Bilde av Sokolova, Svetlana
Photo: HSL FAK UiT v/Torje Jenssen
Bilde av Sokolova, Svetlana
Giela ja kultuvrra instituhtta +4777645383 776 45383, Kontor/besøksadresse Svfak / Humfak bygget SVHUM E 2007 You can find me here

Svetlana Sokolova

  • Tore Nesset, Svetlana Sokolova, Martina Björklund :
    Shortening mechanisms in construction morphology: the Russian spec-N construction
    Morphology 2024 ARKIV / DATA / DOI
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Dmitrij Egorov :
    Meždu diskursom i konstrukciej: istorija russkogo BYVALO (Between a discourse particle and a construction: the history of Russian BYVALO)
    Slovo. Journal of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures 2023 ARKIV
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    Analogy and contrast at the morphology-syntax interface: A case study of new Russian [N[N]] compounds
    John Benjamins Publishing Company 2022 DOI
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    Spot the Miner: Do Clothes Really Make the (Wo)man?
    Poljarnyj vestnik: Norwegian Journal of Slavic Studies 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Andrei Rogatchevski, Kristian Bjørklund, David Henrik Laven, Håkon Roald Sverdrupsen :
    The Participatory Approach and Student Active Learning in Language Teaching: Language Students as Journalists and Filmmakers
    Russian Language Journal 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Tore Nesset, Alexander Piperski, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Russian feminitives: what can corpus data tell us?
    Russian Linguistics : International Journal for the Study of the Russian Language 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Laura Alexis Janda, Anna Endresen, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Student Co-Creation of Teaching Resources, Methods, and Social Integration
    Russian Language Journal 2022
  • Anna Afanasyeva, Elena Bjørgve, Andrei Rogatchevski, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Book review: Funkcionirovanie russkogo jazyka v transgraničnom prostranstve Arktiki
    Scando-Slavica 2022 DOI
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Daria Kosheleva, Elena Bjørgve, Tore Nesset, Elmira Zhamaletdinova, Laura Alexis Janda :
    My Russian Journey: Rethinking Teaching Russian to Beginners
    Routledge 2022 DOI
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    When Three is Company: The Relation Between Aspect and Metaphor in Russian Aspectual Triplets
    Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics (PSiCL) 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Yanina Prystauka, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Russian verb classifiers electrified
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    Grammatika - eto veselo: Novye elekronnye resursy dlja obučenija grammatike RKI (More fun with grammar: New digital resources for grammar instruction in L2 Russian)
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Sandra Birzer :
    Vybor suffiksa i suffiksal'naja variativnost' v slavjanskix glagolax (Suffix choice and suffix variation in Slavic verbs)
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    Applying Citizen Journalism to Language Instruction
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    Roundtable: Teaching Russian Language and Eurasian Studies in a New Political Environment: Challenges and Prospects
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Andrea Camoletto :
    Second Language Acquisition of Russian Fleeting Vowels
  • Tore Nesset, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Special operations: Russian rivalry in cognitive linguistics
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    Constructional variation vs. constructional contamination: A special case of new Russian [N[N]] compounds
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    The New Life of Russian Compounds: Constructional Rivalry with Compounds like top-igrok and specoperacija
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Sandra Birzer, Aleksandra Ignatieva, Elizaveta Kibisova :
    A usage-based approach to morphological variation: The choice of suffix in Russian loan verbs
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Sandra Birzer :
    Unraveling morphological competition: derivational properties of loan markers
  • Tore Nesset, Svetlana Sokolova, Martina Björklund :
    Specprezentacija – A cognitive approach to the morphological construction spec-N in Russian
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Andrei Rogatchevski :
    "The participatory approach and student-active learning in language teaching: Language students as journalists and filmmakers"
  • Elena Bjørgve, Elmira Zhamaletdinova, Svetlana Sokolova, Daria Kosheleva :
    My Russian Journey: New Teaching Practices for Elementary Russian
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Elena Bjørgve, Daria Kosheleva, Elmira Zhamaletdinova :
    My Russian Journey: Rethinking Teaching Russian to Beginners
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    New Approaches to Grammar: Interactive Digital Tools Targeting Strategic Input
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Sandra Birzer :
    Morphological Exaptation in Russian: A Corpus Study of Suffix Variation in Loan Verbs
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Sandra Birzer :
    Suffix Variation in Russian Loan Verbs
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Sandra Birzer :
    Hva utløser morfologisk variasjon i russiske innlånte verb?
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Elena Bjørgve, Elmira Zhamaletdinova, Daria Kosheleva :
    Min russiske reise: tilpassing av undervisningspraksis til vår moderne virkelighet
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Elena Bjørgve :
    Min russiske reise: En ny undervisningsressurs for å lære russisk
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Sandra Birzer :
    What triggers morphological variation in Russian loan verbs
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    Media Language in Use: The UiT Course RUS-2022 "Russian and Career Development"
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    Designing curricula at UiT: RUS-2022 "Russian and Career Development"
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    Citizen Journalism In and Outside the Classroom: The Educational Film Project «Our Common Victory»
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Aleksandrs Berdicevskis :
    Aspekt i sekvens
  • Tore Nesset, Svetlana Sokolova :
    La oss tenke nytt om språkundervisning! Erfaringer fra Fyrtårnprosjektet «Majak»
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Sandra Birzer :
    Variativnost' russkix glagol'nyx suffiksov v zaimstvovannyx glagolax i istoričeskie sloi jazyka (Variation of Russian verbal suffixes in loan verbs and the historical layers of the language)
  • Tore Nesset, Svetlana Sokolova, Elena Bjørgve, Daria Kosheleva, Elmira Zhamaletdinova, Laura Alexis Janda :
    Min russiske reise
  • Elena Bjørgve, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Det nye læreverket "Min russiske reise": Hvordan har reisen vært så langt?
  • Tore Nesset, Svetlana Sokolova, Elena Bjørgve, Daria Kosheleva, Elmira Zhamaletdinova, Laura Alexis Janda :
    Fem gode grunner til å velge "Min russiske reise"!
  • Laura Alexis Janda, Radovan Bast, Francis Morton Tyers, Svetlana Sokolova, Mikhail Kopotev, Ekaterina Rakhilina et al.:
    SMARTool: Strategic Mastery of Russian Tool
  • Tore Nesset, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Åpen vitenskap ved UiT
    29. Oct 2021
  • Tore Nesset, Svetlana Sokolova, Alexander Piperski :
    Feminitives in Russian: What can corpus data tell us?
  • Tore Nesset, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Адвокатка, адвокатша, адвокатесса eller женщина-адвокат? Feminitiver i russisk
  • Elena Bjørgve, Svetlana Sokolova, Alice Tivilov-Mutkari :
    Undervisning er lik student pluss lærer pluss ... assistent? Assistentordning: evaluering av første semester
  • Elena Bjørgve, Guro Reisæter, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Start-up seminar and brainstorming session for the project Vår felles seier – Our Common Victory
    2020 DATA
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Katarina Laken :
    Can suffixes reveal our views? What triggers suffix variation in non-standard Russian
  • Svetlana Sokolova :
    Spot the Miner: Do Clothes Really Make the (Wo)man?
  • Svetlana Sokolova, Elena Bjørgve, Guro Reisæter :
    Film “Vår felles seier” (result of the project Vår felles seier – Our Common Victory, funded by The Norwegian Barents Secretariat)
    2020 DATA

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →


    I am Associate Professor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway, and a member of the research group CLEAR (Cognitive Linguistics: Empirical Approaches to Russian). My main research areas involve cognitive grammar, corpus and historical linguistics with major focus on Russian morphology and syntax. From a theoretical perspective, I am interested in linguistic variation and rivalry as a result of both psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic factors. From a practical perspective, I address the issue of how empirically based cognitive linguistics can be used in second language learning and in developing strategic language teaching materials.

    Fields of interest: Cognitive Linguistics, Construction Grammar, Corpus Linguistics, Slavic linguistics, historical linguistics

    Morphology, syntax-semantics interface, grammaticalization, aspect, verbal prefixes, quantifiers and pronouns, word-formation, non-standard language, metaphor


     Jan.2013 – present        Associate Professor in Russian, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

    Courses taught: RUS-0100, RUS-1001, RUS-1314, RUS-1025, RUS-2025, RUS-2040, RUS-3010 (Language and Literature of Medieval Russia), RUS-3030 (Concepts and categories: Contemporary Russian Cognitive Linguistics), RUS-3040/3041/3042/3043 (Practical Russian for MA students)

    Aug.2011– Dec.2012    University Lecturer in Russian, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

    Courses taught: RUS-1001, RUS-1025, RUS-2025, RUS-2040, RUS-3010 (Language and Literature of Medieval Russia), RUS-3030 (Concepts and categories: Contemporary Russian Cognitive Linguistics), RUS-3040/3041/3042/3043 (Practical Russian for MA students)

    Jan.2008– July 2011     Teaching at UiT The Arctic University of Norway as part of the PhD program

    Courses taught: RUS-1010, RUS-1001, RUS-1025, RUS-2025, RUS-2040, HIF-3030

    Oct.2005 – Dec.2007    Lecturer of English language and literature, Dept of English Philology, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow    

    Sept.– Dec.2005           Lecturer on Russian literature for a group of American students, “Summer School” at the Dept of Russian as a Foreign Language, Moscow State University

    Dec.2003– July 2005    Lecturer of Russian as a foreign language, Dept of Russian as a Foreign Language, Moscow State University