordin,
Jordi Mateo-Fornés
Smart contract formation enabling energy-as-a-service in a virtual power plant
International Journal of Energy Research 2022
Sambeet Mishra,
Chiara Bordin
A Health-Energy Nexus Perspective for Virtual Power Plants: Power Systems Resiliency and Pandemic Uncertainty Challenges
Sambeet Mishra,
Chiara Bordin,
Madis Leinakse,
Fushuan Wen,
Robert J. Howlett,
Ivo Palu
Virtual Power Plants and Integrated Energy System: Current Status and Future Prospects
Marte Fodstad,
Pedro Crespo del Granado,
Lars Hellemo,
Brage Rugstad Knudsen,
Paolo Pisciella,
Antti Silvast
et al.:
Next frontiers in energy system modelling: A review on challenges and the state of the art
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2022
Amin Ziagham Ahwazi,
Chiara Bordin,
Sambeet Mishra,
Hoai Phuong Ha,
Alexander Horsch
VEDA - moVE DAta to balance the grid: research directions and recommendations for exploiting data centers flexibility within the power system
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2021
Chiara Bordin,
Asgeir Tomasgard
Behavioural change in green transportation: Micro-economics perspectives and optimization strategies
Chiara Bordin,
Sambeet Mishra,
Amir Safari,
Frank Eliassen
Educating the energy informatics specialist: opportunities and challenges in light of research and industrial trends
SN Applied Sciences 30. May 2021
Chiara Bordin,
Sambeet Mishra,
Ivo Palu
A multihorizon approach for the reliability oriented network restructuring problem, considering learning effects, construction time, and cables maintenance costs
Chiara Bordin,
Amin Ziagham Ahwazi,
Sambeet Mishra,
Alexander Horsch,
Hoai Phuong Ha
Sustainable and decarbonized data-center facilities: A socio-techno-economic discussion
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe 2021
Jesus Lizana,
Chiara Bordin,
Talieh Rajabloo
Integration of solar latent heat storage towards optimal small-scale combined heat and power generation by Organic Rankine Cycle
Journal of Energy Storage 2020
Sambeet Mishra,
Esin Oren,
Chiara Bordin,
Fushuan Wen,
Ivo Palu
Features extraction of wind ramp events from a virtual wind park
Sambeet Mishra,
Chiara Bordin,
Kota Taharaguchi,
Ivo Palu
Comparison of deep learning models for multivariate prediction of time series wind power generation and temperature
Chiara Bordin,
Hans Ivar Skjelbred,
Jiehong Kong,
Zhirong Yang
Machine Learning for Hydropower Scheduling: State of the Art and Future Research Directions
Procedia Computer Science 2020
Chiara Bordin,
Anne Håkansson,
Sambeet Mishra
Smart Energy and power systems modelling: an IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems perspective, in the context of Energy Informatics
Procedia Computer Science 2020
Sambeet Mishra,
Chiara Bordin,
Ivo Palu
RNR: Reliability oriented Network Restructuring
IEEE conference proceedings 2019
Sambeet Mishra,
Chiara Bordin,
Asgeir Tomasgard,
Ivo Palu
A multi-agent system approach for optimal microgrid expansion planning under uncertainty
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 2019
Chiara Bordin,
Olve Mo
Including Power Management Strategies and Load Profiles
in the Mathematical Optimization of Energy Storage Sizing for Fuel Consumption Reduction in Maritime Vessels
Journal of Energy Storage 2019
Sambeet Mishra,
Chiara Bordin,
Christoph Würsig,
Ivo Palu
Multivariate Scenario Generation -An Arima and Copula Approach
International Journal of Modeling and Optimization 2019
Sambeet Mishra,
Chiara Bordin,
Jordi Mateo Fornes,
Ivo Palu
Reliability framework for power network assessment
Chiara Bordin,
Asgeir Tomasgard
SMACS MODEL, a stochastic multihorizon approach for charging sites management, operations, design, and expansion under limited capacity conditions
Journal of Energy Storage 2019
Chiara Bordin,
Oghenetejiri Harold Anuta,
Andrew Crossland,
Isabel Lascurain Gutierrez,
Chris J. Dent,
Daniele Vigo
A linear programming approach for battery degradation analysis and optimization in offgrid power systems with solar energy integration
Renewable Energy 2017
Ahmad Asrul Ibrahim,
Behzad Kazemtabrizi,
Chiara Bordin,
Chris J. Dent,
Joshua D. McTigue,
Alexander J. White
Pumped thermal electricity storage for active distribution network applications
Chiara Bordin,
Angelo Gordini,
Daniele Vigo
An optimization approach for district heating strategic network design
European Journal of Operational Research 2016
Chiara Bordin,
Daniele Vigo,
Angelo Gordini
Mathematical Optimisation for the Strategic Design and Extension of District Heating Networks
Chiara Bordin
Mathematical Optimization Applied to Thermal and Electrical Energy Systems (PhD Thesis)
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Automatica e ricerca operativa, 27 Ciclo 2015
Koen van Greevenbroek,
Chiara Bordin,
Sambeet Mishra
Flexible time aggregation for energy systems modelling
Gunhild Allard Reigstad,
Paula Coussy,
Julian Straus,
Chiara Bordin,
Stefan Jaehnert,
Sigmund Østtveit Størset
et al.:
Hydrogen for Europe - Final report of the pre-study
Chiara Bordin,
Asgeir Tomasgard
Stochastic Multihorizon Approach for Charging Sites Management, Operations, Design and Expansion under Limited Capacity Conditions
Chiara Bordin,
Asgeir Tomasgard
Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles through Indirect Control and Smart Price Signals
Chiara Bordin,
Asgeir Tomasgard
The Effect of Drivers Elasticity on The Optimal Pricing And Management Of Electric Vehicles Charging
Chiara Bordin,
Oghenetejiri Harold Anuta,
Andrew Crossland,
Isabel Lascurain Gutierrez,
Chris J. Dent,
Daniele Vigo
Linear Programming Approach for Optimal Battery Operation in Off-Grid Solar Power Schemes, with Consideration of Battery Degradation
Chiara Bordin,
Daniele Vigo
A decision support tool for the optimal distribution of thermal energy
Chiara Bordin,
Daniele Vigo
Optimization approach for district heating strategic network design