Christopher Frøhlich,
H. Adrian Bunzel,
Karol Buda,
Adrian J. Mulholland,
Marc W. van der Kamp,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
et al.:
Epistasis arises from shifting the rate-limiting step during enzyme evolution of a β-lactamase
Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen,
Anne Sofie B. Haukefer,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Christopher Frøhlich
The Biofilm Lifestyle Shapes the Evolution of β-Lactamases
Genome Biology and Evolution (GBE) 2024
Macaulay Winter,
Michiel Vos,
Angus Buckling,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Klaus Harms
Effect of chemotherapeutic agents on natural transformation frequency in Acinetobacter baylyi
Mikkel Meyn Liljegren,
João Alves Gama,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Klaus Harms
The recombination initiation functions DprA and RecFOR suppress microindel mutations in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1
Mikkel Meyn Liljegren,
João Alves Gama,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Klaus Harms
Plasmids affect microindel mutations in Acinetobacter baylyi ADP1
Anna Kaarina Pöntinen,
Rebecca Ashley Gladstone,
Henri Pesonen,
Maiju Pesonen,
Francois Pierre Alexandre Cleon,
Benjamin J Parcell
et al.:
Modulation of multidrug-resistant clone success in Escherichia coli populations: a longitudinal, multi-country, genomic and antibiotic usage cohort study
Sergio Arredondo Alonso,
George Blundell-Hunter,
Zuyi Fu,
Rebecca Ashley Gladstone,
Alfred Fillol-Salom,
Jessica Loraine
et al.:
Evolutionary and functional history of the Escherichia coli K1 capsule
Macaulay Winter,
Klaus Harms,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Michiel Vos
Collection of Annotated Acinetobacter Genome Sequences
Microbiology Resource Announcements (MRA) 2023
Sergio Arredondo Alonso,
Rebecca Ashley Gladstone,
Anna Kaarina Pöntinen,
João Alves Gama,
Anita C. Schürch,
Val F. Lanza
et al.:
Mge-cluster: a reference-free approach for typing bacterial plasmids
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2023
Macaulay Winter,
Klaus Harms,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Angus Buckling,
Michiel Vos
Testing for the fitness benefits of natural transformation during community-embedded evolution
Vidar Sørum,
Emma Lu Øynes,
Anna Sollied Møller,
Klaus Harms,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Nicole L. Podnecky
et al.:
Evolutionary Instability of Collateral Susceptibility Networks in Ciprofloxacin-Resistant Clinical Escherichia coli Strains
Tommi Mäklin,
Harry Arthur Frank Wright Thorpe,
Anna Kaarina Pöntinen,
Rebecca Ashley Gladstone,
Yan Shao,
Maiju Pesonen
et al.:
Strong pathogen competition in neonatal gut colonisation
Julia Kloos,
João A Gama,
Joachim Hegstad,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Pål J Johnsen
Piggybacking on Niche Adaptation Improves the Maintenance of Multidrug-Resistance Plasmids
Molecular Biology and Evolution (MBE) 2021
Rebecca Ashley Gladstone,
Alan McNally,
Anna Kaarina Pöntinen,
Gerry Tonkin-Hill,
John A. Lees,
Kusti Onni Skytén
et al.:
Emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli causing bloodstream infections in Norway in 2002–17: a nationwide, longitudinal, microbial population genomic study
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
João Alves Gama,
Klaus Harms
Bacterial evolution on demand
Macaulay Winter,
Angus Buckling,
Klaus Harms,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Michiel Vos
Antimicrobial resistance acquisition via natural transformation: context is everything
Current Opinion in Microbiology 2021
Sergio Arredondo Alonso,
Anna Kaarina Pöntinen,
Francois Pierre Alexandre Cleon,
Rebecca Ashley Gladstone,
Anita C. Schürch,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
et al.:
A high-throughput multiplexing and selection strategy to complete bacterial genomes
Jonina Gudmundsdottir,
Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim,
Catharina I.M. Koumans,
Joachim Hegstad,
Po-Cheng Tang,
Dan I. Andersson
et al.:
The chemotherapeutic drug methotrexate selects for antibiotic resistance
Christopher Frøhlich,
João Alves Gama,
Klaus Harms,
Viivi H. A. Hirvonen,
Bjarte Aarmo Lund,
Marc W. van der Kamp
et al.:
Cryptic β-Lactamase Evolution Is Driven by Low β-Lactam Concentrations
Julia Maria Kloos,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Klaus Harms
Tn1 transposition in the course of natural transformation enables horizontal antibiotic resistance spread in Acinetobacter baylyi
Julia Maria Kloos,
Joao Pedro Alves Gama,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Ørjan Samuelsen
Host dependent maintenance of a blaNDM-1-encoding plasmid in clinical Escherichia coli isolates
Scientific Reports 2020
Joao Pedro Alves Gama,
Julia Maria Kloos,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Ørjan Samuelsen
Host dependent maintenance of a blaNDM-1-encoding plasmid in clinical Escherichia coli isolates
Christopher Frøhlich,
Vidar Sørum,
Ane Molden Thomassen,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros,
Ørjan Samuelsen
OXA-48-Mediated Ceftazidime-Avibactam Resistance Is Associated with Evolutionary Trade-Offs
Nicole L. Podnecky,
Elizabeth Aarag,
Julia Maria Kloos,
Vidar Sørum,
Raul Primicerio,
Adam Paul Roberts
et al.:
Conserved collateral antibiotic susceptibility networks in diverse clinical strains of Escherichia coli.
Nature Communications 10. Sep 2018
Nils Fredrik Hülter,
Vidar Sørum,
Kristina Borch-Pedersen,
Mikkel Meyn Liljegren,
Ane Utnes,
Raul Primicerio
et al.:
Costs and benefits of natural transformation in Acinetobacter baylyi
Christopher Frøhlich,
H. Adrian Bunzel,
Karol Buda,
Adrian J. Mulholland,
Marc W. van der Kamp,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
et al.:
Correction to: Epistasis arises from shifting the rate-limiting step during enzyme evolution of a β-lactamase (Nature Catalysis, (2024), 10.1038/s41929-024-01117-4)
Nature Catalysis 2024
Christopher Frøhlich,
Adrian Bunzel,
Karol Buda,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Nobuhiko Tokuriki
Divergent genetic evolution employs the same molecular mechanisms
Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen,
Christopher Fröhlich,
Anne Sofie Haukefer,
Sören Abel,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
Evolution of Vibrio cholerae biofilms
Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen,
João Alves Gama,
Klaus Harms,
Sören Abel,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
Genetic conflict between the SXT-element and a multidrug resistance plasmid in Vibrio cholerae
Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen,
João Alves Gama,
Klaus Harms,
Sören Abel,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
Genetic conflict between the SXT-element and a multidrug resistance plasmid in Vibrio cholerae
Øyvind Myrvoll Lorentzen,
Sören Abel,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
Evolution of Vibrio cholerae biofilms
Klara Stensvåg,
Arnfinn Sundsfjord,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros,
Lise Nordgård
CANS - Centre for New Antibacterial Strategies
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Elizabeth G Aarag Fredheim,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Klaus Harms
The role of drugs used in cancer chemotherapy as drivers of antibiotic resistance evolution in Escherichia coli
Julia Maria Kloos,
Lea Jänisch,
Anna Kaarina Pöntinen,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Jukka Corander
et al.:
Different metabolic proficiency among dominant ExPEC lineages
Christopher Frøhlich,
Adrian H. Bunzel,
Marc W. Van Der Kamp,
Adrian J. Mulholland,
Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder Leiros,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
et al.:
Positive epistasis drives the molecular evolution of the carbapenemase OXA-48
Rebecca Ashley Gladstone,
Alan McNally,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Jukka Corander
Antimicrobial resistance genes and clonal success in Escherichia coli isolates causing bloodstream infection – Authors’ reply
João Alves Gama,
Julia Maria Kloos,
Joachim Hegstad,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
Plasmid cost alleviation as a consequence of niche-adaptation
Julia Maria Kloos,
João Alves Gama,
Joachim Hegstad,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
Plasmid Cost Alleviation By Hitchhiking On Niche-adaptation
Julia Maria Kloos,
Joao Pedro Alves Gama,
Joachim Hegstad,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
E. coli Niche Adaptation Improves Plasmid Maintenance
Sybil Akua Okyerewa Obuobi,
Kjersti Julin,
Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Mona Johannessen,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
Liposomal delivery of antibiotic loaded DNA nanogels against intracellular infections
Christopher Frøhlich,
Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Ørjan Samuelsen
Sub-inhibitory concentrations of ceftazidime drive evolution of the OXA-48 carbapenemase
Vidar Sørum,
Emma Lu Øynes,
Anna Møller,
Nicole L. Podnecky,
Sören Abel,
Ørjan Samuelsen
et al.:
Evolutionary stability of collateral susceptibility networks in clinical Escherichia coli strains
Elizabeth G. Aarag Fredheim,
Nicole Podnecky,
Angie Carola Alarcon Rios,
Jessica Nguyen Tran,
Chantal Verstappen,
Klaus Harms
et al.:
Gentamicin collateral sensitivity of ciprofloxacin resistant Escherichia coli is opposed by the rapid development of gentamicin resistance
Vidar Sørum,
Anna Sollied Møller,
Sören Abel,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Nicole L. Podnecky,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
Evolutionary stability of collateral effects in ciprofloxacin resistant clinical Escherichia coli strains
Vidar Sørum,
Anna Sollied Møller,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Sören Abel,
Nicole L. Podnecky
Evolutionary stability of collateral effects in ciprofloxacin resistant clinical Escherichia coli strains
Christopher Frøhlich,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Hanna-Kirsti Schrøder Leiros,
Ørjan Samuelsen
Evolution of OXA-48 under sub-MIC conditions
Christopher Frøhlich,
Vidar Sørum,
Hanna-Kirsti S. Leiros,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Ørjan Samuelsen
Development of OXA-48 mediated ceftazidme-avibactam resistance is associated with an evolutionary trade-off
Julia Maria Kloos,
Joao Pedro Alves Gama,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
Klebsiella pneumoniae MDR-encoding plasmids in clinical isolates of uropathogenic Escherichia coli: plasmid-host co-evolution and its effect on fitness cost of plasmid-mediated resistance
Julia Maria Kloos,
Joao Pedro Alves Gama,
Ørjan Samuelsen,
Pål Jarle Johnsen
Plasmid-host co-evolution of Klebsiella pneumoniae MDR-encoding plasmids in clinical isolates of uropathogenic Escherichia coli: effect on fitness cost of plasmid-mediated resistance
Julia Maria Kloos,
Kaare Magne Nielsen,
Pål Jarle Johnsen,
Klaus Harms
Natural transformation of Acinetobacter baylyi by transposons