Adrian Verhoef

  • Adrian Verhoef, Emmanuel De Ridder, Jan Degrève, Bart Van der Bruggen :
    Determination of Activities in Membrane Processes: The UNIQUAC Model Expressed in Mole and Mass Fractions
    AIChE Journal 2010 DOI
  • Ben Bettens, Adrian Verhoef, Henk van Veen, Jan Degrève, Bart Van der Bruggen, Carlo Vandecasteele :
    Pervaporation of binary water–alcohol and methanol–alcohol mixtures through microporous methylated silica membranes: Maxwell–Stefan modeling
    Computers and Chemical Engineering 2010 DOI
  • Ben Bettens, Adrian Verhoef, Henk van Veen, Jan Degrève, Bart Van der Bruggen, Carlo Vandecasteele :
    Adsorption of Pure Vapor Species on Microporous Silica Membranes and Silica Pellets
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010 DOI
  • Adrian Verhoef, Emmanuel De Ridder, Ben Bettens, Jan Degrève, Bart Van der Bruggen :
    Maxwell-Stefan in mass fractions for numerical simulation of the pervaporation process
    Computer-aided chemical engineering 2009 DOI
  • Adrian Verhoef, Jan Degrève, Bart Huybrechts, Henk van Veen, Paul Pex, Bart Van der Bruggen :
    Simulation of a hybrid pervaporation-distillation prosess
    Computers and Chemical Engineering 2008 DOI
  • Adrian Verhoef, Alberto Figoli, Bram Leen, Ben Bettens, Enrico Drioli, Bart Van der Bruggen :
    Performance of a nanofiltration membrane for removal of ethanol from aqueous solutions by pervaporation
    Separation and Purification Technology 2008 DOI

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