Sidsel Saugestad

  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Sannhetskommisjoner. Om institusjonalisert kunnskap, kritisk distanse og andre antropologiske utfordringer
    Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    North South Collaboration. Comparative Experiences of Partipation, Action and Research
    Orient BlackSwan 2019
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    La collaboration Nord-Sud entre centres de recherche: expériences comparées, nouvelle attentes
    L'Harmattan 2016
  • Jorun Bræck Ramstad, Sidsel Saugestad :
    Samiske studier - et tidsbilde og noen analyseperspektiver
    Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2015 DOI
  • Sidsel Saugestad, Maitseo Bolaane :
    Research On, With, and By indigenous peoples - Reflections on Research Ethics, Local Strategies and International Engagement
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Regional and indigenous identities in the high north: enacting social boundaries
    Polar Record 2012 DOI
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Impact of international mechanisms on indigenous rights in Botswana
    International Journal of Human Rights 2011 DOI
  • Sidsel Saugestad, Maitseo Bolaane :
    The University of Botswana and the University of Tromsø Collaborative Program: Its Relevance to Minority Education and San Youth Capacity Building
    Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education 2011 DOI
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Besvärliga urfolksrättigheter i Afrika - fallet Kalahari
    Ordfront förlag 2009
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Beyond the 'Columbus Context': New Challenges as the Indigeneous Discourse is Applied to Africa
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    San Development and Challenges in Development Cooperation
    Senri Ethnological Studies 2006
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    La collaboration Nord-Sud entre centres de recherche: expériences comparées, nouvelles attentes
    L'Harmattan 2016
  • Jennifer Hays, Velina Ninkova, Sidsel Saugestad :
    The Research and Advocacy Group for Hunter Gatherer Education
    AnthropoChildren 2018 DOI
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    A turn of the pendulum: The rise and fall of Norwegian policy attention to Sami and indigenous issues.
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Paper: Theory and Practice in San Research- Panel: Research and Activism among the Kalahari San today: Ideals, Challenges and Debates.
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Panel discussion on epistemological and political configurations of anthropology in Norway, comparison Norwegian and British anthopological practice
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Book Review. Transforming law and institution: Indigenous Peoples, The United Nations and human rights.By Rhiannon Morgan
    Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology 2014
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Bokanmeldelse av Jens Dahl: The Indigenous Space and Marginalized Peoples in the United Nations. Palgrave Macmillian 2012
    Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2014
  • Sidsel Saugestad, Maitseo Bolaane :
    Reflections on research ethics, local strategies and donor engagement
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Research on, with and by Indigneous peoples. Trying out a model in North-South cooperation
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Borders within states. Discrimination in the name of non-differentiation
  • Marianne Skandfer, Sidsel Saugestad :
    Komparativ urfolksforskning og diakront blikk på samisk landskapsbruk
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    State codification of indigeneity and access to development
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Indigeneity in the Courtroom. Law, Culture and the Production of Difference in North American Courts
    Ethnos 2011 DOI
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Current Issues for Indigenous Peoples in Africa
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Book review: Indigeneity in the Courtroom. Law Culture and the Production of Difference in North American Courts. By Jennifer A. Hamilton. New York:Routledge 2008
    Ethnos 2011
  • Sidsel Saugestad, Shanley Swanson :
    Stakes Replacing Rights. New Pathways for Indigenous Peoples in Development Cooperation? Conference Report 2011
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Indigenous Peoples' Rights
    Sage Publications 2011
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Indigeneity in the Courtroom. Law, Culture and the Production of Difference in North American Courts
    Ethnos 2010 DOI
  • Kuela Kiema, Sidsel Saugestad :
    Preface: Tears For My Land. A Social History of the Kua of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Tc'amnqoo
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Preface to Kuela Kiema: Tears For My Land. A Social History of the Kua of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, Tc'amnqoo
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Background to the Centre for San Studies. The responsibility of academia
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Indigenous Rights in Botswana
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Different Borders: Regional and Indigenous Identities in the High North
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Impact of International Mechanisms on Indigeneous Rights in Botswana
  • Sidsel Saugestad, Maitseo Bolaane :
    Academy meets Advocacy: University Collaboration on Indigenous Issues
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Urfolk i Afrika: Sanfolket i Kalahari
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Urfolk i sørlige Afrika - Kapasitetsoppbygging for framtida
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Comments on Horwood's interview with Corry
    Mmegi 28. Dec 2007 DATA
  • Sidsel Saugestad, Maitseo Bolaane :
    Worlds Apart
    Global Knowledge 2007 DATA
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Words or Action? Transition from Indigenous Activism to Political Power - Challenges form South America
    2007 DATA
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Impact of the International Indigenous Process in Botswana - Botswana's Impact on the International Process
  • Sidsel Saugestad, Maitseo Bolaane, Molefe Rantsudu :
    University Collaboration on Indigenous Issues: Where Academy meets Advocacy
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Indigenous Rights in Botswana?
  • Sidsel Saugestad, Maitseo Bolaane :
    Mother Tongue. Old Debates and New Initiatives in San Education
    Indigenous Affairs 2006
  • Jean Koulandi, Sidsel Saugestad :
    Rural Resettlement, Cotton Cultivation and Coping Strategies in the Benue River Basin, Northern Cameroon
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Words or Action? As the International Indigenous Discourse meet Political Realities
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    James Suzman: 'Things from the Bush.' A contemporary history of the Omaheke Bushmen
    Africa 2005
  • Sidsel Saugestad :
    Knut Nustad: Gavens makt. Norsk utviklingshjelp som formynderskap
    Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 2005

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