Rajeev Bopche,
Lise Tuset Gustad,
Jan Egil Afset,
Anna Greta Birgitta Ehrnström,
Jan Kristian Damås,
Øystein Nytrø
Inhospital Mortality, Readmission, and Prolonged Length of Stay Risk Prediction Leveraging Historical Electronic Health Records
Øystein Nytrø,
Lise Tuset Gustad,
Jan Egil Afset,
Jan Kristian Damås,
Anna Greta Birgitta Ehrnström
Advancing Bloodstream Infection Prediction Using Explanable Artificial Intelligence Framework
Kaban Koochakpour,
Dipendra Pant,
Odd Sverre Westbye,
Thomas Brox Røst,
Bennett Leventhal,
Roman Alexandriovich Koposov
et al.:
Ability of clinical data to predict readmission in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Roman Alexandriovich Koposov,
Line Mærvoll Stien,
Carolyn Elizabeth Clausen,
Bennett Leventhal,
Odd Sverre Westbye,
Øystein Nytrø
et al.:
Patients and family attitudes about clinical and research sharing of electronic clinical data
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2024
Kaban Koochakpour,
Øystein Nytrø,
Bennett L. Leventhal,
Odd Sverre Westbye,
Thomas Brox Røst,
Roman Alexandriovich Koposov
et al.:
A review of information sources and analysis methods for data driven decision aids in child and adolescent mental health services
International Journal of Medical Informatics 2024
Kaban Koochakpour,
Frida Sofie Solheim,
Øystein Nytrø,
Carolyn Elizabeth Clausen,
Thomas Frodl,
Roman Alexandriovich Koposov
et al.:
Challenges in Interpreting Norwegian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Records
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2024
Dipendra Pant,
Kaban Koochakpour,
Odd Sverre Westbye,
Carolyn Elizabeth Clausen,
Bennett L Leventhal,
Roman Alexandriovich Koposov
et al.:
Visualizing Patient Trajectories and Disorder Co-occurrences in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
IEEE conference proceedings 2024
Rajeev Bopche,
Lise Tuset Gustad,
Jan Egil Afset,
Jan Kristian Damås,
Øystein Nytrø
Predicting In-Hospital Death from Derived EHR Trajectory Features
Rajeev Bopche,
Lise Tuset Gustad,
Jan Egil Afset,
Birgitta Ehrnström,
Jan Kristian Damås,
Øystein Nytrø
Leveraging explainable artificial intelligence for early prediction of bloodstream infections using historical electronic health records
Rajeev Bopche,
Lise Tuset Gustad,
Jan Egil Afset,
Birgitta Ehrnström,
Jan Kristian Damås,
Øystein Nytrø
In-hospital mortality, readmission, and prolonged length of stay risk prediction leveraging historical electronic patient records
Melissa Y. Yan,
Lise Tuset Gustad,
Lise Husby Høvik,
Øystein Nytrø
Terminology and ontology development for semantic annotation: A use case on sepsis and adverse events
Melissa Y. Yan,
Lise Tuset Gustad,
Lise Husby Høvik,
Øystein Nytrø
Method for Designing Semantic Annotation of Sepsis Signs in Clinical Text
Carolyn Elizabeth Clausen,
Bennett Leventhal,
Øystein Nytrø,
Roman A Koposov,
Thomas Brox Røst,
Odd Sverre Westbye
et al.:
Usability of the IDDEAS prototype in child and adolescent mental health services: A qualitative study for clinical decision support system development
Frontiers in Psychiatry 2023
Kaban Koochakpour,
Øystein Nytrø,
Odd Sverre Westbye,
Bennett Leventhal,
Roman A Koposov,
Victoria Bakken
et al.:
Success factors of an early EHR system for child and adolescent mental health: Lessons learned for future practice data-driven decision aids
Victoria Bakken,
Roman A Koposov,
Thomas Brox Røst,
Carolyn Clausen,
Øystein Nytrø,
Bennett Leventhal
et al.:
Attitudes of Mental Health Service Users Toward Storage and Use of Electronic Health Records
Thomas Brox Røst,
Laura Slaughter,
Øystein Nytrø,
Ashley Elizabeth Muller,
Gunn Elisabeth Vist
Using neural networks to support high-quality evidence mapping
Melissa Yan,
Lise Husby Høvik,
Lise Tuset Gustad,
Øystein Nytrø
Understanding and Reasoning About Early Signs of Sepsis: From Annotation Guideline to Ontology
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2021
Melissa Yan,
Lise Tuset Gustad,
Øystein Nytrø
Sepsis Prediction, Early Detection and Identification Using Clinical Text for Machine Learning: A Systematic Review
JAMIA Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2021
Pål Haugar Brekke,
Taraka Rama,
Ildikó Pilán,
Øystein Nytrø,
Lilja Øvrelid
Synthetic data for annotation and extraction of family history information from clinical text
Journal of Biomedical Semantics 2021
Melissa Yan,
Lise Husby Høvik,
André Pedersen,
Lise Tuset Gustad,
Øystein Nytrø
Preliminary Processing and Analysis of an Adverse Event Dataset for Detecting Sepsis-Related Events
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2021
Fredrik Andreas Dahl,
Taraka Rama Kasicheyanula,
Petter Hurlen,
Pål Haugar Brekke,
Haldor Husby,
Tore Gundersen
et al.:
Neural classification of Norwegian radiology reports: using NLP to detect findings in CT-scans of children
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2021
Harry Hochheiser,
Xia Jing,
Elizabeth A Garcia,
Serkan Ayvaz,
Ratnesh Sahay,
Michel Dumontier
et al.:
A Minimal Information Model for Potential Drug-Drug Interactions
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2021
Carolyn Clausen,
Bennett Leventhal,
Øystein Nytrø,
Roman A Koposov,
Odd Sverre Westbye,
Thomas Brox Røst
et al.:
Clinical Decision Support Systems: An Innovative Approach to Enhancing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2020
Ildikó Pilán,
Pål Haugar Brekke,
Fredrik Andreas Dahl,
Tore Gundersen,
Haldor Husby,
Øystein Nytrø
et al.:
Classification of Syncope Cases in Norwegian Medical Records
Association for Computational Linguistics 2020
Thomas Brox Røst,
Carolyn Clausen,
Øystein Nytrø,
Roman A Koposov,
Bennett Leventhal,
Odd Sverre Westbye
et al.:
Local, Early, and Precise: Designing a Clinical Decision Support System for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Frontiers in Psychiatry 15. Dec 2020
Thomas Brox Røst,
Christine Raaen Tvedt,
Haldor Husby,
Ingrid Andås Berg,
Øystein Nytrø
Identifying catheter-related events through sentence classification
International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 2020
Øystein Nytrø,
Anh Nguyen Duc,
Hallvard Trætteberg,
Madeleine Lorås,
Babak A. Farshchian
Unreined Students or Not: Modes of Freedom in a Project-Based Software Engineering Course
Proceedings (Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training) 2020
Thomas Brox Røst,
Christine Raaen Tvedt,
Haldor Husby,
Ingrid Andås Berg,
Øystein Nytrø
Capturing Central Venous Catheterization Events in Health Record Texts
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 2018
Taraka Rama Kasicheyanula,
Pål Haugar Brekke,
Øystein Nytrø,
Lilja Øvrelid
Iterative development of family history annotation guidelines using a
synthetic corpus of clinical text
Roman A Koposov,
Thomas Frodl,
Øystein Nytrø,
Bennett Leventhal,
Andre Sourander,
Silvana Quaglini
et al.:
Clinical Decision Support Systems for Child Neuropsychiatric Disorders: The Time Has Come?
Tesfay Teame,
Tor Stålhane,
Øystein Nytrø
Electronic Health Record improvement using incident reports
Soudabeh Khodambashi,
Øystein Nytrø
A systematic literature review on evaluation of digital tools for authoring evidence-based clinical guidelines
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2017
Soudabeh Khodambashi,
Øystein Nytrø
Usability methods and techniques for published clinical guidelines on the web: a systematic literature review
Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 2017
Soudabeh Khodambashi,
Øystein Nytrø
Reviewing clinical guideline development tools: Features and characteristics
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2017
Roman A Koposov,
Sturla Fossum,
Thomas Frodl,
Øystein Nytrø,
Bennett Leventhal,
Andre Sourander
et al.:
Clinical decision support systems in child and adolescent psychiatry: a systematic review
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2017
Thomas Brox Røst,
Øystein Nytrø
Enabling Data-Driven Decision-Support in Healthcare
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet 2023
Melissa Y. Yan,
Øystein Nytrø
Capturing Signs and Events Related to Catheters in Clinical Text
Øystein Nytrø,
Melissa Yuting Yan,
Dipendra Pant
Helsedataanalyse og datadrevet beslutningsstøtte med anvendelser for sepsisforebygging og BUPH
Øystein Nytrø,
Roman A Koposov,
Odd Sverre Westbye,
Carolyn Clausen,
Bennett Leventhal,
Thomas Brox Røst
et al.:
Et bedre BUP med datadrevet kunnskapsstøtte?
Dagens medisin 2021
Victoria Bakken,
Roman A Koposov,
Thomas Brox Røst,
Carolyn Clausen,
Øystein Nytrø,
Bennett Leventhal
et al.:
Hidden in Plain Sight: Users of Mental Health Services Want to Participate in Research
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2021
Victoria Bakken,
Roman A Koposov,
Thomas Brox Røst,
Carolyn Clausen,
Øystein Nytrø,
Bennett Leventhal
et al.:
Hidden in Plain Sight: Users of Mental Health Services Want to Participate in Research
Carolyn Clausen,
Roman A Koposov,
Odd Sverre Westbye,
Norbert Skokauskas,
Øystein Nytrø,
Kaban Koochakpour
et al.:
Individualized Digital DEcision Assist System Supporting Decision-Making in Real-Time
Norbert Skokauskas,
Øystein Nytrø,
Roman A Koposov,
Odd Sverre Westbye,
Bennett Leventhal,
Carolyn Clausen
et al.:
Individualized Digital DEcision Assist System Supporting Decision-Making in Real-Time
Carolyn Clausen,
Bennett Leventhal,
Øystein Nytrø,
Roman A Koposov,
Odd Sverre Westbye,
Thomas Brox Røst
et al.:
Testing an individualized digital decision assist system for the diagnosis and management of mental and behavior disorders in children and adolescents
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2020
Øystein Nytrø,
Elizabeth A Garcia
A Minimum Representation of Potential Drug-Drug Interaction Knowledge and Evidence - Technical and User-centered Foundation
Stein Olav Skrøvseth,
Øystein Nytrø,
Thomas Smedsrud
Ja til sekundærbruk av helsedata
Fredrik Andreas Dahl,
Taraka Rama Kasicheyanula,
Petter Hurlen,
Pål Haugar Brekke,
Haldor Husby,
Tore Gundersen
et al.:
Classifying Norwegian radiology reports with deep learning
Soudabeh Khodambashi,
Øystein Nytrø
A Systematic Literature Review on Evaluation of Digital Tools for Authoring Evidence-based Clinical Guidelines
Soudabeh Khodambashi,
Dagrun Haugland,
Anette Ellingsberg,
Hanne Kottuma,
Janne Kutschera Sund,
Øystein Nytrø
An Experimental Comparison of a Co-Design Visualizing Personal Drug Information and Patient Information Leaflets: Usability Aspects
Soudabeh Khodambashi,
Øystein Nytrø
Usability methods and techniques for published clinical guidelines on the web: a systematic literature review