Frances Ann Cooke,
Andreia Aletia Plaza Faverola,
Stefan Bünz,
Paul De Groot,
David C. P. Peacock
Semi-automated analysis of faults with meter-scale displacements and networks of planar features using high-resolution 3D seismic to investigate gas leakage at the Vestnesa Ridge, eastern Fram Strait
Frances Ann Cooke,
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Stefan Bünz,
Nabil Sultan,
Hariharan Ramachandran,
Heather Bedle
et al.:
Sedimentary deformation relating to episodic seepage in the last 1.2 million years: a multi-scale seismic study from the Vestnesa Ridge, eastern Fram Strait
Frontiers in Earth Science 2023
Sunny Singhroha,
Bettina Schramm,
Andreia Aletia Plaza Faverola,
Przemyslaw Domel,
Anke Dannowski,
Frances Ann Cooke
et al.:
Stress Constraints From Shear-Wave Analysis in Shallow Sediments at an Actively Seeping Pockmark on the W-Svalbard Margin
Earth and Space Science 2023
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Nabil Sultan,
Renata Giulia Lucchi,
Naima El bani Altuna,
Hariharan Ramachandran,
Sunny Singhroha
et al.:
Spatial Changes in Gas Transport and Sediment Stiffness Influenced by Regional Stress: Observations From Piezometer Data Along Vestnesa Ridge, Eastern Fram Strait
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth 2023
Frances Ann Cooke,
Andreia Aletia Plaza Faverola,
Stefan Bünz,
Khalid Amrouch,
Rosalind King,
Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl
High resolution fault analysis of the Vestnesa Ridge: a highly complex deep water fluid flow system in the east Fram Strait
Frances Ann Cooke,
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Stefan Bünz
Highly focused fluid flow and sediment deformation related to early stage compaction: Vestnesa Ridge
Hariharan Ramachandran,
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Hugh Daigle,
Frances Ann Cooke,
Stefan Bünz
Constraints on methane seepage volumes from gas hydrate-bearing sediments at the Vestnesa Ridge, W-Svalbard
Pavel Serov,
Henry Patton,
Adriano Mazzini,
Rune Mattingsdal,
Grace Shephard,
Frances Ann Cooke
et al.:
GEO-3144/8144 Teaching Cruise: Geologically controlled hydrocarbon seepage in Hopendjupet and
the wider Barents Sea
Frances Ann Cooke
Arctic Methane Seepage: since the end of the last glacial period to the present day
Public presentation 2022
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Nabil Sultan,
Hariharan Ramachandran,
Hugh Daigle,
Frances Ann Cooke,
Guillame Sauvin
et al.:
Sediment stiffness and shallow pore fluid pressures at deep marine Arctic seepage systems: constraints from piezometer data and calypso cores off west-Svalbard, Fram Strait
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Frances Ann Cooke,
Remi Elie Celestin Vachon,
Kate Alyse Waghorn,
Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl,
Stefan Jon Beaussier
et al.:
Coupling between rifted oceanic crust and sedimentary deformation in the Fram Strait: implications for seafloor seepage and gas hydrates dynamics
Jean-Baptiste P. Koehl,
Frances Ann Cooke,
Andreia Plaza-Faverola
Formation of a transform-parallel oceanic core complex along an inherited Timanian thrust, and impact on gas seepage in the Fram Strait
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Vera Schlindwein,
Przemyslaw Domel,
M Schmidt-Aursch,
Frances Ann Cooke,
Truls Holm
et al.:
Cage21-3 Ocean bottom seismics and acoustic surveys on the West-Svalbard margin – a study of local seismicity and its effect on methane seepage
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Frances Ann Cooke,
Przemyslaw Domel,
Sunny Singhroha,
Remi Elie Celestin Vachon,
Hariharan Ramachandran
et al.:
Effect of regional forcing on fault-related seepage off west-Svalbard
Frances Ann Cooke,
Andreia Plaza-Faverola,
Stefan Bünz,
Sunny Singhroha
High-resolution 3D seismic investigation of fine scale faults and fractures along the Vestnesa Ridge, western Svalbard Margin
Henry Patton,
Rune Mattingsdal,
Pavel Serov,
Frances Ann Cooke,
Nikolitsa Alexandropoulou
Hunting gas flares in Hopendjupet and glacial sediments in Sentralbankrenna
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Naima El Bani Altuna,
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Frances Ann Cooke,
Peter D. Heintzman
Oppdag fortiden gjennom en maringeologs øyne / Discover the past through the eyes of a marine geologist
Geologiens dag 2020 / Geology Day 2020 2020
Karin Andreassen,
Henry Patton,
Rune Mattingsdal,
Manuel Moser,
Frances Ann Cooke,
Pär Jansson
et al.:
CAGE19-2 Cruise Report: Hunting gas flares and launching seafloor observatory
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019
Kate Alyse Waghorn,
Stefan Bünz,
Frances Ann Cooke
Gas Hydrate sensitivity and geohazard potential in a warming world