Anne Breivik,
Simen E. Kopperud,
Qalbi Khan,
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Linda Maria Stein
Preventive measures and perceived challenges in delivering oral health care for elderly patients: a survey of dental hygienists in Norway
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2025
Julie Marie Haabeth Brox,
Amela Tulek,
Amer Sehic,
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Tor Paaske Utheim,
Qalbi Khan
The Protective Effects of Silver Fluoride Solution and Fluoride Varnish on Dental Erosion—An In Vivo Study
Dentistry Journal 2025
Juliane Rolim de Lavôr,
Adriana Mendonça da Silva,
Jenny Bogstad Søvik,
Aronita Rosenblatt,
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Alexandre Rezende Vieira
Erosive Tooth Wear, Wine Intake, and Genetic Variation in COMT and MMP2
Anne Breivik,
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Amer Sehic,
Håkon Valen,
Simen E. Kopperud,
Linda Maria Stein
et al.:
Accumulation and removal of Streptococcus mutans biofilm on enamel and roosurfaces in vitro
Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry 2024
Frode Staxrud,
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Simen E. Kopperud
Dentists' Treatment Decisions Concerning Restorations in Adult Patients in North Norway: A Cross-Sectional Tromsø 7 Study
Julie Marie Haabeth Brox,
Amela Tulek,
Amer Sehic,
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Tor Paaske Utheim,
Qalbi Khan
Onset and progression of dental erosion in a mouse model
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2024
Torgils Lægreid,
Aida Gacic Mulic
Adhesjon til erodert tannsubstans – en kasuistikk
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2024
Yasuhiro Namura,
Helen Pullisaar,
Heidi Vanessa Holm,
Morten Syverud,
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Vaska Vandevska-Radunovic
Elemental composition, corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing fixed retainers versus conventional fixed retainers
Journal of Oral Science 2023
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Morten Syverud,
Heidi Vanessa Holm,
Simen E. Kopperud,
Frode Staxrud,
Ellen Kristine Austrheim
et al.:
Funksjonelle og estetiske egenskaper av metallkeramiske
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2023
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Alexandre R. Vieira,
Mariana Bezamat,
Jenny Bogstad Søvik,
Amer Sehic,
Amela Tulek
Association of Locus Xq26.1-27.3 with Erosive Tooth Wear Phenotypes in a Group of Adolescents
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Amund Ruud,
Ida Sofia Refsholt Stenhagen,
Ellen Merete Bruzell,
Amela Tulek
Deterioration of direct restorative materials under erosive conditions with impact of abrasion and attrition in vitro
Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry 2023
Megan L. Weber,
Jenny Bogstad Søvik,
Aida Gacic Mulic,
Kathleen Deeley,
Adriana Modesto,
Anne Bjørg Tveit
et al.:
Relationship Between Dental Caries and Erosive Tooth Wear in Adolescents
Frontiers in Dental Medicine 2021
Marte-Mari Nordsetmoen Uhlen,
B. Tseveenjav,
E. Wuollet,
J. Furuholm,
V. Ansteinsson,
A. Mulic
et al.:
Stainless-steel crowns in children: Norwegian and Finnish dentists’ knowledge, practice and challenges
Hanna Kangasmaa,
Tarja Tanner,
Marja-Liisa Laitala,
Aida Mulic,
Simen E. Kopperud,
Hannu Vähänikkilä
et al.:
Knowledge on and treatment practices of erosive tooth wear among Finnish dentists
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2021
Battsetseg Tseveenjav,
Jussi Furuholm,
Aida Mulic,
Håkon Valen,
Tuomo Maisala,
Seppo Turunen
et al.:
Survival of primary molars with pulpotomy interventions: public oral health practice-based study in Helsinki
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2021
Amela Tulek,
Aida Mulic,
Maria Runningen,
Jannike Lillemo Diesen,
Tor Paaske Utheim,
Qalbi Khan
et al.:
Genetic Aspects of Dental Erosive Wear and Dental Caries
International Journal of Dentistry 2021
Amela Tulek,
Aida Mulic,
Martine Høgset,
Tor Paaske Utheim,
Amer Sehic
Therapeutic Strategies for Dry Mouth Management with Emphasis on Electrostimulation as a Treatment Option
International Journal of Dentistry 2021
Amela Tulek,
Alexandre Rezende Vieira,
Megan L Weber,
Mariana Bezamat,
Kathleen Deeley,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen
et al.:
Aquaporins’ Influence on Different Dental Erosive Wear Phenotypes in Humans
Battsetseg Tseveenjav,
Jussi Furuholm,
Aida Mulic,
Håkon Valen,
Tuomo Maisala,
Seppo Turunen
et al.:
Estimating molar-incisor-hypomineralization among 8-year-olds based on 15-year public oral health practice-based data
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2020
Aida Mulic,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Nicholas Modesto Vieira,
Kirsten H. Limesand,
Alexandre Rezende Vieira
Protein Profiles of Individuals with Erosive Tooth Wear
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada 2020
Foteini Machla,
Aida Mulic,
Ellen Merete Bruzell,
Håkon Valen,
Ida Sofia Refsholt Stenhagen
In vitro abrasivity and chemical properties of charcoal-containing dentifrices
Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry 2020
Aida Mulic,
Nils Oscarson,
Anne Bjørg Tveit
Hvordan er kariessituasjonen hos eldre i Tromsø?
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2020
E. Wuollet,
B. Tseveenjav,
J. Furuholm,
J. Waltimo-Siren,
Håkon Valen,
Aida Mulic
et al.:
Restorative material choices for extensive carious lesions and hypomineralisation defects in children: A questionnaire survey among finnish dentists
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2020
Diana Mortensen,
Aida Mulic,
Ulla Pallesen,
S. Twetman
Awareness, knowledge and treatment decisions for erosive tooth wear: A case-based questionnaire among Danish dentists
Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 2020
Håkon Valen,
Frode Staxrud,
Simen E. Kopperud,
Ellen Kristine Austrheim,
Morten Syverud,
Aida Mulic
Functional, compositional, and regulatory analyses of imported and non-imported single dental crowns
European Journal of Oral Sciences 2020
Amela Tulek,
Aida Mulic,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Hilde Galtung,
Muhammad Saeed,
Tor Paaske Utheim
et al.:
Dental Erosion in Mice with Impaired Salivary Gland Function
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2020
Aida Mulic,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Nils Oscarson,
Frode Staxrud,
Birgitta Jönsson
The frequency of enamel and dentin caries lesions among elderly Norwegians
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2019
Marte-Mari Nordsetmoen Uhlen,
Håkon Valen,
Line Christin Schrøder Karlsen,
Anne B Skaare,
Athanasia Bletsa,
Vibeke Ansteinsson
et al.:
Treatment decisions regarding caries and dental developmental defects in children - A questionnaire-based study among Norwegian dentists
Aida Mulic,
Marte-Mari Nordsetmoen Uhlen,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen
Dentale erosjoner - forekomst, registrering, årsaker, genetikk og prinsipper for behandling
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2019
Ida Sofia Refsholt Stenhagen,
E. Vitija,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Ellen Merete Bruzell,
Aida Mulic
Erosjonsfremmende egenskaper hos sure søtsaker og drikker
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2019
Battsetseg Tseveenjav,
Jussi Furuholm,
Aida Mulic,
Håkon Valen Rukke,
Tuomo Maisala,
Seppo Turunen
et al.:
Survival of extensive restorations in primary molars: 15-year practice-based study
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2018
Aida Mulic,
Gunnar Svendsen,
Simen E. Kopperud
A retrospective clinical study on the longevity of posterior Class II cast gold inlays/onlays
Journal of Dentistry 2018
Megan Weber,
Jenny Bogstad Søvik,
Aida Mulic,
Kathleen Deeley,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Jessalyn Forella
et al.:
Redefining the phenotype of dental caries
Aida Mulic,
Inga B Arnadottir,
Torbjòrg Jensdottir,
Simen E. Kopperud
Opinions adn Treatment Decisions for Dental Erosive Wear: A Questionaire Survey among Icelandic Dentists
International Journal of Dentistry 2018
Frode Staxrud,
Aida Mulic
Bonding of Composite and Glass-Ionomer to Amalgam
Journal of Dentistry and Oral Biology 2018
Amela Tulek,
Muhammad Saeed,
Aida Mulic,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Tor Paaske Utheim,
Hilde Galtung
et al.:
New animal model of extrinsic dental erosion-Erosive effect on the mouse molar teeth
Archives of Oral Biology 2018
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Isabelle B. Berntsen,
Malinn Ødegaard,
Aida Mulic,
Anne Bjørg Tveit
Has the prevalence and severity of dental erosion in Norway changed during the last 30 years?
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2017
Aida Mulic,
Emina Cehajic,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen
How serious is Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation (MIH) among 8- and 9- year-old children in Bosnia-Herzegovina? A clinical study
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2017
Aida Mulic,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Ingerid Marie Bratli Delbeck,
Ida Kristine Lie,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen
Beskytter tannpasta mot erosjoner?
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2016
Marte-Mari Nordsetmoen Uhlen,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Piper M. Dizak,
Børge Holme,
Aida Mulic,
Anne Bjørg Tveit
et al.:
Genetic variation may explain why females are less susceptible to dental erosion
European Journal of Oral Sciences 2016
Aida Mulic,
Øystein Fredriksen,
Ioanna Dallari Jacobsen,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Ivar Espelid,
Claes-Göran Crossner
Dental erosion: Prevalence and severity among 16-year-old adolescents in Troms, Norway
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2016
Øystein Fredriksen,
Ioanna Dallari Jacobsen,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Ivar Espelid,
Claes-Göran Crossner,
Aida Mulic
Erosive tannslitasjer: forekomst og alvorlighetsgrad blant 16-åringer i Troms
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2017
Aida Mulic,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Jenny Bogstad Søvik,
A. B. Tveit
Are Erosive Lesions as Prevalent as Caries among Norwegian Adolescents?
Frode Staxrud,
Aida Mulic
Repair Bond Strength between Amalgam and Composite
Aida Mulic,
Gunnar Svendsen,
Simen E. Kopperud
A Retrospective Clinical Study on the Longevity of Gold Inlays
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Aida Mulic,
Nils Oscarson,
Birgitta Jönsson,
Ivar Espelid,
Anne Bjørg Tveit
Caries Experience in the Elderly Population in the Tromsø7 Study
Jussi Furuholm,
Battsetseg Tseveenjav,
Håkon Valen Rukke,
Aida Mulic,
Seppo Turunen,
Leo Tjäderhane
Factors Affecting Long-term Survival of Root Canal-treated Teeth
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Jenny Bogstad Søvik,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Aida Mulic
Are Erosive Lesions as Prevalent as Caries among Adolescents
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Aida Mulic,
Nils Oscarson,
Ivar Espelid,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Birgitta Jönsson
Caries experience in the elderly population in the Tromsø 7 study
Marte-Mari Nordsetmoen Uhlen,
Kjersti Refsholt Stenhagen,
Anne Bjørg Tveit,
Aida Mulic
Individual susceptibility to erosive tooth wear and association with enamel formation genes
Universitetet i Oslo 2017