
Facility Collaboration
- We are a member of the European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine (EATRIS)
National Collaborators (Norway)
- Assoc. Prof. Tom Christian Holm Adamsen, Rune Gildsig, Irene Skaar (PhD), Ole Heine Kvernenes (PhD), Karl Fredrik Strømsheim Alnes (PhD), Haukeland University Hospital
- Prof. Hans-René Bjørsvik, Prof. Bengt Erik Haug, Assoc. Prof. Erwan Le Roux, University of Bergen
- Prof. Tone Frost Bathen, Assoc. Prof. Live Eikenes, Assoc. Prof. Eirik Sundby, Prof. Bård Helge Hoff, Assoc. Prof. Sjoerd Hak, Assoc. Prof. Marius Widerøe, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Morten Karlsen (PhD), Oskar Middel (PhD), St. Olav’s University Hospital
- Prof. Robert Jenssen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Assoc. Prof. Jørn H. Hansen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Prof. Ingebrigt Sylte, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Assoc. Prof. Stian Normann Anfinsen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Project Collaborators
- Prof. Kristin Andreassen Fenton, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Prof. Ole-Jakob How, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Assoc. Prof. Anne Dragøy Hafstad, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- Prof. Natasa Skalko-Basnet, UiT The Arctic University of Norway: Drug transport and delivery
- Olaug Hjelstuen, Kinga Tkacz-Stachowska, Erik Flatmark, Bente Tange, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE): Tracer development
- Sindre Hassfjell (PhD), Teresa Palmer (PhD), Roar Skartlien (PhD), Institute for Energy Technology (IFE): Tracer development and theranostics
- Prof. Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund, UiT The Arctic University of Norway: Biobank
- Prof. Magne Olav Sydnes, University of Stavanger (UiS): Tracer development
- Else Marit Inderberg (PhD), Oslo University Hospital: BrainSTORM project
International Collaborators
- Steen Jakobsen (PhD), Aarhus University, Denmark
- Prof. Mikael Jensen, Andreas Tue Ingemann Jensen (PhD), Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Assist. Prof. Jason Cai, Yale University, USA
- Prof. Sanjiv Sam Gambhir, Stanford University, USA
- Assist. Prof. Lorenzo Galluzzi, Weill Cornell Medical College, USA
- Prof. Frank Verhaegen, Maastro Clinic and University of Maastricht, Netherlands
- Prof. Willem J Mulder, Icahn School of Medicine, USA
- Prof. Roger Lecomte, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
- Prof. Bernhard Sattler, University of Leipzig, Germany
- Assoc. Prof. Peter J. H. Scott, University of Michigan, USA
- Assoc. Prof. Éva Frank, University of Szeged, Hungary
- Prof. Regine Süss, University of Freiburg, Germany
- Prof. Andrzej J. Bojarski and Prof. Andrzej Pilc, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
- Prof. Markus Fendt, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany
- Prof. Poul F. Høilund-Carlsen, Odense University Hospital, Denmark
- Prof. Abass Alavi, University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Prof. Silvija Markic, Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany
Contact Group Leader Rune Sundset, Assoc. Prof., MD, PhD |
Visit us Hansine Hansens veg 82, Tromsø UiT The Arctic University of Norway Colocated with PET Imaging Center The University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) |
Mailing address Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Biology Research Group Department of Clinical Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences UiT The Arctic University of Norway 9037 Tromsø Norway |