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Jarle Aarbakke

  • Jarle Aarbakke, Knut Rasmussen :
    Medikamentell terapi
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2003
  • Lars Marius Ytrebø, Geir Ivar Nedredal, Christian Korvald, OJ Holm Nielsen , B Ingebrigtsen, Jarle Aarbakke et al.:
    Renal elimination of protein S-100beta in pigs with acute enchephalopathy
    Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 2001
  • Jarle Aarbakke, PC Endresen :
    Hvordan er det med reseptorene mine, doktor?
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2001
  • thrina Loennechen, Egil Utsi, Ingeborg Hartz, Roy A Lysaa, hanne Kildalsen, Jarle Aarbakke :
    Detection of one single mutation predicts thiopurine S-methyltransferase activity in a population of Saami in Northern Norway
    International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2001
  • Berit Bang, Christel Ericsen, jarle Aarbakke :
    Effects of cAMP and cGMP elevating agents on HL-60 cell differentiation
    Pharmacology and Toxicology 1994
  • Berit Bang, jarle Aarbakke, Georg Sager :
    Epinephrine induces β-adrenergic desensitization and differentiation of HL-60 cells
    Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 1993
  • Per S. Prytz, Berit Bang, Petter Cappelen Endresen, Conny Møller, jarle Aarbakke :
    Elevation of cyclic AMP levels in HL-60 cells accumulated in G1 or G2 by transmethylation inhibitor
    Biochemical Pharmacology 1991
  • Ugo Moens, Berit Bang, jarle Aarbakke :
    Physiological cyclic AMP stimulation and oncogene mRNA levels in HL-60 cells
    Life Sciences 1990
  • Berit Bang, Georg Sager, jarle Aarbakke :
    Growth, differen¬tiation and the ß-adrenergic signal system of HL-60 cells. Characteri¬zation in a medium with insulin as the only added protein
    Biochemical Pharmacology 1989
  • Georg Sager, Berit Bang, Mona Irene Pedersen, jarle Aarbakke :
    The human promyelocytic leukemia cell (HL-60 cell) ß-adrenergic receptor
    Journal of Leukocyte Biology 1988
  • Georg Sager, Berit Bang, Mona Irene Pedersen, jarle Aarbakke :
    ß-adrenergic receptors of normal, transformed and immature leuko¬cytes
    Humana Press 1987
  • jarle Aarbakke, PK Chiang, HP Koeffler :
    Tumor cell differentiation
    Humana Press 1987
  • jarle Aarbakke :
    Velkommen til UiT – Norges arktiske universitet!
    Nordlys 31. Jul 2013 ARKIV
  • Jarle Aarbakke :
    Veien til Norges arktiske universitet
    2013 FULLTEKST
  • Jarle Aarbakke :
    Veien til Norges arktiske universitet
    2013 FULLTEKST
  • Gerd Bjørhovde, jarle Aarbakke :
    UiT sin kvinnesatsing gir resultater
    Nordlys 15. Dec 2006
  • Anne Husebekk, arnfinn Sundsfjord, Toralf Hasvold, Knut Schrøder, nils-erik Huseby, LH Vorland et al.:
    Kan vi ha tillit til medisinsk forskning?
    Nordlys 18. Jul 2006
  • thrina Loennechen, Roy A Lysaa, trude Giverhaug, Ingebrigt Sylte, L-E Mathisen, Jarle Aarbakke :
    Nye styringsverktøy for tiopuriner i leukemi og transplantasjonsbehandling
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2002

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