Bilde av Vitikainen, Annamari
Bilde av Vitikainen, Annamari
Filosofiija ja vuosttašlohkanbadjeoahpuid instituhtta +4777623330 You can find me here

Annamari Vitikainen

  • Esma Baycan-Herzog, Annamari Vitikainen, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen :
    Migration and discrimination: exploring the pathways of a more integrated research agenda
    Ethics & Global Politics 2024 DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Diversity studies
    Edward Elgar Publishing 2024
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBTIQ+ prioritization in refugee admissions – The case of Norway
    Etikk i praksis 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Eliisa Vitikainen :
    Routledge 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee-based Reasons in Refugee Resettlement – The Case of LGBTIQ+
    Moral Philosophy and Politics 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Conceptualizing Indigenous Citizenship: The Norwegian core curriculum and citizenship as shared fate
    Universitetsforlaget 2022 DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Indigenous citizenship, shared fate, and non-ideal circumstances
    Citizenship Studies 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen :
    Introduction: Symposium on Acceptable and Unacceptable Criteria for Prioritizing Among Refugees in a Nonideal World
    Journal of Applied Philosophy 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    On Being Good Gay: 'Covering' and the social structure of being LGBT+
    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (CRISPP) 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Annamari Vitikainen :
    The ethics of refugee prioritization: reframing the debate
    Ethics & Global Politics 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBT Rights and Refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions
    Ethics & Global Politics 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Group rights, collective goods, and the problem of cross-border minority protection
    International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Monikulttuurisuus ja yhdenvertaisuus - Ristiriidoista eteenpäin? [transl.: Multiculturalism and equality - Surpassing conflicts?]
    Gaudeamus 2018
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Multiculturalism and Political Philosophy
    Oxford University Press 2017 DOI
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Introduction to the thematic issue ‘Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility’
    Journal of Global Ethics 2016 DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Excused by Culture?: Sex, Desire, and Conflicts in the Courtrooms
    Transaction Publishers 2016 DOI
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Culturally Motivated Actions and the Desire to Control
    Homo Oeconomicus (HOEC) 2014
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility
    Routledge 2018
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    The Limits of Liberal Multiculturalism: Towards an Individuated Approach to Cultural Diversity
    Palgrave Macmillan 2015
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugees and LGBTQ rights: A case for giving priority to LGBTQ persons in refugee admissions
  • Annamari Vitikainen, Joanna Aleksandra Kreft :
    Can academic philosophy make a difference?
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee-based reasons in refugee resettlement
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    On being Good Gay: 'Covering' and the social structure of being LGBT+
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Indigenous Citizenship, Shared Fate, and Non-ideal Circumstances
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee-based reasons in refugee resettlement
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBT Rights and Refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions
  • Stig Brøndbo, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Er det greit å prioritere mellom flyktninger?
    12. Jun 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    'Oikeudenmukaisuuden ongelma'/'Monikulttuurisuus ja yhdenvertaisuus' ['The Problem of Justice'/'Multiculturalism and equality') - book panel
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Conceptualizing Indigenous Citizenship: Equal, differentiated, and shared citizenship
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBT Rights and Refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBT Rights and Refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in refugee admissions
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Introduction and panel discussion on LGBTQ refugees as part of Film Screening on LGBTQ refugee work in Ottawa
    LGBTQ refugee work / Film Screening and Panel Discussion 2018
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Group Rights, Collective Goods, and the Problem of Cross-border Minority Protection
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Multiculturalism in the Nordic Region
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Minority rights and the problem of cross-border minority protection
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    LGBT rights and refugees: A case for prioritizing LGBT status in asylum?
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility
    Journal of Global Ethics 2016
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Conceptualizing Indigenous Citizenship: equal, differentiated, or shared citizenship?
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Minority Rights and Global Justice: assessing the normative differences between societal and global discourses of cultural justice
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Monikulttuurisuus ja yhdenvertaisuus: miten mahdollisista ristiriidoista voi päästä eteenpäin? (Multiculturalism and equality: how to surpass possible conflicts?)
  • Annamari Vitikainen, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen :
    Globalizing Minority Rights: Cosmopolitanism, Global Institutions, and Cultural Justice / Introduction of the GMR project
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Conceptualizing Indigenous Citizenship: Equal, differentiated, or shared citizenship?
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Minority Rights and Global Justice: Assessing the normative differences in societal and global discourses of cultural justice
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Minority Rights and Global Justice: Assessing the normative differences between societal and global discourses of cultural justice
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Liberalismin, liberaalin monikulttuurisuusteorian ja monikulttuurisuuspolitiikan suhteista (On the relations of liberalism, liberal multiculturalism, and multicultural politics)
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Minority Rights and Equal Citizenship
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    "Liberal Egalitarianism and Equality of Opportunity"
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    "Excused by Culture? Wants, desires, and the power to control"
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    Liberal multiculturalism and allocation of minority rights: Group-membership, self-identification, and need"
  • Annamari Vitikainen :
    "Group Membership and the Allocation of Group-differentiated Rights"

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →