Bilde av Jakobsen, Per Kristen
Bilde av Jakobsen, Per Kristen
Matematihka ja statistihka instituhtta +4777644020 You can find me here

Per Kristen Jakobsen

  • Anna Poltronieri, Nils Ole Ronald Bochow, Nikolas Olson Aksamit, Niklas Boers, Per Kristen Jakobsen, Martin Wibe Rypdal :
    Arctic summer sea ice loss will accelerate in coming decades
    Environmental Research Letters 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Martin Wibe Rypdal, Veronika Gjertsen Rypdal, Per Kristen Jakobsen, Elinor Ytterstad, Ola Løvsletten, Claus Klingenberg et al.:
    Modelling suggests limited change in the reproduction number from reopening Norwegian kindergartens and schools during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Masud Mansuripur, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    Theoretical analysis of Fresnel reflection and transmission in the presence of gain media
    Optical Review 2021 DOI
  • Masud Mansuripur, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    Fresnel reflection and transmission in the presence of gain media
    Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2021 DOI
  • Dávid Juhász, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    Modelling pulse propagation in complex index materials using the method of multiple scales
    Physica Scripta 2021 DOI
  • Masud Mansuripur, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    Electromagnetic radiation and the self-field of a spherical dipole oscillator
    American Journal of Physics (AJP) 2020 DOI
  • Aihua Lin, Anastasiia Kuzmina, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    A boundary integral approach to linear and nonlinear transient scattering.
    Applied Numerical Mathematics 2020 DOI
  • Masud Mansuripur, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    Electromagnetic radiation and the self torque of an oscillating magnetic dipole
    Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2020 DOI
  • Aihua Lin, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    On the Ewald Oseen scattering formulation for light scattering: Stability, singularity and parallelization
    Physica Scripta 15. Oct 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Per Kristen Jakobsen, Masud Mansuripur :
    On the nature of the Sommerfeld-Brillouin Forerunners (or Precursors)
    Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 08. Oct 2019 DOI
  • Dávid Juhász, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    Constructing a partially transparent computational boundary for UPPE using leaky modes
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Aihua Lin, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    A 3D nonlinear Maxwell's equations solver based on a hybrid numerical method
    Physica Scripta 2019 DOI
  • Masud Mansuripur, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    An approach to constructing super oscillatory functions
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2019 DOI
  • A Hofstrand, Per Kristen Jakobsen, Jerome V. Moloney :
    Bidirectional shooting method for extreme nonlinear optics
    Physical Review A (PRA) 2019 DOI
  • David Juhász, Miro Kolesik, Per Jakobsen :
    Convergence and completeness for square-well Stark resonant state expansions
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Per Jakobsen, Masud Mansuripur, Miroslav Kolesik :
    Leaky-mode expansion of the electromagnetic field inside dispersive spherical cavity
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 2018 DOI
  • Masud Mansuripur, Miroslav Kolesik, Per Jakobsen :
    Leaky modes of solid dielectric spheres
    Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA) 2017 DOI
  • Marthe Måløy, Frode Måløy, Per Jakobsen, Bjørn Olav Brandsdal :
    Dynamic self-organisation of haematopoiesis and (a)symmetric cell division
    Journal of Theoretical Biology 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Masud Mansuripur, Miroslav Kolesik, Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    Leaky modes of dielectric cavities
    Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2016 DOI
  • Jeffrey Brown, Per Jakobsen, Anan Bahl, Jerome V. Moloney, Miroslav Kolesik :
    On the convergence of quantum resonant-state expansion
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 2016 DOI
  • Per Jakobsen :
    Exact formula for the high harmonic response of a strongly driven two-level system
    Physica Scripta 2015 DOI
  • Marte Rørvik Høyem, Frode Måløy, Per Jakobsen, Bjørn Olav Brandsdal :
    Stem cell regulation: Implications when differentiated cells regulate symmetric stem cell division
    Journal of Theoretical Biology 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Isak Ragnvald Kilen, Per Jakobsen :
    Computing the Casimir force using regularized boundary integral equations
    Physica Scripta 2014 DOI
  • Anand Bahl, Aba Teleki, Per Jakobsen, Ewan Wright, Miroslav Kolesik :
    Reflectionless Beam Propagation on a Piecewise Linear Complex Domain
    Journal of Lightwave Technology 2014 DOI
  • Miroslav Kolesik, Jeremy M. Brown, Aba Teleki, Per Jakobsen, Jeremy V. Moloney, Ewan M. Wright :
    Metastable electronic states and nonlinear response for high-intensity optical pulses
    Optica 2014 DOI
  • Per Jakobsen :
    Bidirectional pulse propagation equation for extreme nonlinear optics
    Physica Scripta 2014 DOI
  • Per Jakobsen, J. V. Moloney :
    The effect of longitudinal electric field components on the propagation of intense ultrashort optical pulses
    Physica D : Non-linear phenomena 2012 DOI
  • M Kolesik, Per Jakobsen, J. V. Moloney :
    Quantifying the limits of unidirectional ultrashort optical pulse propagation
    Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (PRA) 2012 DOI
  • Per Jakobsen :
    Calculating optical forces using the boundary integral method
    Physica Scripta 15. Aug 2009 DOI
  • Per Jakobsen, Valentin Lychagin :
    Stochastic relations and the problem of prior in the principle of maximum entropy
    Acta Applicandae Mathematicae - An International Survey Journal on Applying Mathematics and Mathematical Applications 2008 DOI
  • Per Jakobsen, Valentin Lychagin :
    Maximum Entropy Wavefunctions
    Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2006
  • Per Jakobsen, Valentin Lychagin :
    Quantizations in a category of relations
    Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2005
  • Per Jakobsen, Valentin Lychagin :
    Universal Semigroups
    Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2005
  • Per Jakobsen, Valentin Lychagin :
    Operator valued probability theory
    Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2004
  • Per Jakobsen, A. C. Newell :
    Invariant measures and entropy production in wave turbulence
    Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2004
  • Per Jakobsen, Valentin Lychagin :
    Relations and quantizations in the category of probabilistic bundles
    Acta Applicandae Mathematicae - An International Survey Journal on Applying Mathematics and Mathematical Applications 2004
  • Per Jakobsen, Valentin Lychagin :
    The theory of G-difference Equations
    Acta Applicandae Mathematicae - An International Survey Journal on Applying Mathematics and Mathematical Applications 1999
  • Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    Topics in applied mathematics and nonlinear waves 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    An introduction to partial differential equations 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Per Kristen Jakobsen :
    The thermodynamics of light 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Per Jakobsen, Alan C. Newell :
    An Introduction to Perturbation Theory and Multi-Scale Methods with Application to Nonlinear Optics
  • Per Jakobsen :
    The Casimir force
  • Per Jakobsen, J. V. Moloney :
    The influence of longitudinal modes on the propagation of ultrashort laser pulses
  • Per Jakobsen :
    The Casimir Force: Nothing is more than it used to be
  • Per Jakobsen :
    On The Numerical Calculation of Casimir Forces: A computational challenge
  • Per Jakobsen, Alan C. Newell :
    Asymptotic Methods for Intense Field Propagation Equations
  • Per Jakobsen :
    A unification of Classical and Quantum state spaces
  • Per Jakobsen :
    Boundary Integral formulation for the Maxwell equation
  • Per Jakobsen :
    Maximum Entropy Wavefunctions: The role of the Logaritmic Schrødinger Equation
  • Per Jakobsen :
    Hva er rom? En matematikers synspunkt

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