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Geodiehtaga instituhtta

Carmen Avery Braun

  • Kwangchul Jang, Youngkyu Ahn, Young Jin Joe, Carmen Braun, Young Ji Joo, Jung-Hyun Kim et al.:
    Glacial and environmental changes in northern Svalbard over the last 16.3 ka inferred from neodymium isotopes
    Global and Planetary Change 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Violeth Charles Swai, Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård, Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen, Carmen Braun, Eirik Gottschalk Ballo :
    XRF core scanning for paleoclimate reconstructions
  • Carmen Avery Braun :
    A Geologist's field guide to Arctic Seafloor Biology
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Carmen Braun, Christian Hass, Matthias Forwick, Jan Sverre Laberg, Robert Spielhagen, Rüdiger Stein :
    Lithostratigraphic studies for palaeoenvironment and paleoceanographic reconstruction in the western Fram Strait – preliminary results
  • Carmen Braun, Christian Hass, Matthias Forwick, Jan Sverre Laberg, Robert Spielhagen, Rüdiger Stein :
    Sedimentary processes and Paleoceanography in the Western Fram Strait - Preliminary Results
  • Carmen Braun :
    A core that stretches forever
    2019 FULLTEKST

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →