Holger Pötzsch,
Eva Christina Makaria Lentz
’The Devil Goes by Many Names’: A Critical Examination of Propaganda, PR, and Fake News as Forms of Information Disorder
Panoptikum 2025
Holger Pötzsch
Spielend bilden? Kritische Betrachtungen zu Videospielen vor deren Einsatz im Unterricht
Holger Pötzsch,
Thomas Spies,
Seyda Kurt
„Denken in einer schlechten Welt“: Von der Notwendigkeit einer kritischen Videospielforschung
Holger Pötzsch
Guilt and Grievability at War: Military Accountability and the Other in Mark of Cain and Battle for Haditha
Holger Pötzsch,
Therese Holt Hansen,
Tobias Staaby,
Emil Lundedal Hammar
Putting the Cybermedia Model into Educational Practice: Expanding the Framework
Holger Pötzsch
Playing in and with Ecological Crises: Ecocritical videogames between attitudes and performance effects
G|A|M|E The Italian Journal of Game Studies 2024
Holger Pötzsch,
Therese H. Hansen,
Emil Lundedal Hammar
Digital Games as Media for Teaching and Learning: A Template for Critical Evaluation
Holger Pötzsch
Manufacturing Monsters Across Media and Genres: Towards
an Interdisciplinary and Multi-Dimensional Research Agenda
on the Cultural Construction of the Other
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2023
Holger Pötzsch,
Emil Lundedal Hammar,
Therese Holt Hansen
Teaching and learning about audio-visual media: A critical media literacy perspective on the use of games in the contemporary upper-secondary classroom
Peter Lang Publishing Group 2023
Holger Pötzsch
Promises, pitfalls and potentials of immersive journalism
Holger Pötzsch
Games and Memory
Palgrave Macmillan 2023
Holger Pötzsch,
Uwe Krüger,
Florian Zollmann
Medienkritik materialistisch: Das Propagandamodell von Herman und Chomsky
Westend Verlag 2023
Holger Pötzsch,
Thomas Spies,
Seyda Kurt
Spiel*Kritik: Kritische Perspektiven auf Videospiele im Kapitalismus
Edward S. Herman,
Noam Chomsky,
Uwe Krüger,
Holger Pötzsch,
Florian Zollmann,
Michael Schiffmann
et al.:
Die Konsensfabrik: Die politische Ökonomie der Massenmedien
Holger Pötzsch
CRAFT & ENCODE present: Gattaca (1997)
Eva Christina Makaria Lentz,
Holger Pötzsch
Hvordan kan man bruke chatbots på en ansvarlig måte?
Holger Pötzsch
CRAFT and ENCODE present: Children of Men (2006)
Holger Pötzsch,
Ulrich Seibert
Die Herrschaft des Monetariats: Deep Lobbying
Holger Pötzsch,
Zoheb Mashiur,
Melania Borit,
Cornel Borit
Between ‘Stochastic Parrots’ and ‘Skynet’: Imaginaries of Data in Films on AI and Autonomous Technologies
Holger Pötzsch
CRAFT & ENCODE present: Alphaville
Holger Pötzsch
ChatGPT & co: Disrupsjon og dannelse
Eva Christina Makaria Lentz,
Holger Pötzsch
Shut up and write ... use ChatGPT: AI as a Challenge in Teaching and Learning
Holger Pötzsch,
Therese Holt Hansen
Chatbotter i skole og samfunn: En innføring og et undervisningsopplegg for samfunnsfag VGS
Holger Pötzsch
From Diagnostics of the Present to Architectures of Preferable Futures: Precarity, Polarization, and the Need for a Progressive Utopian Populism
Holger Pötzsch
CRAFT & ENCODE present: I Am Mother (2019)
Holger Pötzsch
Et valgskred uten velgere
Klassekampen 09. Jul 2024
Holger Pötzsch
Medier, politikk og demokrati: Noen betraktninger rundt tilstanden av våre real-eksisterende vestlige demokratier
Holger Pötzsch
Re-Configuring Petrified Politics: Folk Games as Tools for Progressive Utopianism
Holger Pötzsch
Spiel, (Um)Welt, Materialität: Wie können Spiele zur ökologischen Umstellung beitragen?
Holger Pötzsch
Bildung und Disruption: ChatGPT & co in der Schule
Holger Pötzsch,
Torben Tanne
Spiel*Kritik: Kritische Perspektiven auf Videospiele im Kapitalismus - Diskussion zum Buch
Holger Pötzsch
Holger Pötzsch
Putting ‘the Folk’ in Games and Game Production: How can games serve as tools for progressive populism?
Eva Christina Makaria Lentz,
Holger Pötzsch
Chatboter i skolen (Byggfag)
Eva Christina Makaria Lentz,
Holger Pötzsch
Chatboter i skolen (Realfag)
Jan Erik Frantsvåg,
Justin Michael Parks,
Holger Pötzsch
Running a diamond open access journal (and surviving it): How can we avoid (self-)exploitation and ensure professional publishing without recurring to APCs and similar evils?
Eva Christina Makaria Lentz,
Katrin Losleben,
Holger Pötzsch
Gender, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Higher Education in the Age of Generative AI? Critical AI Literacy in Education
Holger Pötzsch
Progressive Populism on the Road
Holger Pötzsch,
Melania Borit
Kritisk KI-literacy i lærerutdanning og videreutdanning
Holger Pötzsch,
Kristine Jørgensen
Editorial: Critical
Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture 2024
Holger Pötzsch,
John Mcnicol,
Sigurd Tønnessen,
Gillian Catriona Ramchand
Episode 5
Holger Pötzsch
Hva er Chatbotter og hvordan kan vi bruke de i undervisningen?
Holger Pötzsch
Sustainability: Critical Reflections on an Apparently Common-Sensical Term
Holger Pötzsch
Holger Pötzsch,
Kristine Jørgensen
Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture 2023
Holger Pötzsch,
Eva Christina Makaria Lentz
KI, LLMs og utdanning: Hvordan jobbe med ChatGPT & co i VGS
Holger Pötzsch
Gabe Ibanez's Autómata
Holger Pötzsch
From Spectacle to 'Spect-Actor: Immersive Journalism and Ethical Spectatorship
Trine Solberg,
Holger Pötzsch,
Kamilla Knutsen Steinnes,
Hanne Backe Hansen
Ekspertene til bekymrede foreldre: Dette skjer når barna gamer
Holger Pötzsch
Utopier, dystopier og forsteiningen av politikk: Forsøk på en samtidsdiagnose