Current projects
Developing good ocean governance of the Arctic in times of unpredictable and rapid changes (DOGA)
Law of the Sea and Hybrid Warfare (LOSFARE)
Past projects
A-LEX: Regulating Arctic Shipping: Political, legal, technological and environmental Challenges
Arctic Shipping through Challenging Waters
BIOs-POLAR: Legal frameworks for bioprospecting and bio-innovation in Polar Regions
EU_ARCTYCA: Boosting the EU Arctic Policy: security, safety and sustainability
MARine Pollution in the Arctic: origin, status, costs and incentives for Prevention (“MARP3”)
Ongoing PhD-projects
Apostolos Tsiouvalas - Sovereignty and Territoriality in the Seascape: From Inertia to Kinesis
Bjørn Bakke - the Marine Resource Act and Principles of Environmental Law
Julia Gaunce -The other Polar Code: subjectivity and the regulation of ships in Arctic waters
Ingrid Solstad Andreassen - The Ecosystem Approach in International Fisheries Law: Evaluating the role and potential of Regional Fisheries Management Organization
Mana Tugend - Rights for the Arctic Ocean: A Path Towards Sustainability?
Mathilde Morel - Low Trophic Aquaculture
Mazyar Ahmad - Mankind within the concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind: A Critical Review