Henrik Isak Immanuel Gustafsson

  • Henrik Isak Immanuel Gustafsson :
    Gray Illuminations: Foucault and Warburg in the Kingdom of Shadows
    Edinburgh University Press 2023 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Henrik Isak Immanuel Gustafsson :
    Screen Violence from Settler Colonialism to Cognitive Capitalism: Westworld and the Player Piano.
    Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    “A new image of man”: Harun Farocki and cinema as chiro-praxis
    Journal of Aesthetics and Culture 29. Dec 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    “Archaeologists of the Off-Screen: Harun Farocki and Trevor Paglen”
    Palgrave Macmillan 2019 DOI
  • Ralph Appleby, Paul Davis, Louise Davis, Henrik Gustafsson :
    Examining perceptions of teammates? burnout and training hours in Athlete burnout
    Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (JCSP) 2018 DOI
  • Marcus Borjesson, Carolina Lundqvist, Henrik Gustafsson, Paul Davis :
    Flotation REST as a stress reduction method: The effects on anxiety, muscle tension, and performance
    Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology (JCSP) 2018 DOI
  • Øystein Røynesdal, Tryntsje Tsjitske Toering, Henrik Gustafsson :
    Understanding players' transition from youth to senior professional football environments: A coach perspective
    International journal of sports science & coaching 2018 DOI
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    “The past still has possibilities”: The Art of Memory in Daniel Eisenberg’s Postwar Films
    Aarhus Universitetsforlag 2017
  • Asbjørn Grønstad, Henrik Gustafsson, Øyvind Vågnes :
    Gestures of Seeing
    Routledge 2017
  • Henrik Gustafsson, Øyvind Vågnes, Asbjørn Grønstad :
    Gestures of Seeing
    Objektiv. Tidskrift for kamerabasert kunst 2016
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    The Cut and the Continuum: Sophie Ristelhueber's Anatomical Atlas
    History of Photography 2016 DOI
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    Remnants of Palestine, or, Archaeology after Auschwitz
    Bloomsbury Academic 2014 DOI
  • Asbjørn Grønstad, Henrik Gustafsson :
    Giorgio Agamben and the Shape of Cinema to Come
    Bloomsbury Academic 2014 DOI
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    "Points of Flight, Lines of Fracture: Claire Denis's Uncanny Landscape"
    I.B. Tauris 2014 DOI
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    'A Wet Emptiness: The Phenomenology of Film Noir'
    Wiley-Blackwell 2013 DOI
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    Foresight, Hindsight and State Secrecy in the American West: The Geopolitical Aesthetics of Trevor Paglen
    Journal of Visual Culture 2013 DOI
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    "Beyond Location: Vertigo and the Capacity for Wonder"
    Scarecrow Press 2012
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    Crime Scenery in Postwar Film and Photography
    Palgrave Macmillan 2019 DATA
  • Asbjørn Grønstad, Henrik Gustafsson, Øyvind Vågnes :
    Gestures of Seeing in Film, Video and Drawing
    Routledge 2017 OMTALE
  • Henrik Gustafsson, Asbjørn Grønstad :
    Cinema and Agamben: Ethics, Biopolitics and the Moving Image
    Bloomsbury Academic 2014
  • Henrik Gustafsson, Asbjørn Grønstad :
    Ethics and Images of Pain
    Routledge 2012
  • Asbjørn Grønstad, Henrik Gustafsson :
    Ethics and Images of Pain
    Routledge 2012
  • Henrik Isak Immanuel Gustafsson :
    Edinburgh University Press 2023 ARKIV
  • Henrik Isak Immanuel Gustafsson :
    In Spite of All (Malgré tout)
    Edinburgh University Press 2023 ARKIV
  • Henrik Isak Immanuel Gustafsson :
    Lexington Books 2022 ARKIV
  • Henrik Isak Immanuel Gustafsson :
    “Screen Violence from Settler Colonialism to Cognitive Capitalism”
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    “The Sedimented Screen” - keynote lecture
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    “The Production of Off-Screen Space: Haran Farocki & Trevor Paglen”
  • Åsne Ø. Høgetveit, Andrei Rogatchevski, Henrik Gustafsson :
    The Moral Vertical in Russian Cinema: Female Pilots, Flight Attendants, Cosmonauts and Aliens
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    Crime Scenery - presentation av bokprosjekt for forskergruppen WONA på UiT
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    The secret history of the player piano
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    “Ethics of Retracing.”
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    Keynote Lecture: “Witnesses in spite of themselves.”
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    The Time of the Image
  • Henrik Gustafsson, Asbjørn Grønstad :
    Editorial: American, British and Canadian Studies, special issue: “Changing Screen Cultures: New Archaeologies, Ecologies, Topologies.”
    American, British and Canadian Studies Journal 2015
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    “From the Archive of Everyday Observations: Daniel Eisenberg’s Post-War Films.”
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    Contested Spaces
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    "The Testimony of Trees"
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    "The Art of War, or, Sophie Ristelhueber's Anatomy Lesson"
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    "A Sedimentation of the Sky"
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    Invisible Wars Disguised as Poems
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    "The Persistence of Ruins and the Possibility of Memory"
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    'Van Gogh's suicide note and the remnants of Auschwitz'
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    'Testimony and Territory, or, Archaeology after Auschwitz'
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    The Last Pictures
    Objektiv. Tidskrift for kamerabasert kunst 2013
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    Aviation, Anatomy, and the longue durée of War
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    "Foresight, Hindsight, and Blind Spots: Mapping State Secrecy in the American West."
  • Henrik Gustafsson, Asbjørn Grønstad :
    Routledge 2012
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    "Splitting Sightlines: Immersion and Withdrawal in the Films of Claire Denis"
  • Henrik Gustafsson :
    "From Scopic Regimes to Scotopic Vision: Mapping Dark Geography"

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →