Bilde av Johnsen, Pål Jarle
Bilde av Johnsen, Pål Jarle
Professor Farmasiija instituhtta +4777623156 +47 47688974 Tromsø You can find me here

Pål Jarle Johnsen

  • Christopher Frøhlich, H. Adrian Bunzel, Karol Buda, Adrian J. Mulholland, Marc W. van der Kamp, Pål Jarle Johnsen et al.:
    Epistasis arises from shifting the rate-limiting step during enzyme evolution of a β-lactamase
    Nature Catalysis 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen, Anne Sofie B. Haukefer, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Christopher Frøhlich :
    The Biofilm Lifestyle Shapes the Evolution of β-Lactamases
    Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Macaulay Winter, Michiel Vos, Angus Buckling, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Klaus Harms :
    Effect of chemotherapeutic agents on natural transformation frequency in Acinetobacter baylyi
    Access Microbiology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mikkel Meyn Liljegren, João Alves Gama, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Klaus Harms :
    The recombination initiation functions DprA and RecFOR suppress microindel mutations in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1
    Molecular Microbiology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mikkel Meyn Liljegren, João Alves Gama, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Klaus Harms :
    Plasmids affect microindel mutations in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1
    Plasmid 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna Kaarina Pöntinen, Rebecca Ashley Gladstone, Henri Pesonen, Maiju Pesonen, Francois Pierre Alexandre Cleon, Benjamin J Parcell et al.:
    Modulation of multidrug-resistant clone success in Escherichia coli populations: a longitudinal, multi-country, genomic and antibiotic usage cohort study
    Lancet Microbe 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sergio Arredondo Alonso, George Blundell-Hunter, Zuyi Fu, Rebecca Ashley Gladstone, Alfred Fillol-Salom, Jessica Loraine et al.:
    Evolutionary and functional history of the Escherichia coli K1 capsule
    Nature Communications 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Macaulay Winter, Klaus Harms, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Michiel Vos :
    Collection of Annotated Acinetobacter Genome Sequences
    Microbiology Resource Announcements (MRA) 2023 DOI
  • Sergio Arredondo Alonso, Rebecca Ashley Gladstone, Anna Kaarina Pöntinen, João Alves Gama, Anita C. Schürch, Val F. Lanza et al.:
    Mge-cluster: a reference-free approach for typing bacterial plasmids
    NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Macaulay Winter, Klaus Harms, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Angus Buckling, Michiel Vos :
    Testing for the fitness benefits of natural transformation during community-embedded evolution
    Microbiology (Reading) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Vidar Sørum, Emma Lu Øynes, Anna Sollied Møller, Klaus Harms, Ørjan Samuelsen, Nicole L. Podnecky et al.:
    Evolutionary Instability of Collateral Susceptibility Networks in Ciprofloxacin-Resistant Clinical Escherichia coli Strains
    mBio 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tommi Mäklin, Harry Arthur Frank Wright Thorpe, Anna Kaarina Pöntinen, Rebecca Ashley Gladstone, Yan Shao, Maiju Pesonen et al.:
    Strong pathogen competition in neonatal gut colonisation
    Nature Communications 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Julia Kloos, João A Gama, Joachim Hegstad, Ørjan Samuelsen, Pål J Johnsen :
    Piggybacking on Niche Adaptation Improves the Maintenance of Multidrug-Resistance Plasmids
    Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE) 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Rebecca Ashley Gladstone, Alan McNally, Anna Kaarina Pöntinen, Gerry Tonkin-Hill, John A. Lees, Kusti Onni Skytén et al.:
    Emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli causing bloodstream infections in Norway in 2002–17: a nationwide, longitudinal, microbial population genomic study
    Lancet Microbe 29. Jun 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Pål Jarle Johnsen, João Alves Gama, Klaus Harms :
    Bacterial evolution on demand
    eLIFE 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Macaulay Winter, Angus Buckling, Klaus Harms, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Michiel Vos :
    Antimicrobial resistance acquisition via natural transformation: context is everything
    Current Opinion in Microbiology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sergio Arredondo Alonso, Anna Kaarina Pöntinen, Francois Pierre Alexandre Cleon, Rebecca Ashley Gladstone, Anita C. Schürch, Pål Jarle Johnsen et al.:
    A high-throughput multiplexing and selection strategy to complete bacterial genomes
    GigaScience 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jonina Gudmundsdottir, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim, Catharina I.M. Koumans, Joachim Hegstad, Po-Cheng Tang, Dan I. Andersson et al.:
    The chemotherapeutic drug methotrexate selects for antibiotic resistance
    EBioMedicine 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christopher Frøhlich, João Alves Gama, Klaus Harms, Viivi H. A. Hirvonen, Bjarte Aarmo Lund, Marc W. van der Kamp et al.:
    Cryptic β-Lactamase Evolution Is Driven by Low β-Lactam Concentrations
    mSphere 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Julia Maria Kloos, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Klaus Harms :
    Tn1 transposition in the course of natural transformation enables horizontal antibiotic resistance spread in Acinetobacter baylyi
    Microbiology (Reading) 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Julia Maria Kloos, Joao Pedro Alves Gama, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Ørjan Samuelsen :
    Host dependent maintenance of a blaNDM-1-encoding plasmid in clinical Escherichia coli isolates
    Scientific Reports 2020 DOI
  • Joao Pedro Alves Gama, Julia Maria Kloos, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Ørjan Samuelsen :
    Host dependent maintenance of a blaNDM-1-encoding plasmid in clinical Escherichia coli isolates
    Scientific Reports 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Vidar Sørum, Ane Molden Thomassen, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Ørjan Samuelsen :
    OXA-48-Mediated Ceftazidime-Avibactam Resistance Is Associated with Evolutionary Trade-Offs
    mSphere 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nicole L. Podnecky, Elizabeth Aarag, Julia Maria Kloos, Vidar Sørum, Raul Primicerio, Adam Paul Roberts et al.:
    Conserved collateral antibiotic susceptibility networks in diverse clinical strains of Escherichia coli.
    Nature Communications 10. Sep 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nils Fredrik Hülter, Vidar Sørum, Kristina Borch-Pedersen, Mikkel Meyn Liljegren, Ane Utnes, Raul Primicerio et al.:
    Costs and benefits of natural transformation in Acinetobacter baylyi
    BMC Microbiology 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christopher Frøhlich, H. Adrian Bunzel, Karol Buda, Adrian J. Mulholland, Marc W. van der Kamp, Pål Jarle Johnsen et al.:
    Correction to: Epistasis arises from shifting the rate-limiting step during enzyme evolution of a β-lactamase (Nature Catalysis, (2024), 10.1038/s41929-024-01117-4)
    Nature Catalysis 2024 DOI
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Adrian Bunzel, Karol Buda, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Nobuhiko Tokuriki :
    Divergent genetic evolution employs the same molecular mechanisms
  • Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen, Christopher Fröhlich, Anne Sofie Haukefer, Sören Abel, Pål Jarle Johnsen :
    Evolution of Vibrio cholerae biofilms
  • Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen, João Alves Gama, Klaus Harms, Sören Abel, Pål Jarle Johnsen :
    Genetic conflict between the SXT-element and a multidrug resistance plasmid in Vibrio cholerae
  • Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen, João Alves Gama, Klaus Harms, Sören Abel, Pål Jarle Johnsen :
    Genetic conflict between the SXT-element and a multidrug resistance plasmid in Vibrio cholerae
  • Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen, Sören Abel, Pål Jarle Johnsen :
    Evolution of Vibrio cholerae biofilms
  • Klara Stensvåg, Arnfinn Sundsfjord, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Lise Nordgård :
    CANS - Centre for New Antibacterial Strategies
    2022 PROSJEKT
  • Pål Jarle Johnsen, Elizabeth G Aarag Fredheim, Ørjan Samuelsen, Klaus Harms :
    The role of drugs used in cancer chemotherapy as drivers of antibiotic resistance evolution in Escherichia coli
  • Julia Maria Kloos, Lea Jänisch, Anna Kaarina Pöntinen, Ørjan Samuelsen, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Jukka Corander et al.:
    Different metabolic proficiency among dominant ExPEC lineages
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Adrian H. Bunzel, Marc W. Van Der Kamp, Adrian J. Mulholland, Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder Leiros, Pål Jarle Johnsen et al.:
    Positive epistasis drives the molecular evolution of the carbapenemase OXA-48
  • Rebecca Ashley Gladstone, Alan McNally, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Ørjan Samuelsen, Jukka Corander :
    Antimicrobial resistance genes and clonal success in Escherichia coli isolates causing bloodstream infection – Authors’ reply
    Lancet Microbe 2021 DOI
  • João Alves Gama, Julia Maria Kloos, Joachim Hegstad, Ørjan Samuelsen, Pål Jarle Johnsen :
    Plasmid cost alleviation as a consequence of niche-adaptation
  • Julia Maria Kloos, João Alves Gama, Joachim Hegstad, Ørjan Samuelsen, Pål Jarle Johnsen :
    Plasmid Cost Alleviation By Hitchhiking On Niche-adaptation
  • Julia Maria Kloos, Joao Pedro Alves Gama, Joachim Hegstad, Ørjan Samuelsen, Pål Jarle Johnsen :
    E. coli Niche Adaptation Improves Plasmid Maintenance
  • Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi, Kjersti Julin, Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Mona Johannessen, Natasa Skalko-Basnet :
    Liposomal delivery of antibiotic loaded DNA nanogels against intracellular infections
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Ørjan Samuelsen :
    Sub-inhibitory concentrations of ceftazidime drive evolution of the OXA-48 carbapenemase
  • Vidar Sørum, Emma Lu Øynes, Anna Møller, Nicole L. Podnecky, Sören Abel, Ørjan Samuelsen et al.:
    Evolutionary stability of collateral susceptibility networks in clinical Escherichia coli strains
  • Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim, Nicole Podnecky, Angie Carola Alarcon Rios, Jessica Nguyen Tran, Chantal Verstappen, Klaus Harms et al.:
    Gentamicin collateral sensitivity of ciprofloxacin resistant Escherichia coli is opposed by the rapid development of gentamicin resistance
  • Vidar Sørum, Anna Sollied Møller, Sören Abel, Ørjan Samuelsen, Nicole L. Podnecky, Pål Jarle Johnsen :
    Evolutionary stability of collateral effects in ciprofloxacin resistant clinical Escherichia coli strains
  • Vidar Sørum, Anna Sollied Møller, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Ørjan Samuelsen, Sören Abel, Nicole L. Podnecky :
    Evolutionary stability of collateral effects in ciprofloxacin resistant clinical Escherichia coli strains
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder Leiros, Ørjan Samuelsen :
    Evolution of OXA-48 under sub-MIC conditions
  • Christopher Frøhlich, Vidar Sørum, Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Ørjan Samuelsen :
    Development of OXA-48 mediated ceftazidme-avibactam resistance is associated with an evolutionary trade-off
  • Julia Maria Kloos, Joao Pedro Alves Gama, Ørjan Samuelsen, Pål Jarle Johnsen :
    Klebsiella pneumoniae MDR-encoding plasmids in clinical isolates of uropathogenic Escherichia coli: plasmid-host co-evolution and its effect on fitness cost of plasmid-mediated resistance
  • Julia Maria Kloos, Joao Pedro Alves Gama, Ørjan Samuelsen, Pål Jarle Johnsen :
    Plasmid-host co-evolution of Klebsiella pneumoniae MDR-encoding plasmids in clinical isolates of uropathogenic Escherichia coli: effect on fitness cost of plasmid-mediated resistance
  • Julia Maria Kloos, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Pål Jarle Johnsen, Klaus Harms :
    Natural transformation of Acinetobacter baylyi by transposons

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →