Richard Alan Barnes
Revisiting the Legal Status of Dependent Archipelagic Waters from First Principles
Richard Alan Barnes
Global Solidarity, Differentiated Responsibilities and the Law of the Sea
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2022
Richard Alan Barnes,
Paul S. Kemp,
Gowshika Subbiah,
Kristina Boerder,
Bethan C. O’Leary,
Bryce D. Stewart
et al.:
The future of marine fisheries management and conservation in the United Kingdom: Lessons learnt from over 100 years of biased policy
Richard Alan Barnes,
Paul S. Kemp,
Gowshika Subbiah,
Kristina Boerder,
Bethan C. O'Leary,
Bryce D. Stewart
et al.:
Future advances in UK marine fisheries policy: Integrated nexus management, technological advance, and shifting public opinion
Richard Alan Barnes
An Advisory Opinion on Climate Change Obligations Under International Law: A Realistic Prospect?
Ocean Development and International Law 2022
Richard Alan Barnes
Framework Agreement on Fisheries between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Kingdom of Norway
The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 2021