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Astrid Buran Holan

  • Jagan Gorle, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen, Astrid Buran Holan, Arne Berge, Steven T. Summerfelt :
    Qualifying the design of a floating closed- containment fish farm using computational fluid dynamics
    Biosystems Engineering 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Steven T. Summerfelt, Frode Mathisen, Astrid Buran Holan, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen :
    Survey of large circular and octagonal tanks operated at Norwegian commercial smolt and post-smolt sites
    Aquacultural Engineering 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ida Rud, Jelena Kolarevic, Astrid Buran Holan, Ingunn Berget, Sara Calabrese, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen :
    Deep-sequencing of the bacterial microbiota in commercial-scale recirculating and semi-closed aquaculture systems for Atlantic salmon post-smolt production
    Aquacultural Engineering 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Per-Arvid Wold, Astrid Buran Holan, Gunvor Øie, Kari Attramadal, Ingrid Bakke, Olav Vadstein et al.:
    Effects of membrane filtration on bacterial number and microbial diversity in marine recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) production
    Aquaculture 2014 DOI
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Per-Arvid Wold, TorOve Leiknes :
    Assessment of a biofilm reactor coupled with membrane filtration for increased ammonia conversion, and reduced particle and nitrogen concentration in marine recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)
    Vann 2014 DATA / DOI
  • Stine Veronica Wiborg Dahle, Trond Waldemar Rosten, TorOve Leiknes, Astrid Buran Holan :
    Membranfiltrering – aktuell teknologi som smittebarriere mot Moritella viscosa i lukkede oppdrettssystemer
    Vann 2014
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Per-Arvid Wold, TorOve Leiknes :
    Membrane performance and fouling behavior of membrane bioreactors installed in marine recirculating aquaculture systems
    Aquacultural Engineering 2014 DOI
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Per-Arvid Wold, TorOve Leiknes :
    Intensive rearing of cod larvae (Gadus morhua) in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) implementing a membrane bioreactor (MBR) for enhanced colloidal particle and fine suspended solids removal
    Aquacultural Engineering 2014 DOI
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Per-Arvid Wold, Gunvor Øie, TorOve Leiknes :
    Integrated membrane bioreactor for water quality control in marine recirculating aquaculture systems
    Separation science and technology (Print) 2013 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Astrid Buran Holan :
    Effects of seawater quality on treatment of intake water for use in closed-containment aquaculture systems
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Bjørn Roth, Mette Serine Wesmajervi Breiland, Jelena Kolarevic, Øyvind J Hansen, Audun Iversen et al.:
    Beste praksis for medikamentfrie metoder for lakseluskontroll (MEDFRI) - Faglig sluttrapport
    2017 ARKIV
  • Astrid Buran Holan :
    Beste praksis? Underveisrapportering fra pågående prosjekt
  • Astrid Buran Holan :
    Toleranse til partikler hos postsmolt
  • Steve T. Summerfelt, Frode Mathisen, Astrid Buran Holan, Jagan Gorle, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen :
    Dimensioning and Operation of Large Culture Tanks in Norwegian Smolt and Post-Smolt Facilities
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Jelena Kolarevic, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen :
    Evaluation of membrane treatment effect on water quality in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for Atlantic salmon post-smolts (Salmo salar. (Abstract ID 42494)
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Brian Vinci, Sigurd O Handeland, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen :
    Evaluation of available water treatment technologies for semi-closed aquaculture systems (in Norwegian). In Abstracts RCN Program conference Mariculture 2016
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Jelena Kolarevic, Sven Martin Jørgensen, Britt Kristin Megård Reiten, Frode Nerland, Per S. Brunsvik et al.:
    Particle tolerance of Atlantic salmon post-smolts reared in recirculating aquaculture systems. In Aquaculture Europe 2016 Abstracts, pp 435-436
  • Jelena Kolarevic, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen, Astrid Buran Holan :
    Environmentally controlled production of Atlantic salmon in Norway
  • Steven T. Summerfelt, Frode Mathisen, Astrid Buran Holan, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen :
    Survey - Use of large circular tanks in Norwegian Salmon smolt and post-smolt facilities.
  • Martin Hansen Skjelvareid, Mette Serine Wesmajervi Breiland, Astrid Buran Holan, Atle Mortensen :
    Effekt av ultralyd på lakselus - Resultater fra smitteforsøk med lakselus i kar
    2016 FULLTEKST
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Jelena Kolarevic, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen :
    Evaluation of membrane treatment in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for Atlantic salmon post-smolts (Salmo salar). Conference Abstract p. 360
    2015 FULLTEKST
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Jelena Kolarevic, Reidar Fossmark, I. Bakke, Olav Vadstein, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen :
    Evaluation of membrane treatment effect on water quality in recrculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for post-smolts (Salmo salar). In Book of abstracts, p. 23
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Jelena Kolarevic :
    Postsmoltproduksjon i resirkulert sjøvann på land
    2015 ARKIV
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Jelena Kolarevic, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen, Ragnhild Olsen Fossmark, Ingrid Bakke, Olav Vadstein :
    Evaluation of membrane treatment effect on water quality in RAS for Atlantic salmon post-smolts
  • Astrid Buran Holan :
    Utviklingen innenfor bruk av RAS i norsk akvakultur
  • Astrid Buran Holan :
    Ser muligheter for AGD-fri fisk i lukkede merder
    Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2015
  • Astrid Buran Holan :
    Resirkulering i ferskvann og sjøvann
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen :
    CtrlAQUA Center for Closed Containment Aquaculture
  • Elin Kjørsvik, Anh Pham Hung, Per-Arvid Wold, Astrid Buran Holan, Andreas Hagemann :
    Microbial characterization and influence on copepod (Acartia tonsa) nauplii and egg production in water treatment systems with and without membrane filtration
  • Day Pham Thanh, Elin Kjørsvik, Per-Arvid Wold, Astrid Buran Holan, Andreas Hagemann :
    Particle characterization and influence on the nauplii and egg production of calanoid copepod (Acartia tonsa Dana) in water treatment systems with and without membrane filtration
  • Astrid Buran Holan :
    Membranfiltrering i akvakultur
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Stine Veronica Wiborg Dahle, Trond Waldemar Rosten :
    Membranfiltrering – aktuell teknologi som smittebarriere mot Moritella viscosa i lukkede oppdrettssystemer
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Stine Veronica Wiborg Dahle, Trond Waldemar Rosten :
    Membrane filtration of the bacteria Moritella viscosa from seawater
  • Kamal Azrague, Astrid Buran Holan, Yngve Ulgenes, Jelena Kolarevic, Bendik Fyhn Terjesen :
    Development of rapid methods for measurement of biodegradable organic carbon (BDOC) in RAS
  • Stine Veronica Wiborg Dahle, Trond Waldemar Rosten, Astrid Buran Holan, TorOve Leiknes, Catrine Ahlen, Marianne Aas :
    Membranfiltrering av bakterien Moritella viscosa fra sjøvann
    2013 ARKIV
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Per-Arvid Wold, Kari Attramadal, TorOve Leiknes :
    Reduction of colloidal particles in rearing of cod larvae in recirculating aquaculture system applying a membrane bioreactor
  • Per-Arvid Wold, Astrid Buran Holan, Ingrid Overrein, Dag Altin, Kari Attramadal, Gunvor Øie et al.:
    Membrane filtration in RAS – effects on tank bacterial communities
  • Astrid Buran Holan :
    Our research into membrane bioreactors in aquaculture
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Per-Arvid Wold, Dag Altin, Ingrid Overrein, Kari Attramadal, Gunvor Øie et al.:
    Water quality control in RAS by membrane bioreactor (MBR) filtration
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Per-Arvid Wold, Kari Attramadal, Gunvor Øie, Dag Altin, Ingrid Overrein et al.:
    Membrane filtration for recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)
  • Per-Arvid Wold, Astrid Buran Holan, Ingrid Overrein, Dag Altin, Werner Storøy, Kari Attramadal et al.:
    Membrane filtration in RAS - effect on bacterial communities
  • Per-Arvid Wold, Astrid Buran Holan :
    Membranfiltrering som en del av vannbehandlingen i resirkuleringsanlegg
    Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 2012
  • Astrid Buran Holan, Per-Arvid Wold, Dag Altin, Ingrid Overrein, Kari Attramadal, Gunvor Øie et al.:
    Reduction of colloidal and fine particle fractions in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) by an integrated biofilm membrane bioreactor (BF-MBR) system
  • Kari Attramadal, T.T.M. Vu, Astrid Buran, Per-Arvid Wold, Gunvor Øie, TorOve Leiknes et al.:
    Recirculation as a microbial control strategy in intensive aquaculture of marine larvae
  • Kari Attramadal, Minh Vu Thi Thuy, Astrid Buran, Per-Arvid Wold, Gunvor Øie, Olav Vadstein et al.:
    Recirculation as a microbial control strategy in intensive aquaculture of marine larvae
  • Kari Attramadal, Astrid Buran, Gunvor Øie, Olav Vadstein, Yngvar Olsen :
    Recirculation: Microbial Control Strategy For Intensive Marine Larviculture
    Global Aquaculture Advocate 2010

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →