Gabriella Óturai

  • Solveig Flatebø, Gabriella Oturai, Mikolaj Lukasz Hernik :
    No evidence for adult smartphone use affecting attribution of communicative intention in toddlers: Online imitation study using the Sock Ball Task
  • Linda Johansen, Gabriella Oturai, Ann-Kathrin Jaggy, Sonja Perren :
    Longitudinal associations between preschool children’s theory of mind, emotion understanding, and positive peer relationships
    International Journal of Behavioral Development 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gabriella Óturai, Cordian Riener, Sarah Martiny :
    Attitudes towards mathematics, achievement, and drop-out intentions among STEM and Non-STEM students in Norway
    International Journal of Educational Research Open 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Audun Rosslund, Julien Mayor, Gabriella Óturai, Natalia Kartushina :
    Parents’ hyper-pitch and low vowel category variability in infant-directed speech are associated with 18-month-old toddlers’ expressive vocabulary
    Language Development Research 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ziyon Kim, Gabriella Óturai, Ildikó Király, Monika Hirte, Monika Knopf :
    A variation of the social context in the warm-up period influences 18-month-olds’ imitation
    Cognitive development 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gabriella Óturai, Thorsten Kolling, Monika Knopf :
    Developmental trend towards exact imitation in the second year of life: Evidence from a longitudinal study
    International Journal of Behavioral Development 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gabriella Oturai, Johanne Sofie Dalvik, Sarah E. Martiny :
    Elementary School Children’s Perception of Mathematicians
  • Gabriella Oturai, Sarah Elisabeth Martiny, Johanne Sofie Dalvik, Cordian Benedikt Riener :
    Norwegian students' views on mathematics and mathematicians
  • Vårinn Hauan Nilsen, Gabriella Oturai, Monika Abels :
    Preschool Staff's Child-Rearing Values and Behaviors in Relation to Children's Theory of Mind understanding in Norway
  • Julie Borge Blystad, Gabriella Oturai :
    Botox kan hemme både foreldres og barns emosjonsforståelse 2024
  • Gabriella Oturai, Annette Sundqvist, Paula Döge, Monika Abels :
    Distinguishing Real and Apparent Emotions: Preschoolers’ Hidden Emotion Understanding in Different Cultural and Social Contexts (EADP Collaboration project symposium)
  • Monika Abels, Paula Döge, Gabriella Oturai, Annette Sundqvist :
    Cultural differences in children’s understanding of hidden emotions
  • Paula Döge, Monika Abels, Gabriella Oturai, Annette Sundqvist :
    Preschoolers’ understanding of hidden emotions: what can be learned from testing multiple emotions across varying social contexts?
  • Vårinn Hauan Nilsen, Gabriella Oturai, Monika Abels :
    Norwegian preschool staff’s child-rearing values and behaviors in relation to children's Theory of Mind understanding.
  • Vårinn Hauan Nilsen, Gabriella Oturai, Monika Abels :
    Norwegian preschool staff’s child-rearing values and behaviors in relation to children's Theory of Mind understanding
  • Audun Rosslund, Julien Mayor, Gabriella Óturai, Natalia Kartushina :
    Parents’ hyper pitch and vowel category compactness in infant-directed speech are associated with 18-month-old toddlers’ expressive vocabulary.
  • Audun Rosslund, Julien Mayor, Gabriella Óturai, Natalia Kartushina :
    Parents’ hyper pitch and vowel category compactness in infant-directed speech are associated with 18-month-old toddlers’ expressive vocabulary
  • Audun Rosslund, Julien Mayor, Gabriella Óturai, Natalia Kartushina :
    Parents’ hyper pitch and vowel category compactness in infant-directed speech are associated with 18-month-old toddlers’ expressive vocabulary
  • Audun Rosslund, Julien Mayor, Gabriella Óturai, Natalia Kartushina :
    Parents’ hyper pitch and vowel category compactness in infant-directed speech are associated with 18-month-old toddlers’ expressive vocabulary
  • Monika Abels, Gabriella Óturai, Gunn Kristin Øberg, Ragnhild B. Håkstad :
    A cross-cultural view on infant stimulation
  • Gabriella Óturai :
    The Impact of Ritual on Child Cognition, by Veronika Rybanska. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020. ix + 203 pages, $ 103.50. ISBN: 9781350108929
    Journal for the Cognitive Science of Religion 2022 DOI
  • Audun Rosslund, Julien Mayor, Gabriella Óturai, Natalia Kartushina :
    Babytalk in Tromsø
  • Solveig Flatebø, Linda Johansen, Gabriella Óturai :
    18-month-old infants' imitation in a short-term design: the impact of meeting the same or a new model on both test days
  • Solveig Flatebø, Linda Johansen, Gabriella Óturai :
    18-month-old infants' imitation in a short-term design: the impact of meeting the same or a new model on both test days
  • Linda Johansen, Sonja Perren, Gabriella Oturai :
    Strengthening children's Theory of Mind and social skills using animated cartoons
  • Solveig Flatebø, Monika Abels, Gabriella Óturai, Mikołaj Hernik :
    Stand på Forskningstorget og Åpen lab på Forskningsdagene
  • Solveig Flatebø, Gabriella Óturai :
    Between selective and exact imitation: 18 months-old’s performance in three types of imitation tasks
  • Monika Abels, Solveig Flatebø, Mikołaj Hernik, Gabriella Óturai :
    Populærvitenskapelig presentasjon om utviklingspsykologisk forskning for videregående skoleelever
  • Solveig Flatebø, Gabriella Óturai :
    Stand på Forskningstorget, temakafè i åpen barnehage, aktivitet for skoleelever på Utforsk UiT og Åpen lab på Forskningsdagene
  • Gabriella Óturai :
    Let’s talk about imitation! How do young children learn in social contexts, and what does this have to do with language?
  • Gabriella Óturai :
    18-month-old infants’ imitation across different tasks and contexts
  • Gabriella Óturai, Solveig Flatebø :
    Hvordan barn lærer i de første leveårene
  • Solveig Flatebø, Gabriella Óturai :
    Stand på Forskningstorget campus Breivika og på Finnsnes
  • Kjetil Vik, Gabriella Óturai :
    Fredrik (18 måneder) stiller opp for forskning på babyer
    30. Nov 2017
  • Gabriella Óturai, Solveig Flatebø :
    Hvordan lærer småbarn av andre personer?
  • Gabriella Óturai, Solveig Flatebø :
    Tromsø BabyLab - Spedbarns og småbarns utviklingslab ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet / Tromsø BabyLab - Infant and child development lab at UiT The Arctic University of Norway

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →

    Publications outside Cristin

    Peer-reviewed publications

    Kim, Z., Óturai, G., Király, I., Knopf, M., & Hirte, M. (in press). A variation of the social context in the warm-up period influences 18-month-olds' imitation. Cognitive Development.

    Óturai, G., Kolling, T., & Knopf, M. (2017). Developmental trend towards exact imitation in the second year of life: Evidence from a longitudinal study. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 0165025417713727.

    Kim, Z., Óturai, G., Király, I., & Knopf, M. (2015). The role of objects and effects in action imitation: Comparing the imitation of object-related actions vs. gestures in 18-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 41, 43-51.

    Kolling, T., Óturai, G., & Knopf, M. (2014). Is selective attention the basis for selective imitation in infants? An eye-tracking study of deferred imitation with 12 month-olds. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 124, 18-35. 

    Óturai, G., Kolling, T., & Knopf, M. (2013). Relations between 18-month-olds’ gaze pattern and target action performance: A deferred imitation study with eye tracking. Infant Behavior and Development, 36, 736-748. 

    Óturai, G., Kolling, T., Rubio Hall, L., & Knopf, M. (2012). The role of object functions for deferred imitation – Do infants selectively retain and forget target actions? Infant Behavior and Development, 35, 195-204. 


    Non-peer-reviewed publications

    Óturai, G. & Myllylä, K. (2015). Oppimateriaali: Inside Out – mielen sopukoissa [Learning material: Inside Out]. Helsinki: Koulukino ry. 

    Óturai, G., Holm, I., Malin, R., Myllylä, K., Rahja, R. (2015). Nuorisotyöntekijöiden käsityksiä mediakasvatuksesta [Youth workers’ views of media education]. Helsinki: Mediakasvatusseura ry. 

    Óturai, G. (2015, May 5). Mediakasvatuksella vahvistetaan lasten ymmärrystä mielentiloista [Using media education to foster children’s understanding of mental states] [Blog post].

    Óturai, G., Kolling, T. & Knopf, M. (2010). The effects of functional relevance of action steps on 18-month-olds' deferred imitation performance. In Rita Zukauskiene (Ed.). Proceedings of the XIV. European Conference on Developmental Psychology ECDP. Vilnius, Lithuania, August 18-22, 2009 (pp. 91-94). Pianoro: Medimond.


    Conference presentations1

    Ragó, A. & Óturai, G. (2014, May) The nature of domain specific category knowledge in preschoolers: an eye-tracker study. Poster presented at the VI. Dubrovnik Conference on Cognitive Science, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

    Óturai, G., Kolling, T., Rubio Hall, L., Remmers, F. & Knopf, M. (2012, June) How selective is deferred imitation? Evidence from experimental and eye tracking studies. Conference talk at the 18th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies, Minneapolis, MN.

    Óturai, G., Ragó, A. (2012, January). The impact of intentional-historical information on children`s naming of artifacts. Poster presented at the 2nd Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.

    Óturai, G., Kolling, T., Rubio, L., Remmers, F. & Knopf, M. (2011, January) Selective imitation in a deferred imitation paradigm – Can Eye Tracking provide a deeper understanding? Conference talk at the 1st Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.

    Óturai, G., Kolling, T. & Knopf, M. (2009, August) The effects of functional relevance of action steps on 18-month-olds' deferred imitation performance. Conference talk at the 14th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Vilnius, Lithuania.

    Óturai, G. & Ragó, A. (2008, October) Methodical difficulties in the investigation of object knowledge (orig. in Hungarian). Conference talk at the 16th Conference of the Hungarian Foundation of Cognitive Science, Budapest, Hungary.

    1Posters presented by the first author.


    Invited talks to expert audiences

    How selective is deferred imitation? Evidence from experimental and eye tracking studies. University of California, San Diego (Prof.Gedeon Deák), 28.6.2012

    Imitation and generalization of functional vs. arbitrary target actions. University of California, Los Angeles (Prof. Scott P. Johnson), 19.6.2012

    What can eye tracking tell us about imitation? University of California, Los Angeles (Prof. Scott P. Johnson), 26.10.2010


    Invited talks to broader audiences

    The role of functionality in infants’ perception and imitation of actions. AScI Talks, Aalto Science Institute, Aalto University, Helsinki, 23.4.2014

    Distraction or decision? Why one-year-old children do not imitate arbitrary target actions (orig. in German). Interdisciplinary Colloquium at the Foundation of the Polytechnic Society, Frankfurt am Main, 22.8.2012