Bilde av Ho, Tu Dac
Bilde av Ho, Tu Dac
Elektroteknologiija instituhtta +4776966261 +47 9300 6185 Narvik You can find me here

Tu Dac Ho


I have been an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) since 2019.  I received MSc and PhD degrees from Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, in 2005 and 2011, respectively, in wireless communications. I was also an Assistant Professor at Waseda University of Japan (2011--2012), a postdoctoral fellow at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2012--2014), and a senior researcher at SINTEF Norway (2014--2018). In recent ten years, I have participated in and led nearly ten medium and large scientific projects in Norway and Europe focusing on, e.g., communications in the Arctic and the application of unmanned aerial vehicles in autonomous systems. My research interests include communications and networking, communication protocols, the Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks, cyber-physical systems, network and system optimization, and communications/path planning for unmanned systems. I have served as a committee member/reviewer for many journals from publishers such as IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, IET, IEICE, and AIAA and flagship conferences such as GLOBECOM, ICC, and WCNC. I have published over 50 international peer-reviewed publications and book chapters, many of which are in high-tier journals.

I am a Senior member of the IEEE and an Editorial Board Member of Modern Subsea Engineering and Technology.

For projects work (see Research section), I am currently a key member of the small satellite strategy project at UiT (, a d FRIPRO project in space debris detection and monitoring (, and leading an EU project (total budget of ca. 2 million Euro) in the areas of developing autonomous energy harvesting technology and sensor data network for new IoT application in the cold regions ( I am also the co-PI of a newly granted project supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency for a research collaborations with Top teams from US (Univ. of Houston), UK (Belfast Univ.), Canada (Memorial Univ.), Australia, and Japan (Waseda Univ., Keio Univ.) and Norway (NTNU, UiT).

In addition to research, I also have several years experiences of teaching in universities in the leading technology university in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh University of Science and Technology), Waseda University in Japan, and UiT, The Arctic University of Norway. I am also leading some initiatives in the joint development of Master's study programs with leading universities in Vietnam, Indonesia and India. 

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Scholar Profile     Research Gate     Work in Cristin

On-Going Projects: 

1. Co-PI of Norway in a research collaboration project funded by Japanese Science and Technology Agency. The areas will be AI/ML, Quantum computing, 6G/B6G, IoT, Non Terrestrial Network (Satellite, HAPS, UAV), Autonomous Vehicles. Project period: 03/2024-03/2029 (3.5 mil. USD).
2. Project leader (HE4T - EU Interreg Aurora)  01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025  (2 mil. Euro) HE4T

3. Project participant in QBDebris (FRIPRO) 07/2023-12/2027 (13.4 mil. NOK) QBDebris

4. WP Leader (Key scientist) - Student Satellite Project at UiT 2022-2028 (8 mil. NOK) UNiCube


Submitted articles (updated July 2024):

 1. Two papers were accepted at the IEEE ICCE Conference in Danang, Vietnam (July-August 2024)

a.  Hieu V. Nguyen et al. "Joint Latency Minimization and Power Allocation for MEC-Enabled MU-MISO Networks".

b.  Nguyen Phuong Tu et al. "A Flexible Residual Neural Network for Rician Noise Removal in MR Images".

2. Two papers were accepted at the PIMRC conference in Valencia, Spain (Sept. 2-6):

a. Selma Yahia et al. "Dynamic 3D UAV Placement Optimization: Improved Bonobo Optimizer for Enhanced Coverage and Communication".

b.  Joy Dutta et al. "Advanced eHealth With Explainable AI: Secured by Blockchain With AI-Empowered Block Sensitivity for Adaptive Authentication". 

3. Aicha Meghraoui et al. "Secure Vehicular Visible Light Communications via STAR-RIS: Secrecy Capacity Evaluation" presented at Meditcom 2nd International Workshop on Advanced & Lightweight Security Solutions for 6G Systems (July 2024).

4. Sicong Li et al. "Optimizing mmWave UAV Networks: Mobility-Aware Deployment and Resource Allocation", submitted to IEEE VTC Fall 2024 (WKS: Empowered Ambient Intelligence: Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities (6G-EmAI)) in Washington (Oct. 2024)

5. Kd M Raziul IslamA Low-Profile Metasurface Absorber for Ultra-Wideband and Polarization-Insensitive Performance in X- and Ku-Bands", submitted to IEEE Globecom (Dec. 2024)

6. Nguyen Quoc Long et al. "Deep Learning for Outage Probability Minimization in Secure NOMA Energy Harvesting UAV IoT Networks", published in Springer Mobile Networks and Applications Journal (May 2024).

7. Van Nhan Vo et al. "Performance Optimization for Hybrid TS/PS SWIPT UAV in Cooperative NOMA IoT Networks ", accepted to be published in Alexandria Engineering Journal.

8. Van Nhan Vo et al. "Deep Learning-Driven Throughput Maximization in Covert Communication for UAV-RIS Cognitive Systems", submitted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

 9. Xiaolun Xu et al. "Towards future Vessel Traffic Service: A centralized optimization-based approach for multi-vessel collision avoidance", submitted to IEEE Access (July 2024)

Selective publications:

1. Selma Yahia, Yassine Meraihi, Amar Ramdane-Cherif, Tu Dac Ho and Hossien B. Eldeeb, "Enhancement of Vehicular Visible Light Communication Using Spherical Detector and Custom Lens Combinations", IEEE Access (, Feb. 2023 (IF=3.45).

2. Viet-Hung Dang, Le-Mai-Duyen Nguyen, Van Nhan Vo, Hung Tran, Tu Dac Ho, Chakchai So-In, Surasak Sanguanpong, "Throughput Optimization for NOMA Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio with Multi-UAV-Assisted Relaying under Security Constraints," in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. DOI: 10.1109/TCCN.2022.3225165. (IF=6.35)

3. Van Nhan Vo, Viet-Hung Dang, Hung Tran, Dac-Binh Ha, Cong Le, Tu Dac Ho, Chakchai So-In, "Secondary Network Throughput Optimization of NOMA Cognitive Radio Networks Under Power and Secure Constraints",  IEEE Access, Apr. 2023. (Link)(IF=3.45)

4. Tu Dac Ho, Grøtli Esten Ingar, Sujit P.B., Johansen Tor Arne, Sousa Joao Borges, "Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network and UAV Data Acquisition", Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, ISSN: 0921-0296, pp. 159-179, 2015. (IF=3.13)

5. Grancharova Alexandra, Grøtli Esten Ingar, Tu Dac Ho, Johansen Tor Arne, "UAVs Trajectory Planning by Distributed MPC under Radio Communication Path Loss Constraints," Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, ISSN: 0921-0296, pp. 115-134, 2014. (IF=3.13)

6. T. D. Ho, J. Park, S. Shimamoto, and J. Kitarori, "Performance Evaluation of Multi-hop Relay Network for Oceanic Air Traffic Control Communication," IEICE Trans. in Communications, vol. E93-B, no.12, pp.-, Jan. 2010.

Areas of interest:

- Integrated Sensing and Communications

- Integrated Satellite and Terrestrial Communications

- UAV-assisted wireless sensor network: Path planning, optimization, and communication protocol

- Massive MIMO, NOMA and Green radio communication protocols

- Sensors instrumentation, Energy harvesting, and Low power access network (LPAN)

- UAV-assisted beyond 6G network and applications

- Free space optical communications in the Arctic conditions: propagation model, experiments, and modulations (for movable platforms)

- Visible Light Communications (VLC) for indoor and Outdoors applications: channel modelling, optimizations, MIMO, NOMA, and Energy Harvesting

- Applied Intelligence for wireless communications

Member of research group


 Tu Dac Ho, PhD.

Associate Professor in wireless and satellite communications at UiT

Head of Master Program in Aerospace Engineering at UiT

Visiting researcher at Waseda University of Japan

Expert in maritime ICT, electronics, programming, and Data Science

Key Qualifications

• Excellent solution-oriented solver. Creative and innovative mindset
• 10-year experience in wireless communications and networking in academia
• 5-year experience in QoS control and core connection in Mobile operator
• Active in national and international collaboration with academic and industrial partners
• University pedagogic skills and own teaching method
• Skilful in radio Lab systems, numerical methods, analysis, and optimization

04.08 –03.11
PhD studies - Waseda University, Japan

09.03 - 08.05
Master studies  -Waseda University, Japan

Work experiences:

2019-: Associate Professor at Electronic Engineering department   (UiT, Norway)

2023-: Head of a Master study program: Aerospace Engineering (UiT, Norway)

2023-: Visiting Researcher at Global Information and Telecommunication Institute, Waseda University.

2019: Eldor AS, Stavanger

2016-2019: Invited lecturer UiT, Tromsø

2014 –2018:  Research scientist SINTEF (Originally MARINTEK before 2016), Trondheim

2012-2013: Postdoc researcher NTNU, Trondheim

2011-2011: Lecturer (Assitant Professor) at Waseda University, Japan

2005-2007: Lecturer at HoChiMinh University of Technology, Vietnam

1999-2003: Expert in ICT and Telephone network, VNPT Vietnam