Bilde av Westergaard, Marit
Bilde av Westergaard, Marit
Giela ja kultuvrra instituhtta +4777644256 99712171 Tromsø You can find me here

Marit Westergaard

  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Anna Skalba, Marit Kristine Westergaard :
    Cross-linguistic Influence in L3 Acquisition: Investigating the role of dominance, recency and property
    Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 2025 DOI
  • Helene Ruud Jensberg, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Terje Lohndal, Björn Lundquist, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Verb placement in embedded clauses in heritage Norwegian
    International Journal of Bilingualism 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Serge Minor, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    The Interaction of Linguistic and Visual Cues for the Processing of Case in Russian by Russian-German Bilinguals: An Eye Tracking Study
    Topics in Cognitive Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ute Bohnacker, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Learning and unlearning Verb Second word order
    Routledge 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Judith Schlenter, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    What eye and hand movements tell us about expectations towards argument order: An eye- and mouse-tracking study in German
    Acta Psychologica 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tanja Kupisch, Tammer Castro, Martin Krämer, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Phonological influence in bilectal speakers of Brazilian and European Portuguese
    International Journal of Bilingualism 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yulia Rodina, Alexandra Bogoyavlenskaya, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Russian heritage language development in narrative contexts: Evidence from pre- and primary-school children in Norway, Germany, and the UK
    Frontiers in Psychology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Natalia Mitrofanova, Evelina Leivada, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Crosslinguistic influence in L3 acquisition Evidence from artificial language learning
    Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 2023 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Natalia Mitrofanova, Sergey Minor, Christina Athanasiadi, Nadine Kolb, Marit Kristine Westergaard :
    The role of heritage languages in L3 aspect processing: evidence from eye-tracking
  • Marit Kristine Westergaard :
    V2 or not V2 – that is the question: Word Order Variation in Norwegian
  • Natalia Mitrofanova, Oleksandra Hrebenshchykova, Kamil Długosz, Sergey Minor, Marit Westergaard :
    Bidirectional Cross-linguistic Influence and the Effect of Age: Ukrainian Refugee Children in Poland
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Multilingualism and crosslinguistic influence as co-activation: Theoretical considerations, research design & some empirical evidence
  • Brechje Antonet van Osch, Nadine Kolb, Alicia Luque, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Cross-linguistic influence in adverb placement in L3 Spanish: comparing offline and online measures
  • Nadine Kolb, Brechje Antonet van Osch, Alicia Luque, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Cross-linguistic influence in the production and processing of adverbs in L3 Spanish, French and German: Exploring individual differences
  • Judith Schlenter, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    When the dative becomes less reliable – L1 attrition in a multilingual context
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Anna Skalba, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Cross Linguistic Influence in L3 acquisition: Do dominance and recency play a role?
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Sensitivity to microvariation in gender assignment to ambiguous nouns in Russian: Evidence from monolingual and bilingual native speakers
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Heritage language bilingualism: Acquisition, Variation & Possible Advantages
  • Brechje Antonet van Osch, Nadine Kolb, Rosalinde Stadt, Alicia Luque, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Cross-linguistic influence from English in beginner learners of French and German as an L3 in the Netherlands: Comparing offline knowledge and online processing of adverb placement
  • Brechje Antonet van Osch, Rosalinde Stadt, Nadine Kolb, Alicia Luque, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Cross-linguistic influence at the initial stages: Influence from L1 Dutch and L2 English on adverb placement in L3 French and German
  • Terje Lohndal, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Verb placement in heritage Norwegian: Patterns and asymmetries
  • Rosalinde Stadt, Brechje Antonet van Osch, Nadine Kolb, Alicia Luque, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Cross-linguistic influence at the initial stages: Influence from L1 Dutch and L2 English on verb placement in L3 French and L3 German
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    L3 acquisition of an artificial language: cross-linguistic influence and structural similarity
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    L3 acquisition and crosslinguistic influence as co-activation: Theoretical concepts, methodological considerations, and some empirical evidence
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Facilitative cross-linguistic influence in multilingualism: The Linguistic Proximity Model and co-activation of larger linguistic repertoires
  • Olga Urek, Marit Kristine Westergaard :
    Gender categorization of ambiguously cued novel nouns in Russian: Evidence from an online experimental study
  • Serge Minor, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Comprehension vs prediction in the processing of grammatical case cues by bilingual children
  • Nadine Kolb, Brechje Antonet van Osch, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Alicia Luque, Sergey Minor, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard et al.:
    (Extra-)linguistic variables in multilingual language development in children and adolescents
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard, Chloe Michelle Castle, Natalia Mitrofanova :
    Investigating CLI in multilingual acquisition through an artificial language
  • Serge Minor, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    The interaction of linguistic and visual cues for the processing of Case in Russian by Russian-German bilinguals: An eye tracking study
  • Nadine Kolb, Serge Minor, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard, Chloe Michelle Castle, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Natalia Mitrofanova :
    Investigating CLI in L3 morphosyntax through artificial languages
  • Natalia Mitrofanova, Serge Minor, Nadine Kolb, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking
  • Natalia Mitrofanova, Sergey Minor, Nadine Kolb, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking
  • Serge Minor, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Visual Event Representation Facilitates the Processing of Grammatical Case by Russian-German Bilingual Children
  • Marit Kristine Westergaard, Oleksandra Hrebenshchykova, Kamil Długosz, Natalia Mitrofanova :
    The effect of structural similarity in bidirectional cross-linguistic influence:Case and gender in Ukrainian L1 Polish L2 learners
  • Guro Busterud, Terje Lohndal, Toril Opsahl, Yulia Rodina, Marit Kristine Westergaard :
    Språkendring og tap av grammatisk hunkjønn i Oslo øst og vest
  • Brechje Antonet van Osch, Nadine Kolb, Alicia Luque, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Marit Kristine Westergaard :
    Cross-linguistic influence from Norwegian and English in the production and processing of adverbs in L3 Spanish and French
  • Marit Kristine Westergaard :
    Sensitivity to microvariation in gender assignment: Evidence from mono- and bilingual native speakers of Russian
  • Brechje Antonet van Osch, Nadine Kolb, Rosalinde Stadt, Alicia G. Luque, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Marit Kristine Westergaard :
    Understanding L3 Acquisition Through the Lens of Cross-Linguistic Influence: Integrating Online and Offline Measures to Assess the Processing of Adverb Placement Across Beginner L3 Learners of French and German in the Netherlands
  • Brechje Antonet van Osch, Nadine Kolb, Alicia G. Luque, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Marit Kristine Westergaard :
    Cross-linguistic influence from Norwegian and English in the production and processing of adverbs in Spanish and French.
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Helene Ruud Jensberg, Terje Lohndal, Björn Lundquist :
    Embedded V2 in Norwegian Heritage Language
  • Helene Ruud Jensberg, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Terje Lohndal, Bjorn Lundquist, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Embedded V2 in American Norwegian
  • Brechje van Osch, Nadine Kolb, Merete Brendeford Anderssen, Rosalinde Stadt, Alicia Luque, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Cross-linguistic influence from English as a heritage language in L3 acquisition
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Heritage Languages
  • Judith Schlenter, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Predictions after the verb: The real-time processing of ditransitive events in German
  • Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Research design in L3 studies: An overview and some examples
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard, Natalia Mitrofanova :
    Crosslinguistic influence as co-activation: Theoretical considerations and some empirical data
  • Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard, Serge Minor, Natalia Mitrofanova :
    The interaction of linguistic and visual stimuli for the processing of Case in Russian by Russian-German bilinguals: An eyetracking study
  • Yulia Rodina, Alexandra Bogoyavlenskaya, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Lexical development in Russian heritage language across different national contexts: Germany, Norway, and the United Kingdom

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →


    First, second/third, and bilingual language acquisition, syntactic variation, heritage languages, language attrition, diachronic change, com­parative syntax, word order, nominal structure (grammatical gender, definiteness, possessives), English, Norwegian (especially North Norwegian dialects), Russian, German