Lena Schøning,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Mathilde Morel
Law and sustainable transitions: An analysis of aquaculture regulation
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 2023
Margherita Paola Poto,
Edel O. Elvevoll,
Monica Alterskjær Sundset,
Karl-Erik Eilertsen,
Mathilde Morel,
Ida-Johanne Jensen
Suggestions for a systematic regulatory approach to ocean plastics
Margherita Paola Poto,
Mathilde Morel
Suggesting an Extensive Interpretation of the Concept of Novelty That Looks at the Bio-Cultural Dimension of Food
Margherita Paola Poto,
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Ole K. Fauchland,
Sigrid Eskeland Schütz,
Sofie Elise Quist
et al.:
Legal pathways towards sustainable blue food systems in the aquaculture sector : Interdisciplinary workshop and roundtable discussion 10 January 2024.
Sigrid Eskeland Schütz,
Ole Kristian Fauchald,
Margherita Paola Poto,
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel,
Edel Oddny Elvevoll,
Lena Schøning
et al.:
Legal pathways towards sustainable blue food systems in the aquaculture sector
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2024
Konstantinos Deligiannis Virvos,
Nikolaos Gkikas,
Mazyar Ahmad,
Mana Elise Hera Tugend,
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel,
Dany Channraksmeychhoukroth
et al.:
Introduction to the outcomes of the 2023 NCLOS Conference on "Ocean Commons"
NCLOS Blog 2024
Lena Schøning,
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Innspill til NOU 2023:23 helhetlig forvaltning av akvakultur for bærekraftig verdiskapning
Lena Schøning,
Ingrid Solstad Andreassen,
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Seminar om bærekraftig og rettferdig omstilling
Lena Schøning,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Juss og bærekraftig omstilling: En studie av akvakulturregulering
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel,
Ingrid Solstad Andreassen,
Lena Schøning
Seminar om bærekraftig og rettferdig omstilling
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Regulatoriske veier mot bærekraftige blå matsystemer i norsk havbruksektor - Mot regenerativt havbruk på lavtrofiske marine arter?
Lena Schøning,
Ingrid Solstad Andreassen,
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel,
Bjørn Bakke
Høringsuttalelse til forslag om ny lov om vern av marin natur
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Regulating a Sustainable Transition of the Norwegian Aquaculture Sector - a Study of Limits and Opportunities Within Environmental Law
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
The Role of Law in a Sustainable Transition of the Norwegian Aquaculture Sector - Legal Pathways towards Regenerative Blue Food Systems in the Bioeconomy
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Grønn omstilling av norsk havbruksnæring - På tide med et regulatorisk rammeverk for lavtrofisk oppdrett?
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
A Sustainable Transition of the Norwegian Aquaculture Sector - Regulatory approaches to enable sustainable blue food systems
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Sustainable Transition of the Norwegian Aquaculture Sector - A regulatory approach to enable sustainable blue food systems
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Yearbook of International Environmental Law 26. Sep 2023
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Presentation of the SECURE project and PhD project at the Seafood Science Breakfast Club
Lena Schøning,
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Høringsuttalelse - vannforskriften § 12
Lena Schøning,
Mathilde Morel
På tide å akselerere det grønne skiftet for oppdrettsnæringa?
Sondre Sollid,
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Can we make food for a growing global population in a sustainable way?
24. Mar 2022
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Yearbook of International Environmental Law 30. Sep 2022
Mathilde Morel
Utnyttelse av marine ressurser fra lavere trofiske nivåer i norsk havbruksnæring - en rettslig studie
Mathilde Morel,
Margherita Paola Poto
SECURE Novel Marine Resources for Food Security and Food Safety. The Role of Law