Sheila Kate Maxwell,
Jonas Benedict Danielsen Eskeland
Practicing what we preach: Elise Hall and a more diverse saxophone performance tradition
Sheila Kate Maxwell
Queer Diffractive Kinship in Time: Rereading the Epistolary Tradition through This Is How You Lose the Time War
Palgrave Macmillan 2024
Lilli Mittner,
Lise Karin Meling,
Sheila Kate Maxwell
Arts-based pathways for sustainable transformation towards a more equal world
Nordic Journal of Art & Research (A & R) 2023
Kate Maxwell
Kate Maxwell,
Sabina Fosse Hansen,
Giovanna Alves dos Santos,
Jonas Benedict Danielsen Eskeland
Studentar som endringsagentar
Podium. FOU-magasin fra Universitetet i Tromsø, Det kunstfaglige fakultet 2023
Paul Benneworth,
Kate Maxwell,
David Charles
Measuring the effects of the social rural university campus
Kate Maxwell,
Jonathan Greenaway
Understanding "flow": A multimodal reading of political economy and capitalist erotics in hip hop
Multimodality & Society 2022
Kate Maxwell,
Sabina Fosse Hansen
Decolonizing music history in Scandinavia: Reflections from the chalkface
Kate Maxwell
A Multimodal Reading of MS C: Order, Decoration, Mutation
Brepols 2021
Kate Maxwell,
Lilli Mittner,
Hanne Hammer Stien
Conceptualizing the North
Kate Maxwell
Music in the Dark: Soundscapes in Christiane Ritter's A Woman in the Polar Night
Kate Maxwell,
Lilli Mittner
Multimodality and Gender in Beck’s Song Reader
Kate Maxwell
The Medieval (Music) Book: A Multimodal Cognitive Artefact
Kate Maxwell
Multimodality and Memory in the Mise en page of Guillaume de Machaut's Mass
Kate Maxwell,
Paul Benneworth
The construction of new scientific norms for solving Grand Challenges
Palgrave Communications 2018
Sheila Kate Maxwell
Decolonising the curriculum: some lessons for multimodality
Kate Maxwell
Ecocriticism and the queer sexual politics of horsemeat in the Livre de Fauvel
Kate Maxwell
Decolonizing the Music Curriculum with Students as Agents of Change: Some Examples from Norway
Kate Maxwell
Bi/pantextuality, Digitized Manuscripts, and Queer Encounters
Kate Maxwell,
David Charles,
Paul Benneworth
Measurement is the mother of all exclusion: How "excellence" can marginalize multidisciplinarity and engaged research
Kate Maxwell
Toute Belle and the construction of the female voice in medieval and early modern sound and writing
Kate Maxwell,
David Charles,
Paul Benneworth
The Social Rural University Campus and the Rural Creative Economy
Kate Maxwell
Queering the rose from the Roman de la rose to K-pop
Kate Maxwell
Toute Belle and the Construction of the Female Voice in Medieval and Early Modern Sound and Writing
Kate Maxwell,
David Charles,
Paul Benneworth
Measurement is the Mother of all Exclusion: How "Excellence" can Marginalize Multidisciplinarity and Engaged Research
Kate Maxwell
Response to the Digital Machaut Roundtable
Kate Maxwell
The Queer Sexual Politics of Horsemeat in the Livre de Fauvel
Kate Maxwell
Music and the Pornographic Spectrum: Music and Erotic Imagery from the Middle Ages to the Internet
Kate Maxwell,
Carlo Allemano
Cherubino: Mozart's Masturbation Metaphor
Hanne Hammer Stien,
Kate Maxwell,
Lilli Mittner
Conceptualizing the North
Kate Maxwell,
Lilli Mittner,
Hanne Hammer Stien
A voyage into peer review
Kate Maxwell
The Bitextuality of Digitised Manuscripts
Kate Maxwell,
Unni Pia Løvhaug,
Per Pippin Aspaas,
Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen,
Bente Heimtun,
Per helge Nylund
Nordlyset hjemme – Nordlysvitenskap og UiT i 100 år
Nordlyset hjemme – Nordlysvitenskap og UiT i 100 år 2018
Kate Maxwell
The Posthuman Pragmatics of the Book: A Multimodal Reading of a Digitised Manuscript
Kate Maxwell,
Jon Greenaway
Understanding Flow: Difference and Repetition in Norwegian Hip Hop
Kate Maxwell,
Paul Benneworth
Research Funding is Critical to Societally Relevant Research
Elephant in the Lab 13. Sep 2018
Kate Maxwell,
Paul Benneworth,
Martin Siefkes
Sandpits Can Develop Cross-Disciplinary Projects, but Funders Need to be as Open-Minded as Researchers
Kate Maxwell
Lett å være rebell i kjellerleiligheten din: The sexist in the basement of Norwegian hip hop
Kate Maxwell,
Lilli Mittner
Multimodal Evangelism, or, Is Everything Really Multimodal? Reflections on Multimodality and Gender
Kate Maxwell
Kjønnsperspektiver i rytmisk musikk
Kate Maxwell,
Lilli Mittner
Notation and Gender in Beck's Song Reader
Kate Maxwell
#MeToo #ShePersisted: Understanding society and culture through gender and pop music
Kate Maxwell
‘Lett å være rebell i kjellerleiligheten din': The sexist in the basement of Norwegian hip hop
Kate Maxwell,
Paul Benneworth
The construction of new scientific norms for solving grand challenges: Reflections from the Norwegian Idélab research programme
Kate Maxwell
(Still) not asking for it
Kate Maxwell
Mixing It Up: The Place of the Arts in Multidisciplinary Contexts
Podium. FOU-magasin fra Universitetet i Tromsø, Det kunstfaglige fakultet 2017
Kate Maxwell
The rebel in the basement: agency and action in Norwegian hip hop
Kate Maxwell,
Paul Benneworth
Sandpits Can Help Researchers Escape Disciplinary Bubbles
Research Europe 26. Oct 2017
Kate Maxwell,
Friederike Bischoff
Musikalsk innslag under åpning av studieåret 2017/18
Fremføring av verket "(Still) not asking for it" av Kate Maxwell