Natalia Mitrofanova,
Sergey Minor,
Christina Athanasiadi,
Nadine Kolb,
Marit Kristine Westergaard
The role of heritage languages in L3 aspect processing: evidence from eye-tracking
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Oleksandra Hrebenshchykova,
Kamil Długosz,
Sergey Minor,
Marit Westergaard
Bidirectional Cross-linguistic Influence and the Effect of Age: Ukrainian Refugee Children in Poland
Sara Kosutar,
Judith Schlenter,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Sergey Minor
Cross-linguistic influence on the acquisition of grammatical aspect: Evidence from Croatian-German and Croatian-Italian bilingual children
Christina Athanasiadi,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Sergey Minor
An investigation into L3 acquisition and processing of Grammatical Aspect in English by bilingual Greek-German children
Nadine Kolb,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Sergey Minor,
Jason Rothman
The impact of (extra-)linguistic variables on the development of Syrian-Arabic as a heritage language
Serge Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
Comprehension vs prediction in the processing of grammatical case cues by bilingual children
Nadine Kolb,
Brechje Antonet van Osch,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Alicia Luque,
Sergey Minor,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
et al.:
(Extra-)linguistic variables in multilingual language development in children and adolescents
Sara Kosutar,
Judith Schlenter,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Serge Minor
Verbal aspect processing in Croatian: A Visual World eye-tracking study
Anna Alexandra Kamenetski,
Serge Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova
L1 Transfer Effects in L2 Aspectual Interpretation: Web-Based Eyetracking Evidence from Polish and Norwegian Native Speakers
Serge Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
The interaction of linguistic and visual cues for the processing of Case in Russian by Russian-German bilinguals: An eye tracking study
Nadine Kolb,
Serge Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking
Serge Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova
Crosslinguistic influence in child bilingual acquisition: A Visual World eye-tracking study on grammatical case and aspect processing by German-Russian and Spanish-Russian bilinguals
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Serge Minor,
Nadine Kolb,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking
Nadine Kolb,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Sergey Minor,
Jason Rothman
The impact of (extra-)linguistic variables on the development of Syrian-Arabic and German
Anna Alexandra Kamenetski,
Serge Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova
L1 transfer effects in L2 aspectual interpretation: Web-based eyetracking evidence from L1 Polish and Norwegian speakers
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Sergey Minor,
Nadine Kolb,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
L3 Processing of Verbal Aspect in English by Russian-German Bilingual Children: Evidence from Eye-Tracking
Serge Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
Visual Event Representation Facilitates the Processing of Grammatical Case by Russian-German Bilingual Children
Serge Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova
“Quantum leaps” in grammar acquisition: Evidence from the acquisition of Russian aspect
Sergey Minor
“Quantum leaps” in grammar acquisition: Evidence from the acquisition of Russian aspect
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard,
Serge Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova
The interaction of linguistic and visual stimuli for the processing of Case in Russian by Russian-German bilinguals: An eyetracking study
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Sergey Minor,
Alexandra Bogoyavlenskaya
Grammar interaction in multilingual processing – an eye-tracking study of grammatical case and verbal aspect in heritage Russian
Nadine Kolb,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Sergey Minor,
Jason Rothman
Heritage language and child second language development in Syrian Arabic and German in the European refugee context
Sergey Minor,
Anna Alexandra Kamenetski,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Charlotte Sant,
Myrte Titia Vos,
Gillian Catriona Ramchand
Electrophysiological Correlates of Minimal Phrasal Composition in Comprehension
Nadine Kolb,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Serge Minor,
Jason Rothman
Predictive Processing in HL Syrian Arabic and cL2 German
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard
Visual Event Representations Facilitate the Processing of Grammatical Case by Russian-German Bilingual Children
Nadine Kolb,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Sergey Minor,
Jason Rothman
Investigating Proxies for Understanding Trajectories: An empirical study on Syrian Arabic as a heritage language and German as a second language
Nadine Kolb,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Sergey Minor,
Jason Rothman
Syrian Arabic as a Heritage Language in Germany
Nadine Kolb,
Merete Brendeford Anderssen,
Serge Minor,
Jason Rothman
Language experience predictors of heritage language trajectories in 6- to 12-year-old Syrian Arabic-German bilinguals
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Serge Minor
Does structural similarity with the societal language facilitate acquisition of vulnerable grammatical categories in the heritage language? A Visual World eye-tracking study of the acquisition of grammatical case and aspect
Sergey Minor,
Alexandra Bogoyavlenskaya
Grammar interaction in multilingual processing – an eye-tracking study of grammatical case and verbal aspect in heritage Russian
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Sergey Minor
Acquisition of grammatical case and aspect in monolingual and heritage Russian: evidence from eye-tracking
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gustavo Guajardo,
Myrte Titia Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Aspect processing in Russian in comparison to English and Spanish: experimental evidence for semantic distinctions
Sergey Minor
Acquisition of grammatical case and aspect in monolingual and heritage Russian: evidence from eye-tracking
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gustavo Guajardo,
Myrte Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Aspect Processing Across Languages Visual World Eye Tracking Evidence for Semantic Distinctions
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gustavo Guajardo,
Myrte Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Temporal Information and Event Bounding Across Languages. Evidence from Visual World Eye Tracking
Sergey Minor
Events and Implicatures: A Study of Distributive Inferences
Gillian C Ramchand,
Sergey Minor,
Myrte Vos,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gustavo Guajardo
Aspect Processing Across Languages: Visual World Eye Tracking Evidence for Semantic Distinctions
Sergey Minor
Analyzing Effect Latencies in Infrared and Webcam-based VW Eye-tracking
Myrte Vos,
Sergey Minor,
Gillian C Ramchand
Exploring the efficacy of webcam-based eye tracking for Visual World experiments
Sergey Minor
Cluster-based Permutation Analysis for VW Eye-tracking Data
Gillian C Ramchand,
Sergey Minor,
Myrte Vos
Comparing Infrared and Webcam-based Eye Tracking in the Visual World Paradigm
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Myrte Titia Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Processing Aspect in Russian and English: Evidence from Visual World Eye-Tracking
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gillian C Ramchand
The Processing of Grammatical Aspect by Russian-speaking Children and Adults: A Visual World Eye-Tracking Study
Gustavo Guajardo,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Sergey Minor
Comprehension and Processing of Grammatical Aspect in Spanish Monolinguals: Early Production, Delayed Comprehension?