Solveig Flatebø,
Gabriella Oturai,
Mikolaj Lukasz Hernik
No evidence for adult smartphone use affecting attribution of communicative intention in toddlers: Online imitation study using the Sock Ball Task
Orsola Rosa-Salva,
Mikołaj Hernik,
Martina Fabbroni,
Elena Lorenzi,
Giorgio Vallortigara
Naïve chicks do not prefer objects with stable body orientation, though they may prefer behavioural variability
Caroline Wronski,
Mikoaj Hernik,
Moritz M. Daum
Prior Action Direction of a Novel Agent Cues Spatial Attention in 7-Month-Old Infants
Swiss Psychology Open (SPO) 2022
D. Kampis,
P. Kármán,
G. Csibra,
V. Southgate,
Mikołaj Hernik
A two-lab direct replication attempt of Southgate, Senju and Csibra (2007)
Royal Society Open Science 2021
Denis Tatone,
Mikołaj Hernik,
Gergely Csibra
Facilitation of object encoding in infants by the observation of giving
Krista Byers-Heinlein,
Angeline Sin Mei Tsui,
Christina Bergmann,
Alexis K. Black,
Anna Brown,
Maria Julia Carbajal
et al.:
A Multilab Study of Bilingual Infants: Exploring the Preference for Infant-Directed Speech
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS) 2021
Krista Byers-Heinlein,
R. K. Tsui,
D. van Renswoude,
Alexis K. Black,
Rachel Barr,
Anna Brown
et al.:
The development of gaze following in monolingual and bilingual infants: A multi‐laboratory study
Helena Miton,
Dan Sperber,
Mikołaj Hernik
A Forward Bias in Human Profile-Oriented Portraits
Cognitive Science 2020
Nazlı Altınok,
Mikołaj Hernik,
Ildikó Király,
György Gergely
Acquiring sub-efficient and efficient variants of novel means by integrating information from multiple social models in preschoolers
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 2020
Mikołaj Hernik
Human tool cognition relies on teleology
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2020
Ildikó Király,
Réka Schvajda,
Mikołaj Hernik,
Dan Sperber,
Krisztina Andrási,
György Gergely
The early emergence of belief justification in young children
Mikołaj Hernik,
György Gergely
Gaze-following in 5 months old infants in the context of infant-directed and adult-directed speech
Nazlı Altınok,
Iulia Savoş,
Mikołaj Hernik,
Ildikó Király,
György Gergely
Eleven-month-olds expect agents to act efficiently but also to repeat the movements of their group members
Mikołaj Hernik
Fronts, backs and actions
Monika Abels,
Solveig Flatebø,
Mikołaj Hernik,
Gabriella Óturai
Populærvitenskapelig presentasjon om utviklingspsykologisk forskning for videregående skoleelever
Solveig Flatebø,
Monika Abels,
Gabriella Óturai,
Mikołaj Hernik
Stand på Forskningstorget og Åpen lab på Forskningsdagene