Tina Haugen,
Joar Øveraas Halvorsen,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Berit Schei,
Cecilie Therese Hagemann,
Marianne Kjelsvik
Therapists perspectives on the Early Intervention after Rape study: a qualitative process evaluation of a randomized controlled trial
Synne Garder Pedersen,
Audny Gabriele Wagner Anke,
Mari Thoresen Løkholm,
Marianne Halvorsen,
Marit Kirkevold,
Guri Anita Heiberg
et al.:
Change characteristics of health-related quality of life and its association with post-stroke fatigue at four-year follow-up
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2024
Synnøve Jensen,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Svein Ivar Mellgren,
Kai Ivar Müller,
Svein Hugo Bergvik,
Kjell Arne Arntzen
Health-Related Quality of Life in FKRP-Related Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy R9
Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases 2024
Karin Louise Abeler,
Svein Hugo Bergvik,
Oddgeir Friborg
Disruption of sleep by one night of in-home
polysomnographic recording: a longitudinal
actigraphy study of patients with chronic
musculoskeletal pain and pain-free controls
Sleep Science and Practice (SSP) 2024
Synne Garder Pedersen,
Audny Gabriele Wagner Anke,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Marte Christine Ørbo,
Mari Thoresen Løkholm,
Marit Kirkevold
et al.:
Metacognitive beliefs, mood symptoms, and fatigue four years after stroke: An explorative study
Charlotte Bjørnskov Goll,
Tore Sørlie,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Karl-Ottar Ottosen,
Rannveig Grøm Sæle
Poorer self-reported mental health and general health among first year upper secondary school students do not predict school dropout: a five-year prospective study
Frontiers in Psychology 2024
Marcus Småvik Dasa,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Morten Kristoffersen,
Gunn Pettersen,
Jørn Vegard Sagen,
Monica Klungland Torstveit
et al.:
Risk and prevalence of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) among professional female football players
European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS) 2024
Tina Haugen,
Joar Øveraas Halvorsen,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Paul Jarle Mork,
Gustav Mikkelsen,
Berit Schei
et al.:
Early Intervention after Rape to prevent post-traumatic stress symptoms (the EIR-study): an internal pilot study of a randomized controlled trial
Ketil Lenert Hansen,
John Fluke,
Dionne Gesink,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Tore Sørlie,
Lisa Merkel-Holguin
et al.:
Study Protocol: The Arctic Childhood Study: a Study of Violence and Health in Indigenous Sámi and Non-Sámi Children and Youth in Arctic Norway—a Mixed Methods Cohort Study Design
International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice 04. May 2023
Synnøve Jensen,
Karin Louise Abeler,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Assami Rösner,
Caroline Olsborg,
Svein Ivar Mellgren
et al.:
Insomnia and sleep-disordered breathing in FKRP-related limb-girdle muscular dystrophy R9. The Norwegian LGMDR9 cohort study (2020)
Marcus Småvik Dasa,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Morten Kristoffersen,
Gunn Pettersen,
Guy Plasqui,
Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen
et al.:
Energy expenditure, dietary intake and energy availability in female professional football players
BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine 2023
Synne Garder Pedersen,
Mari Thoresen Løkholm,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Marianne Halvorsen,
Marit Kirkevold,
Guri Anita Heiberg
et al.:
Visual Problems are Associated with Long-Term Fatigue after Stroke
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2023
Therese Fostervold Mathisen,
Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Solfrid Bratland-Sanda,
Mette Svendsen,
Gunn Pettersen
et al.:
Metabolic profile in women with bulimia nervosa or binge-eating disorder before and after treatment: secondary analysis from the randomized PED-t trial
Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity 27. Apr 2023
Rannveig Grøm Sæle,
Tove I. Dahl,
Tore Sørlie,
Oddgeir Friborg
Note to first-year university students: Just do it! In the end, the fact that you study may be more important than how you study.
Marcus Småvik Dasa,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Morten Kristoffersen,
Gunn Pettersen,
Jørn Vegard Sagen,
Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen
et al.:
Evaluating the Suitability of the Low Energy Availability in Females Questionnaire (LEAF-Q) for Female Football Players
Selma Lie,
Line Norøm Wisting,
Kristin Stedal,
Øyvind Rø,
Oddgeir Friborg
Stressful life events and resilience in individuals with and without a history of eating disorders: a latent class analysis
Journal of Eating Disorders 2023
Marte Christine Ørbo,
Ole Kristian Grønli,
Camilla Larsen,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Zsolt Turi
et al.:
The antidepressant effect of intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS): study protocol for a randomized double-blind sham-controlled trial
Tina Haugen,
Joar Øveraas Halvorsen,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Melanie Rae Simpson,
Paul Jarle Mork,
Gustav Mikkelsen
et al.:
Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial
Vendela Husberg,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Svein Bergvik,
Kamilla Rognmo
Epidemiology of comorbid hazardous alcohol use and insomnia in 19 185 women and men attending the population-based Tromsø Study 2015–2016
Marcus Småvik Tutu Dasa,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Morten Kristoffersen,
Gunn Pettersen,
Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen,
Jan H Rosenvinge
Accuracy of Tracking Devices’ Ability to Assess Exercise Energy Expenditure in Professional Female Soccer Players: Implications for Quantifying Energy Availability
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2022
Ingvild Nordnes Myrbakk,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Anne Høye,
Terje Steigen,
Svein Bergvik
Psychometric evaluation of the Coronary Revascularisation Outcome Questionnaire (CROQ) in Norwegian patients admitted to elective coronary angiography and possible percutaneous coronary intervention
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2022
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Marcus Småvik Dasa,
Morten Kristoffersen,
Gunn Pettersen,
Jorunn Sundgot-Borgen,
Jørn Vegard Sagen
et al.:
Study protocol: Prevalence of low energy availability and its relation to health and performance among female football players.
BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine 2022
Kethe Marie Engen Svantorp-Tveiten,
Andreas Ivarsson,
Monica Klungland Torstveit,
Christine Sundgot-Borgen,
Therese Fostervold Mathisen,
Solfrid Bratland-Sanda
et al.:
The Healthy Body Image Intervention and Reduction in Eating Disorder Symptomatology and Muscle Building Supplement Use in High School Students: A Study of Mediating Factors
Frontiers in Psychology 2022
Kethe Marie Engen Svantorp-Tveiten,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Monica Klungland Torstveit,
Therese Fostervold Mathisen,
Christine Sundgot-Borgen,
Jan H Rosenvinge
et al.:
Protein, creatine and dieting supplements among adolescents: Use and associations with eating disorder risk factors, exercise- and sports participation, and immigrant status
Kethe Marie Engen Svantorp-Tveiten,
Monica Klungland Torstveit,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Christine Sundgot-Borgen,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Solfrid Bratland-Sanda
et al.:
Effect of A Healthy Body Image intervention on risk- and protective factors for eating disorders: A cluster randomized controlled trial
Mental health & prevention 2021
Guri Anita Heiberg,
Cecilie Røe,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Synne Garder Pedersen,
Henriette Holm Stabel,
Jørgen Feldbæk Nielsen
et al.:
Factors associated with met and unmet rehabilitation needs after stroke: A multicentre cohort study in Denmark and Norway
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2021
Espen Berthung,
Nils Gutacker,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Birgit Abelsen,
Jan Abel Olsen
Who keeps on working? The importance of resilience for labour market participation
Jannike Heyerdahl-Larsen Ausland,
Bo Lars Engdahl,
Bente Margaret Oftedal,
Ólöf Anna Steingrímsdóttir,
Christopher Sivert Nielsen,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock
et al.:
Tinnitus and associations with chronic pain: The population-based Tromsø Study (2015-2016)
Karin Abeler,
Svein Bergvik,
Trond Sand,
Oddgeir Friborg
Daily associations between sleep and pain in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain
Journal of Sleep Research 02. Feb 2021
Trude Nergård-Nilssen,
Oddgeir Friborg
The Dyslexia Marker Test for Children: Development and Validation of a New Test
Assessment for Effective Intervention (AEI) 2021
Therese Fostervold Mathisen,
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Oddgeir Friborg,
KariAnne Vrabel,
Solfrid Bratland-Sanda,
Gunn Pettersen
et al.:
Is physical exercise and dietary therapy a feasible alternative to cognitive behavior therapy in treatment of eating disorders? A randomized controlled trial of two group therapies
Oddgeir Friborg,
Tore Sørlie,
Berit Schei,
Anne Cecilie Javo,
Øystein Sørbye,
Ketil Lenert Hansen
Do Childhood Boarding School Experiences Predict Health, Well-Being and Disability Pension in Adults? A SAMINOR Study
Ida Skytte Jakobsen,
Lykke Mie Riis Madsen,
Martin Mau,
Odin Hjemdal,
Oddgeir Friborg
The relationship between resilience and loneliness elucidated by a Danish version of the resilience scale for adults
Børge Sivertsen,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Ståle Pallesen,
Øystein Vedaa,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock
Sleep in the land of the midnight sun and polar night: The Tromsø study
Synne Garder Pedersen,
Audny Gabriele Wagner Anke,
Oddgeir Friborg
Endrings-karakteristika ved helserelatert livskvalitet og assosiasjon med fatigue 4 år etter hjerneslag
Oddgeir Friborg,
Jan Harald Rosenvinge,
Svein Hugo Bergvik
Sleep Well Despite Persistent Pain Symptoms (the Sleep-Well study)
Trude Nergård Nilssen,
Bjarte Reidar Furnes,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Ømur Caglar-Ryeng,
Monica Melby-Lervåg
Improving reading comprehension through language comprehension and early word reading: A multi-site randomized trial
Trude Nergård-Nilssen,
Bjarte Reidar Furnes,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Ømur Caglar-Ryeng,
Monica Melby-Lervåg
Improving Reading Comprehension through Language Comprehension and Early Word Reading: A Multi-Site Randomized Trial
Marcus Småvik Dasa,
Jan Harald Rosenvinge,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Gunn Pettersen,
Monica Klungland Torstveit,
Morten Kristoffersen
et al.:
Cecilie Therese Hagemann,
Tina Haugen,
Joar Øveraas Halvorsen,
Berit Schei,
Paul Jarle Mork,
Oddgeir Friborg
Early intervention after rape to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder and pelvic floor dysfunction – a multicenter randomized control trial
Njål Herman E. Sterri,
Jan Harald Rosenvinge,
Gunn Pettersen,
Marcus Småvik Dasa,
Katrine Fjeldahl,
Oddgeir Friborg
How to optimise mental health and well-being in elite female football players?
Tina Haugen,
Joar Øveraas Halvorsen,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Melanie Rae Simpson,
Paul Jarle Mork,
Gustav Mikkelsen
et al.:
Erratum: Correction: Modified prolonged exposure therapy as Early Intervention after Rape (The EIR-study): study protocol for a multicenter randomized add-on superiority trial (Trials (2023) 24 1 (126))
Tina Haugen,
Cecilie Therese Hagemann,
Joar Øveraas Halvorsen,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Berit Schei
Presentasjon av EIR-studien: Early Intervention after Rape
to prevent PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) –
a multicenter randomized control trial
Tina Haugen,
Joar Øveraas Halvorsen,
Cecilie Therese Hagemann,
Berit Schei,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Paul Jarle Mork
et al.:
Early intervention after rape- poster presentation
Cecilie Therese Hagemann,
Joar Øveraas Halvorsen,
Berit Schei,
Paul Jarle Mork,
Tina Haugen,
Oddgeir Friborg
Early intervention after rape to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder and pelvic floor dysfunction – a multicenter randomized control trial
Ketil Lenert Hansen,
Anita Salamonsen,
Monica Martinussen,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Tore Sørlie,
John Fluke
et al.:
The Arctic Childhood Study - A study of violence and health in indigenous Sámi and non-Sami children and youth in the Arctic Norway
Cecilie Therese Hagemann,
Joar Øveraas Halvorsen,
Tina Haugen,
Berit Schei,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Paul Jarle Mork
et al.:
Forebyggende psykologisk behandling etter voldtekt: EIR-studien (Early intervention after rape)
Cecilie Therese Hagemann,
Joar Øveraas Halvorsen,
Berit Schei,
Paul Jarle Mork,
Tina Haugen,
Ask Elklit
et al.:
Early intervention after rape to prevent post-traumatic stress disorder – a multicenter randomized control trial
Tore Sørlie,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Ketil Lenert Hansen
Presentasjon av studie for Sannhets- og forsoningskommisjonen 18.06.20
Ketil Lenert Hansen,
Oddgeir Friborg
Samer, internat, diskriminering, vold, somatisk- og mental helse og uføretrygd.