Bilde av Koenig, Zoe
Bilde av Koenig, Zoe
Árktalaš ja mariinna biologiija instituhtta +4777648365 You can find me here

Zoe Koenig

  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Morven Muilwijk, Håkon Johan Sandven, Øyvind Lundesgaard, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy, Sigrid Gjessing Lind et al.:
    From winter to late summer in the northwestern Barents Sea shelf: Impacts of seasonal progression of sea ice and upper ocean on nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics
    Progress in Oceanography 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eivind Hugaas Kolås, Till Martin Baumann, Ragnheid Skogseth, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Ilker Fer :
    Circulation and Hydrography in the Northwestern Barents Sea: Insights From Recent Observations and Historical Data (1950–2022)
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kirstin Schulz, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Morven Muilwijk, Dorotea Bauch, Clara J.M. Hoppe, Elise S. Droste et al.:
    The Eurasian Arctic Ocean along the MOSAiC drift in 2019-2020: An interdisciplinary perspective on physical properties and processes
    Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Ilker Fer, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson, Elizabeth Marie Jones, Eivind Hugaas Kolås :
    Diffusive and advective cross-frontal fluxes of inorganic nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon in the Barents Sea in autumn
    Progress in Oceanography 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Benjamin Rabe, Céline Heuzé, Julia Regnery, Yevgeny Aksenov, Jacob Allerholt, Marylou Athanase et al.:
    Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: physical oceanography
    Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Camila Artana, Christine Provost, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Marylou Athanase, Ava Asgari :
    Atlantic Water Inflow Through the Yermak Pass Branch: Evolution Since 2007
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2022 DOI
  • Kirstin Schulz, Volker Mohrholz, Ilker Fer, Markus Janout, Mario Hoppmann, Janin Schaffer et al.:
    A full year of turbulence measurements from a drift campaign in the Arctic Ocean 2019-2020
    Scientific Data 2022 DATA / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ilker Fer, Till Martin Baumann, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Morven Muilwijk, Sandra Tippenhauer :
    Upper-ocean turbulence structure and ocean-ice drag coefficient estimates using an ascending microstructure profiler during the MOSAiC drift
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 25. Aug 2022 DATA / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Kjersti Kalhagen, Eivind Hugaas Kolås, Ilker Fer, Frank Nilsen, Finlo Robert Cottier :
    Atlantic Water Properties, Transport and Heat Loss From Mooring Observations North of Svalbard
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2022 FULLTEKST / DATA / ARKIV / DOI
  • Yusuke Kawaguchi, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Daiki Nomura, Mario Hoppmann, Jun Inoue, Ying-Chih Fang et al.:
    Turbulent mixing during late summer in the ice–ocean boundary layer in the Central Arctic Ocean: Results from the MOSAiC expedition
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2022 DOI
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Amelie Meyer, Christine Provost, Nathalie Sennéchael, Arild Sundfjord, Jean-Claude Gascard :
    Atlantic Water Circulation and Properties Northwest of Svalbard During Anomalous Southerly Winds
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2022 DOI
  • Trygve Olav Fossum, Petter Norgren, Ilker Fer, Frank Nilsen, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Martin Ludvigsen :
    Adaptive Sampling of Surface Fronts in the Arctic Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
    IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Agneta Fransson, Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm, Doreen Kohlbach, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy, Gunnar Bratbak, Marti Amargant et al.:
    Nansen vs. Amundsen Basin: Constrasting physico-chemical properties and biota composition to inform management
  • Eivind Hugaas Kolås, Ilker Fer, Frank Nilsen, Martin Ludvigsen, Zoe Charlotte Koenig :
    Atlantic water inflow into the Arctic Ocean: studies of pathways, transport and mixing processes using observations from ships and autonomous underwater vehicles
    Universitetet i Bergen 2024
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Karley Lynn Campbell, Brent Else, Morven Muilwijk, Rosalie Dawn Mckay :
    Turbulent fluxes at the ice-ocean interface in the Arctic Ocean
  • Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Janina Emilia Osanen, Christine Michel, Brent Else, Karley Lynn Campbell :
    Influence of sub-ice turbulence regimes and microbial community structure on spring sea ice bloom and nutrient dynamics in the Dease Strait
  • K. Schulz, Markus A. Janout, Yueng-Djern Lenn, Tom P. Rippeth, Ilker Fer, Sinhue Torres Valdes et al.:
    Turbulent vertical transport in the Eurasian Arctic:# trending?
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Sigrid Gjessing Lind, Øyvind Lundesgaard, Morven Muilwijk, Håkon Johan Sandven, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy et al.:
    From Winter to Late Summer in the Northwestern Barents Sea Shelf: Sea Ice and Upper Ocean Evolution and Impacts on Nutrient and Phytoplankton Dynamics
  • Ilker Fer, Till Martin Baumann, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Achim Randelhoff, Ole Rieke, Idunn Hana et al.:
    Ocean hydrography and current profiles from the Nansen Legacy Process Cruise to the Barents Sea, KB2022625, October 2022. [Dataset]
  • Ilker Fer, Frank Nilsen, Till Martin Baumann, Kjersti Kalhagen, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Eivind Hugaas Kolås :
    Ocean hydrography and current profiles from the Nansen Legacy Winter Process Cruise to the northern Barents Sea, KH2021702, February 2021 [Dataset]
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Ilker Fer, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson, Elizabeth Marie Jones, Eivind Hugaas Kolås :
    Diffusive and advective fluxes of inorganic nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon in the Barents Sea in autumn
  • Julie Sortland, Angelika Renner, Jofrid Skardhamar, Polona Itkin, Zoe Charlotte Koenig :
    Seasonal variability in hydrography and currents along a meridional transect crossing the Barents Sea
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Ilker Fer, Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson, Elizabeth Marie Jones, Eivind Hugaas Kolås :
    Diffusive and advective fluxes of inorganic nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon in the Barents Sea in autumn
  • Achim Randelhoff, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Morven Muilwijk, Paul Dodd, Angelika Renner, Agneta Fransson et al.:
    Turbulent and double-diffusive heat and nutrient fluxes in the Central Arctic Ocean
  • Karley Lynn Campbell, Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Janina Emilia Osanen, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy, Sebastien Moreau et al.:
    Production regimes of sea ice microhabitats in the High Arctic
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Karley Lynn Campbell, Brent Else, Morven Muilwijk :
    Turbulent fluxes at the ice-ocean interface in the Arctic Ocean
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Karley Lynn Campbell, Brent Else, Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Morven Muilwijk :
    Turbulent fluxes at the ice-ocean interface in the Arctic Ocean
  • Karley Lynn Campbell, Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Janina Emilia Osanen, Christien Philip Laber, Georeges Kanaan et al.:
    BREATHE field school goes with the floe: Insights from an early-career training program
  • Till Martin Baumann, Ilker Fer, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Achim Randelhoff, Ole Rieke, Idunn Hana et al.:
    Polar Front Process Cruise 2022 Cruise Report
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2023
  • Eivind Hugaas Kolås, Till Martin Baumann, Ilker Fer, Zoe Koenig :
    Barents Sea Polar Front dynamics during fall and winter 2019-2021
  • Eivind Hugaas Kolås, Ragnheid Skogseth, Till Martin Baumann, Ilker Fer, Zoe Koenig :
    The western Barents Sea circulation and hydrography: past and present.
  • Eivind Hugaas Kolås, Ragnheid Skogseth, Till Martin Baumann, Ilker Fer, Zoe Koenig, Frank Nilsen :
    The western Barents Sea circulation and hydrography: past and present
  • Ilker Fer, Till Martin Baumann, Idunn Hana, Zoe Koenig, Achim Randelhoff, Ole Rieke et al.:
    Ocean microstructure measurements using an MSS profiler during the Nansen Legacy cruise, KB2022625, October 2022. [Dataset]
  • Ilker Fer, Till Martin Baumann, Kjersti Kalhagen, Zoe Koenig, Eivind Hugaas Kolås :
    Ocean microstructure measurements using an MSS profiler during the Nansen Legacy cruise, KH2021702, February 2021. [Dataset]
  • Kirstin Shulz, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Morven Muilwijk, Dorotea Bauch, Alejandra Quintanilla-Zurita, Salar Karam et al.:
    There and Back Again: The Arctic Ocean during the MOSAiC Campaign
  • Eivind Hugaas Kolås, Till Martin Baumann, Ilker Fer, Zoe Charlotte Koenig :
    Barents Sea Polar Front dynamics during fall and winter 2020-2021
  • Ilker Fer, Till Martin Baumann, Ying-Chih Fang, Mario Hoppmann, Salar Karam, Zoe Charlotte Koenig et al.:
    Under-ice temperature and dissipation rate profiles from uprising VMP250 during MOSAiC
    2022 DATA
  • Morven Muilwijk, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Ilker Fer, Kirstin Schulz, Sandra Tippenhauer, Ingo Schuffenhauer et al.:
    Videos and extracted frames from Blueye ROV camera during MOSAiC Leg 4 (PS122/4) and Leg 5 (PS122/5)
    2022 DATA
  • Kirstin Schulz, Volker Mohrholz, Ilker Fer, Markus A. Janout, Mario Hoppmann, Janin Schaffer et al.:
    Turbulent microstructure profile (MSS) measurements from the MOSAiC drift, Arctic Ocean
    2022 DATA
  • Eivind Hugaas Kolås, Till Martin Baumann, Ilker Fer, Zoe Charlotte Koenig :
    Barents Sea Polar Front dynamics during fall and winter 2019-2021
  • Eivind Hugaas Kolås, Till Martin Baumann, Ilker Fer, Zoe Charlotte Koenig :
    Barents Sea Polar Front dynamics during fall and winter 2020-2021
  • Agneta Fransson, Bodil Bluhm, Marti A. Arumi, Karen Assmann, Amalie M. Gravelle, Marius Bratrein et al.:
    The Nansen Legacy Report Series. No. 30 - Joint Cruise 2-2 2021: Cruise report
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
  • Angelika H.H. Renner, Rolf Gradinger, Andreas Altenburger, Pernille Amdahl, Karoline Barstein, Pedro Duarte et al.:
    JC3 Winter gaps cruise: Cruise Report
    2022 DATA
  • Ilker Fer, Till Martin Baumann, Ying-Chih Fang, Mario Hoppmann, Salar Karam, Zoe Koenig et al.:
    Under-ice temperature and dissipation rate profiles from uprising VMP250 during MOSAiC.[Dataset]
  • Ole Arve Misund, Paul Dodd, Dmitry V Divine, Mats A. Granskog, Haakon Hop, Zoe Koenig et al.:
    Arctic Expedition North Pole 2022 with "Kronprins Haakon"
  • Ilker Fer, Zoe Koenig, Eivind Hugaas Kolås, Till Martin Baumann, Kjersti Kalhagen :
    Physical oceanography data from moorings north of Svalbard, September 2018 - September 2019
  • Ilker Fer, Till Martin Baumann, Ying-Chih Fang, Mario Hoppmann, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Ivan Kuznetsov et al.:
    Turbulent structure in the upper ocean during the MOSAiC drift
  • Frank Nilsen, Ilker Fer, Till Martin Baumann, Øyvind Breivik, Ceslav Czyz, Lukas Frank et al.:
    PC-2 Winter Process Cruise (WPC)
  • Yusuke Kawaguchi, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Mario Hoppmann, Daiki Nomura, Mats Granskog, Jun Inoue et al.:
    Interfacial generation of internal waves and turbulent heat flux due to enhanced inertial motion for deformed sea-ice floe: Preliminary results from MOSAiC expedition
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Melissa Chierici, Øyvind Lundesgaard :
    The Arctic Ocean blender system. (
    2021 DATA

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →