Bilde av Taylor, Madison
Photo: Marte Christensen
Bilde av Taylor, Madison
Valáštallanallaskuvla +4777645572

Madison Taylor

  • Madison Taylor, John Owen Osborne, Virginia De Martin Topranin, Tina Pettersen Engseth, Guro Strøm Solli, Ditta Valsdottir et al.:
    Menstrual Cycle Phase has no Influence on Performance-Determining Variables in Endurance-Trained Athletes: The FENDURA Project
    Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2024 DOI
  • Virginia De Martin Topranin, Tina Pettersen Engseth, Maria Hrozanova, Madison Taylor, Øyvind Bucher Sandbakk, Dionne Adriana Noordhof :
    The Influence of Menstrual-Cycle Phase on Measures of Recovery Status in Endurance Athletes: The Female Endurance Athlete Project.
    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP) 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Madison Taylor, Nicki Winfield Almquist, Bent Rønnestad, Arnt Erik Tjønna, Morten Kristoffersen, Matthew Spencer et al.:
    The inclusion of sprints in low-intensity sessions during the transition period of elite cyclists improves endurance performance 6 weeks into the subsequent preparatory period
    International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP) 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tina Pettersen Engseth, Madison Taylor, Hanne Cesilie Staff :
  • Madison Taylor, Hanne Cesilie Staff :
    Special Research: The FENDURA Project
    08. Mar 2023
  • John Owen Osborne, Madison Taylor, Boye Welde, Bente Morseth, Erik P Andersson, Ole Martin Fuskevåg et al.:
    The effect of serum hormone concentrations on double poling sprint and countermovement jump performance: The Female Endurance Athlete (FENDURA) project
  • Dionne Adriana Noordhof, Madison Taylor, Virginia De Martin Topranin, Tina Pettersen Engseth, Øyvind Bucher Sandbakk, John Owen Osborne :
    The prevalence of menstrual disturbances in female endurance athletes: the influence of performance level and comparison of methodologies.
  • Madison Taylor, John Owen Osborne, Virginia De Martin Topranin, Tina Pettersen Engseth, Guro Strøm Solli, Ditta Valsdottir et al.:
    The influence of menstrual cycle phase on physiological endurance performance-determining variables in endurance-trained athletes
  • Madison Taylor :
    Sex Hormones, Menstrual Cycle and Endurance Performance: The Current State of Affairs
  • John Owen Osborne, Erik P Andersson, Tina Pettersen Engseth, Bente Morseth, Boye Welde, Øyvind Sandbakk et al.:
    Annual training characteristics of competitive Norwegian female cross-country skiers and biathletes: the FENDURA project
    2022 PROSJEKT
  • Virginia de Martin Topranin, Madison Taylor, Tina Pettersen Engseth, Dionne Noordhof :
    Prevalence of subtle menstrual disturbances in female endurance athletes of different performance levels: The FENDURA Project.
  • Tina Pettersen Engseth, Hanne Cesilie Staff, Madison Taylor :
    Kvinner må inkluderes i idrettsforskning
    Agenda Magasin 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Tina Pettersen Engseth, Hanne Cesilie Staff, Madison Taylor :
    Kvinner må inkluderes i idrettsforskning
    Kilden kjønnsforskning 19. Apr 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Tina Pettersen Engseth, Madison Taylor :
    Hvordan påvirker menstruasjonen og bruk av hormonelle prevensjonsmidler din trening og prestasjon?
  • Madison Taylor, Anders Skjerdingstad :
    Treningsopplegg for kvinner er stport sett varianter av opplegg for menn
    09. Nov 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Madison Taylor, Anders Skjerdingstad :
    Forsker på mensen og prestasjon
    09. Nov 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Anders Skjerdingstad, Madison Taylor :
    Forsker på mensen og prestasjon – sliter med å få nok idrettskvinner til å stille opp
    09. Nov 2021

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →