Bilde av Skare, Roswitha
Photo: Stig Brøndbo

Roswitha Skare

  • Jamie Johnston, Anna Mierzecka, Máté Tóth, Magdalena Paul, Małgorzata Kisilowska-Szurmińska, Mahmood Khosrowjerdi et al.:
    Public libraries’ role in supporting Ukrainian refugees: A focus on Hungary and Poland
    Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 2024 DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    The importance of a complementary approach when working with historical documents
    Journal of Documentation 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare, Noah Lenstra :
    Public Libraries in Norway and the U.S.: Looking Outside During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic
    Proceedings from the Document Academy (PDOCAM) 2022 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    The Romance of the Far Fur Country (1920) et Nanouk l’Esquimau (1922): deux documentaires sur l’Arctique entre réalité et fiction
    AFRHC - Association française de recherche sur l'histoire du cinéma 2022
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Document Theory
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2022 DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Folkebibliotekets digitale tilbud under koronakrisen – en case studie fra Tromsø bibliotek og byarkiv
    Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies 2021 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Andreas Vårheim, Roswitha Skare :
    Mapping the research on museums and the public sphere: a scoping review
    Journal of Documentation 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Public libraries in Norway and the Covid-19 pandemic
    Proceedings from the Document Academy (PDOCAM) 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    The Paratext of Digital Documents
    Journal of Documentation 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Heidi Kristin Olsen, Roswitha Skare, Andreas Vårheim :
    Digital hjelp på biblioteket
    ABM-media AS 2020 ARKIV
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Knowledge organization 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    “What is truly Scandinavian?” – A SAS commercial and the document complex surrounding it
    Proceedings from the Document Academy (PDOCAM) 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Like, Share and Comment. The Use of Facebook by Public Libraries and Museums: A Case Study from Tromsø, Norway
    De Gruyter Saur 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andreas Vårheim, Roswitha Skare, Sigrid Stokstad :
    Institutional Convergence and Divergence in Norwegian Cultural Policy. Central Government LAM-organization 1999 – 2019
    De Gruyter Saur 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Documentation Studies at the University of Tromsø: A new way to educate librarians?
    Education for Information 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Nanook of the North: Fra Broadway i New York til Storgata i Tromsø
    Nordlit 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andreas Vårheim, Roswitha Skare, Noah Lenstra :
    Examining libraries as public sphere institutions: Mapping questions, methods, theories, findings, and research gaps
    Library & Information Science Research 2019 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare, Sigrid Stokstad, Andreas Vårheim :
    ABM-utvikling og avvikling: institusjonell konvergens og divergens i kulturpolitikken
    Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift 2019 ARKIV / DATA / DOI
  • Andreas Vårheim, Roswitha Skare, Noah Lenstra :
    Institutional convergence in the LAM sector: a contribution towards a conceptual framework
    Information research 2019 DATA / ARKIV
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Paratext – a useful concept for the analysis of digital documents?
    Proceedings from the Document Academy (PDOCAM) 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Literature and Visual Arts in Christa Wolf's Sommerstück [Summer Play] (1989) and Was bleibt [What Remains] (1990)
    Walter de Gruyter (De Gruyter) 2018 DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Document and Documentation: The importance of a complementary approach
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Kompetanseheving og utdanning: hvordan utdanner vi fremtidens UH-bibliotekarer?
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Robert Flahertys "Nanook of the North" (1922): En reise tilbake til filmens premiere sommeren 1922
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Colour my/your past: Returning photographs of Sámi people taken by Sophus Tromholt in 1883 to today’s audiences
  • Jamie Johnston, Anna Mierzecka, Máté Tóth, Andreas Vårheim, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen, Kerstin Rydbeck et al.:
    Public Library Services for Ukrainian Refugees in Hungary and Poland
  • Roswitha Skare :
    PubLIB for Immigrants & Refugees: A presentation of the research project
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Folkebiblioteket som uavhengig møtestad og arena for offentleg samtale og debatt i ei digital tid
    Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies 2023 DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Folkebibliotek som kunnskapsaktør 2.0
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Folkebibliotek som uavhengig møteplass og arena for offentlig samtale og debatt i en digital tid
  • Roswitha Skare, MacLeod Torquil, Barraclough Eleanor Rosamund :
    Robert Flaherty’s ground-breaking documentary film Nanook of the North
    16. Aug 2022 DATA
  • Roswitha Skare, Noah Lenstra :
    Public libraries in Norway and the U.S. – looking outside during and after the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Andreas Vårheim, Roswitha Skare :
    Museums as public sphere infrastructure in the digital age: A scoping review of research
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Public libraries in Norway and the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Roswitha Skare, Andreas Vårheim, Sigrid Stokstad :
    ABM-utvikling og avvikling. Hva skjedde?
    Bob : Bok og bibliotek 2020 ARKIV
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Innledning og moderasjon under Gaute Barlindhaugs presentasjon
  • Roswitha Skare :
    “What is truly Scandinavian?” – A SAS commercial and its surrounding documents
  • Roswitha Skare :
    A document return
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Öffentliche Bibliotheken und COVID-19 in Norwegen
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Sosiale medier og digital deltakelse i bibliotek, arkiv og museer
  • Roswitha Skare, Mona Pedersen, Ove Solum :
    Kino i 100
    Nordlit 2019 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DATA / DOI
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Paratext - a useful concept for the analysis of digital documents?
  • Andreas Vårheim, Roswitha Skare, Noah Lenstra :
    Institutional convergence in the LAM sector: A contribution towards a conceptual framework
  • Ove Solum, Roswitha Skare, Mona Pedersen :
    Kino i 100. 1916 - 2016. Nordlit 41
    Nordlit 2019
  • Roswitha Skare :
    «The Romance of the Far Fur Country» and «Nanook of the North»: Two Arctic Documentaries with Different Legacies
  • Helena Francke, Noah Lenstra, Andreas Vårheim, Roswitha Skare :
    (Media and) Information Literacy in the Public Library: A review of the literature
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Documentation Theory: A Complementary Approach
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Presentasjon av filmen "The Romance of the Far Fur Country" under boklanseringen "Arctic Modernities"
  • Heidi Kristin Olsen, Roswitha Skare, Liv Gjestrum, Idunn Bøyum, Marit Kristine Ådland, Sunniva Evjen :
    Språkrådets termwiki for bibliotekfag
  • Roswitha Skare :
    Gir digitaliser arkivmateriale et enklere forskerliv? Erfaringer med Robert Flahertys "Nanook of the North"

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →