Bilde av Hovden, Astrid
Bilde av Hovden, Astrid
Arkeologiija, historjjá, oskkoldatdiehtaga ja teologiija instituhtta +4777623367 You can find me here

Astrid Hovden

  • Hildegard G.M. Diemberger, Astrid Hovden :
    People of the Cryosphere: a Cross-Regional, Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Icescapes in a Changing Climate
    Berghahn Books 2022 DOI
  • Astrid Hovden, Hanna Havnevik :
    Balancing the Sacred Landscape: Environmental Management in Limi, North-Western Nepal
    Routledge 2021
  • J. Kropacek, N. Neckel, B. Tyrna, N. Holzer, Astrid Hovden, Noel Gourmelen et al.:
    Repeated glacial lake outburst flood threatening the oldest Buddhist monastery in north-western Nepal
    Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2015 DOI
  • Hildegard G.M. Diemberger, Astrid Hovden, Emily T. Yeh :
    The honour of the snow-mountains is the snow: Tibetan livelihoods in a changing climate
    Cambridge University Press 2015 DOI
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Who were the sponsors? Reflections on recruitment and ritual economy in three Himalayan village monasteries
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Ritualised memories: Maintenance of the Saga Dawa festival tradition in contemporary Lhasa
    International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH 2011
  • Hanna Havnevik, Riamsara Kuyakanon, Astrid Hovden, Hildegard G.M. Diemberger :
    Contribution (with seven other international scholars) during Roundtable: Changing climate in Tibetan, Himalayan and Mongolian regions: adaptive strategies in dynamic social, ecological and cosmological landscapes.
  • Hanna Havnevik, Astrid Hovden, Sissel Thorsdalen :
  • Astrid Hovden, Rinchen Loden Lama :
    Water, women and work: reflections on gendered responses to environmental and climatic change in Limi, Nepal
  • Astrid Hovden, Riamsara Kuyakanon, Hanna Havnevik, Sissel Thorsdalen, Runhild Seim :
    Changing climate and communities in high places and icy spaces
    Changing climate and communities in high places and icy spaces 2022
  • Jan Kropáček, Astrid Hovden :
    Relocations of settlements in Limi Valley in Humla driven by natural hazards in the context of a changing climate?
  • Serena Amatya, Sunayana Basnet, Sushmita Kunwar, Binaya Pasakhala, Pradyumna Rana, Astrid Hovden et al.:
    Proceedings of the workshop on Environmental management in a changing climate Communicating local perspectives from the Kailash Sacred Landscape 30 September – 1 October 2019
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Environmental management in the new municipalities in Nepal – conflicting or complementing systems?
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Introductory talk: Environmental management in a changing climate - communicating local perspectives from the Kailash Sacred Landscape
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Hva betyr religion for klimaet i Himalaya?
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Can Buddhism contribute to climate change adaptation in Nepal?
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Continuity and changes in environmental decision-making in a Himalayan border community
  • Hanna Havnevik, Astrid Hovden :
    Himalayan connections: melting glaciers, sacred landscapes and mobile technologies in a changing climate
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Digital tools and outputs
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Fieldwork case study I: Limi, Nepal
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Melting glaciers, religious authorities and new connectivities in Himalayan communities
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Between village and monastery: a historical ethnography of a Tibetan Buddhist community in north-western Nepal. PhD thesis resumé.
    Études Mongoles & Sibériennes, Centrasiatiques & Tibétaines 2017
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Stolte buddhister
    03. Feb 2016
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Between village and monastery. A historical ethnography of a Tibetan Buddhist community in north-western Nepal
    Nauka 2016
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Monastic Recruitment, Household Organisation, and New Networks of Patronage in a Himalayan Frontier Community
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Patronage, Monastic Recruitment and Household Organisation in a Himalayan Community
  • Manfred Buchroithner, J. Kropacek, J. Trültzsch, T. Himpel, Astrid Hovden, N. Holzer et al.:
    Kailash/Gurla Mandhata trekking map 11 (Tibet/Nepal 1:100.000). Institute for Cartography of the Dresden University of Technology, first edition.
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Five Hundred Years of Flood Management – Environmental Adaption Strategies in a Community in the Nepal Himalayas
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Who were the sponsors? Reflections on recruitment and ritual economy in three Himalayan village monasteries
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Rinchen Sangpo og den andre spreiinga av buddhismen i Tibet – sett frå Limi, Nepal
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Coping with floods: changing environmental adaptation strategies in a community in the Nepal Himalayas
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Paying the monk tax: Reflections on recruitment and ritual economy in Himalayan village monasteries
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Seminar on Academic Writing and Study Techniques
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Still paying bod khral and mon khral: Taxes and community obligations in a Himalayan village
  • Ane Ohrvik, Astrid Hovden :
    Erfaringer med å søke og gjennomføre phd-prosjekter
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Ethical considerations in ethnographic fieldwork – experiences from Nepal
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Rinchenling gompa in Halji - the oldest monastery in the Nepal Himalayas?
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Himalayan village caught between culture and nature
    24. Aug 2011
  • Astrid Hovden :
    2011 DATA
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Rituals of Rinchenling - preliminary results from fieldwork in Limi, northwestern Nepal
  • Astrid Hovden :
    If this is what a small glacial lake flood can do, imagine a big one
    Nepali Times 29. Jul 2011
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Tibetanske festival- og pilegrimstradisjonar: Feiring av Saga Dawa og Drugpa Tseshi festivalane i dagens Lhasa
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Seminar in academic writing
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Omgrepet "stad" som analytisk kategori i religionsvitskapen
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Vidareføring av tibetanske pilegrimstradisjonar i dagens Lhasa
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Celebrating festivals, negotiating memories: A study of the Drugpa Tseshi tradition in Lhasa
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Ritualised memories: Maintenance of the Saga Dawa festival tradition in contemporary Lhasa
  • Astrid Hovden :
    Ritual, place and memory: maintenance of religious festival traditions in contemporary Lhasa
    Universitetet i Bergen 2006

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →