Bilde av Virtej, Anca
Bilde av Virtej, Anca
Klinihkalaš odontologiija instituhtta +4777645101 You can find me here

Anca Virtej

  • Anca Virtej, Larissa Alexandrina von Marti, Marek Wagner, Helge Wiig, Ying Xue, Athanasia Bletsa et al.:
    Contribution of initial lymphatics to oral wound healing after tooth extraction
    European Journal of Oral Sciences 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anca Virtej, Emma Wigsten, Dag Solmund Ørstavik, Sivakami Rethnam Haug :
    Utvikling av endodontien i fremtiden
    Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende 2023 DOI
  • Stine Hufthammer Indrelid, Harsh Nitin Dongre, Ivana Pereira Nunes, Anca Virtej, Athanasia Bletsa, Ellen Berggreen :
    Human gingival epithelial cells stimulate proliferation, migration, and tube formation of lymphatic endothelial cells in vitro
    Journal of Periodontal Research 2023 DOI
  • Sudan Prasad Neupane, Anca Virtej, Lene Elisabeth Myhren, Vibeke Hervik Bull :
    Biomarkers common for inflammatory periodontal disease and depression: A systematic review
    Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health (BBI - Health) 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ellen Berggreen, Anca Virtej :
    Pulpa og væskedrenasje. Hva vet vi nå og hva kan det bety i klinikken?
    Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende 2021
  • Ellen Berggreen, Helge Wiig, Anca Virtej :
    Fluid transport from the dental pulp revisited
    European Journal of Oral Sciences 2020 DOI
  • Anca Virtej, Olav Tenstad, Helge Wiig, Ellen Berggreen :
    Interstitial fluid drainage from rat apical area takes place via vessels in the mandibular canal.
    European Journal of Oral Sciences 2020 DOI
  • Anca Virtej, Panagiota Papadakou, Hajime Sasaki, Athanasia Bletsa, Ellen Berggreen :
    VEGFR-2 reduces while combined VEGFR-2 and -3 signaling increases inflammation in apical periodontitis
    Journal of Oral Microbiology 2016 DOI
  • Anca Virtej, Sigbjørn Suk Løes, Ole Iden, Athanasia Bletsa, Ellen Berggreen :
    Vascular endothelial growth factors signalling in normal human dental pulp: a study of gene and protein expression
    European Journal of Oral Sciences 2013 DOI
  • Anca Virtej, Sigbjørn Suk Løes, Ellen Berggreen, Athanasia Bletsa :
    Localization and signaling patterns of vascular endothelial growth factors and receptors in human periapical lesions
    Journal of Endodontics 2013 DOI
  • Athanasia Bletsa, Anca Virtej, Ellen Berggreen :
    Vascular endothelial growth factors and receptors are up-regulated during development of apical periodontitis
    Journal of Endodontics 2012 DOI
  • Sudan Prasad Neupane, Anca Virtej, Lene Elisabeth Myhren, Vibeke Hervik Bull :
    Shared biomarkers in inflammatory periodontal disease and depression: a systematic review and meta analysis.
  • Sudan Prasad Neupane, Anca Virtej, Myhren Lene Elisabeth, Vibeke Hervik Bull :
    Biomarkers common for inflammatory periodontal disease and depression: A systematic review.
  • Anca Virtej, Olav Tenstad, Helge Wiig, Ellen Berggreen :
    Protein-rich fluid dynamics from the periapical mandibular area in rats
  • Anca Virtej :
    From caries to apical periodotitis
  • Anca Virtej, Olav Tenstad, Helge Wiig, Ellen Berggreen :
    Lymphatic transport route from the dental pulp
  • Anca Virtej :
    From caries to apical periodontitis - state of current knowledge
  • Anca Virtej, Ellen Berggreen :
    Vascular endothelial growth factors and receptors - from normal dental pulp to apical pathology
    Universitetet i Bergen 2016 FULLTEKST / OMTALE
  • Anca Virtej, Athanasia Bletsa, Hajime Sasaki, Panagiota Papadakou, Ellen Berggreen :
    Combined Inhibition of VEGFR-2 and -3 Reduces Murine Periapical Inflammation
  • Anca Virtej, Asgeir Bårdsen, Sivakami Rethnam Haug, Inge Fristad :
    Sequelae after traumatic dental injury in an adult patient. A case report
  • Anca Virtej, Sigbjørn Suk Løes, Athanasia Bletsa, Ellen Berggreen :
    Localization of vascular endothelial growth factors and receptors and their gene signalling in human periapical lesions.
  • Anca Virtej, Sigbjørn Suk Løes, Athanasia Bletsa, Ellen Berggreen :
    Immunohistochemical analysis of vascular endothelial growth factors and receptors in human periapical lesions.

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →