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Terje Gjengedal

  • Raju Wagle, Pawan Sharma, Sharma Charu, Terje Gjengedal, CHITTARANJAN PRADHAN :
    Bio‐inspired hybrid BFOA‐PSO algorithm‐based reactive power controller in a standalone wind‐diesel power system
    International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • CHITTARANJAN PRADHAN, Terje Gjengedal :
    A Novel Fuzzy Adaptive Jaya Optimization for Automatic Generation Control in Multi-Area Power System
    IEEE conference proceedings 2021 DOI
  • CHITTARANJAN PRADHAN, Terje Gjengedal :
    Adaptive Jaya Algorithm for Optimized PI-PD Cascade Controller of Load Frequency Control in Interconnected Two-Area Power System
    IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2020 DOI
  • CHITTARANJAN PRADHAN, Manoj Kumar Senapati, Siva Ganesh Malla, Paresh Kumar Nayak, Terje Gjengedal :
    Coordinated Power Management and Control of Standalone PV-Hybrid System with Modified IWO-Based MPPT
    IEEE Systems Journal 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Arne Brufladt Svendsen, Trond Tollefsen, Terje Gjengedal, Morten Goodwin, Stian Antonsen :
    Digitalization of the power business: How to make this work?
    CRC Press 2018 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Tobias Aigner, Stefan Jaehnert, Gerard L. Doorman, Terje Gjengedal :
    The effect of large scale wind power on system balancing in Northern Europe
    IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 2012 DOI
  • Tobias Aigner, K Schaber, T Hamacher, Terje Gjengedal :
    Integrating Wind - Influence of Transmission Grid Extension on European Electricity Market Prices
    IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe 2012 DOI
  • Ida Fuchs, Terje Gjengedal :
    Ant colony optimization and analysis of time step resolution in transmission expansion computations for wind power integration
    IEEE conference proceedings 2011 DOI
  • Ida Fuchs, Steve Völler, Terje Gjengedal :
    Improved Method for Integrating Renewable Energy Sources into the Power System of Northern Europe Transmission Expansion Planning for Wind Power Integration
    IEEE conference proceedings 2011 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Stefan Jaehnert, Tobias Aigner, Gerard L. Doorman, Terje Gjengedal :
    Impact of large scale wind integration on power system balancing
    IEEE conference proceedings 2011
  • Ida Fuchs, Steve Völler, Terje Gjengedal :
    Ant Colony based Transmission Expansion developed for the Nordic Area and Great Britain
    IEEE conference proceedings 2011 FULLTEKST
  • Tobias Aigner, Terje Gjengedal :
    Modelling wind power production based on numerical prediction models and wind speed measurements
    Curran Associates, Inc. 2011
  • Ida Fuchs, Terje Gjengedal :
    Ant colony optimization and analysis of time step resolution in transmission expansion computations for wind power integration
    IEEE conference proceedings 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christopher Johan Greiner, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    A Model for Techno-Economic Optimization of Wind Power Combined with Hydrogen Production in Weak Grids
    EPE Journal: European Power Electronics and Drives 2009 ARKIV
  • Christopher Johan Greiner, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Value of Combining Hydrogen Production with Wind Power in Short-Term Electricity Markets
    IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2008
  • Terje Gjengedal :
    Modeling and Aggregation of Wind Parks for Power System Stability Studies
    WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems 2006
  • John Olav Giæver Tande, Kjetil Uhlen, Terje Gjengedal :
    Options for large scale integration of wind power
  • Lars Nesje Grimsmo, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Probabilistic sizing of wind and hydrogen power systems for remote areas
    Curran Associates, Inc. 2005
  • Anders Eide, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Assessment of isolated energy systems based on wind power and hydrogen storage in an artic environment
  • Jarle Eek, Kjetil Uhlen, Terje Gjengedal :
    Transient stability studies comparing synchronous and doubly fed induction generators
  • Lars Nesje Grimsmo, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Design of wind and hydrogen stand-alone power systems using a probalistic method
  • Michael Martin Belsnes, Terje Gjengedal, Olav B Fosso :
    Methods for Short-term Generation Scheduling i Hydro Dominated Power Systems
  • Terje Gjengedal, Halvor Heir By, Jørn Johnsen :
    Managing Maintenance: Getting the Right Information
    Hydro Review Worldwide 2005
  • Terje Gjengedal :
    Large-scale Wind Power Farms as Power Plants
    Wind Energy 2005 DATA / OMTALE / DOI
  • Tobias Aigner, Terje Gjengedal :
    Modeling the northern European electricity market
  • Ida Fuchs, Terje Gjengedal :
    Transmission Expansion Planning in the Nordic System for Wind Power Integration based on Ant Colony Optimization
    2011 ARKIV
  • Ida Fuchs, Terje Gjengedal :
    Ant colony optimization and analysis of time step resolution in transmission expansion computations for wind power integration
  • Terje Gjengedal :
    Future North Sea Grid and very high power wind farms in the North Sea
  • Terje Gjengedal :
    The North Sea Grid
  • Christopher Johan Greiner, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Optimal Operation of Energy Storage Systems Combined with Wind Power in Short-Term Power Markets
  • Christopher Johan Greiner, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
  • Christopher Johan Greiner, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Dimensioning and Operating Isolated Wind-Hydrogen-Diesel Energy Systems
  • Terje Gjengedal :
    Integration of Hydro power with other generation sources Experiences from Norway
  • Christopher Johan Greiner, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Value of Combining Hydrogen Production with Wind Power in Short-Term Electricity Markets
  • Christopher Johan Greiner, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Dimensioning and Operating Isolated Wind-Hydrogen-Diesel Energy Systems
  • Christopher Johan Greiner, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
  • Terje Gjengedal, Ellen M. N. Hansen, Helge Eduard Mordt :
    Taking control of Flow Releases: A tool for better calculating Water Needed for Minimum Flows
    ? 2006 OMTALE
  • Jarle Eek, Kjetil Uhlen, Terje Gjengedal :
    Wind Power Contribution to Primery Frequency Response in the Nordel Power System
  • Jarle Eek, Giuseppe Di Marzio, Torstein Lund, Olav B Fosso, Terje Gjengedal, Kjetil Uhlen :
    Reactive Power Compensation and Voltage Control in Regional Networks with High Wind Power Penetration and Thermal Capacity Constraints
  • Jarle Eek, Terje Gjengedal, Kjetil Uhlen :
    Influence of High Wind Power Penetration on the Nordic Power Grid Primary Control Response
  • Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Opportunities for Hydrogen Storage in connection with Stochastic Distributed Generation
  • Magnus Korpås, John Olav Giæver Tande, Kjetil Uhlen, Einar Ståle Huse, Terje Gjengedal :
    Planning and operation of large wind farms in areas with limited power transfer capacity
  • Klaus-Ole Vogstad, Terje Gjengedal :
    Complementaries of wind and hydro in hydrothermal power markets
  • Terje Gjengedal, Klaus-Ole Vogstad :
    Optimal long-term coordination of wind and hydropower in a hydrothermal electricity market
  • Jarle Eek, Kjetil Uhlen, Terje Gjengedal :
    Wind Power Contribution to Primary Frequency Response in the Nordel Power System
  • Bjarne Idsøe Næss, Jarle Eek, Tore Marvin Undeland, Terje Gjengedal :
    Ride Through Solutions for Doubly Fed Induction Generators
    2005 DATA
  • Michael Martin Belsnes, Terje Gjengedal, Olav B Fosso :
    Methods for Short-term Generation Scheduling i Hydro Dominated Power Systems
  • Lars Nesje Grimsmo, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Design of wind and hydrogen stand-alone power systems using a probabilistic method
    01. Jan 2005
  • Anders Eide, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Assessment of isolated energy systems based on wind power and hydrogen storage in an arctic environment
  • Lars Nesje Grimsmo, Magnus Korpås, Terje Gjengedal :
    Probabilistic sizing of wind and hydrogen power systems for remote areas
    01. Jan 2005

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