Hildegard G.M. Diemberger,
Astrid Hovden
People of the Cryosphere: a Cross-Regional, Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Icescapes in a Changing Climate
Astrid Hovden,
Hanna Havnevik
Balancing the Sacred Landscape: Environmental Management in Limi, North-Western Nepal
Routledge 2021
J. Kropacek,
N. Neckel,
B. Tyrna,
N. Holzer,
Astrid Hovden,
Noel Gourmelen
et al.:
Repeated glacial lake outburst flood threatening the oldest Buddhist monastery in north-western Nepal
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2015
Hildegard G.M. Diemberger,
Astrid Hovden,
Emily T. Yeh
The honour of the snow-mountains is the snow: Tibetan livelihoods in a changing climate
Cambridge University Press 2015
Astrid Hovden
Who were the sponsors? Reflections on recruitment and ritual economy in three Himalayan village monasteries
Astrid Hovden
Ritualised memories: Maintenance of the Saga Dawa festival tradition in contemporary Lhasa
International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH 2011
Astrid Hovden,
Riamsara Kuyakanon,
Hanna Havnevik,
Sissel Thorsdalen,
Runhild Seim
Changing climate and communities in high places and icy spaces
Changing climate and communities in high places and icy spaces 2022
Hanna Havnevik,
Riamsara Kuyakanon,
Astrid Hovden,
Hildegard G.M. Diemberger
Contribution (with seven other international scholars) during Roundtable: Changing climate in Tibetan, Himalayan and Mongolian regions: adaptive strategies in dynamic social, ecological and cosmological landscapes.
Hanna Havnevik,
Astrid Hovden,
Sissel Thorsdalen
Astrid Hovden,
Rinchen Loden Lama
Water, women and work: reflections on gendered responses to environmental and climatic change in Limi, Nepal
Jan Kropáček,
Astrid Hovden
Relocations of settlements in Limi Valley in Humla driven by natural hazards in the context of a changing climate?
Serena Amatya,
Sunayana Basnet,
Sushmita Kunwar,
Binaya Pasakhala,
Pradyumna Rana,
Astrid Hovden
et al.:
Proceedings of the workshop on Environmental management in a changing climate Communicating local perspectives from the Kailash Sacred Landscape 30 September – 1 October 2019
Astrid Hovden
Environmental management in the new municipalities in Nepal – conflicting or complementing systems?
Astrid Hovden
Introductory talk: Environmental management in a changing climate - communicating local perspectives from the Kailash Sacred Landscape
Astrid Hovden
Hva betyr religion for klimaet i Himalaya?
Astrid Hovden
Can Buddhism contribute to climate change adaptation in Nepal?
Astrid Hovden
Continuity and changes in environmental decision-making in a Himalayan border community
Hanna Havnevik,
Astrid Hovden
Himalayan connections: melting glaciers, sacred landscapes and mobile technologies in a changing climate
Astrid Hovden
Digital tools and outputs
Astrid Hovden
Fieldwork case study I: Limi, Nepal
Astrid Hovden
Melting glaciers, religious authorities and new connectivities in Himalayan communities
Astrid Hovden
Between village and monastery: a historical ethnography of a Tibetan Buddhist community in north-western Nepal. PhD thesis resumé.
Études Mongoles & Sibériennes, Centrasiatiques & Tibétaines 2017
Astrid Hovden
Stolte buddhister
03. Feb 2016
Astrid Hovden
Between village and monastery. A historical ethnography of a Tibetan Buddhist community in north-western Nepal
Nauka 2016
Astrid Hovden
Monastic Recruitment, Household Organisation, and New Networks of Patronage in a Himalayan Frontier Community
Astrid Hovden
Patronage, Monastic Recruitment and Household Organisation in a Himalayan Community
Astrid Hovden
Five Hundred Years of Flood Management – Environmental Adaption Strategies in a Community in the Nepal Himalayas
Manfred Buchroithner,
J. Kropacek,
J. Trültzsch,
T. Himpel,
Astrid Hovden,
N. Holzer
et al.:
Kailash/Gurla Mandhata trekking map 11 (Tibet/Nepal 1:100.000). Institute for Cartography of the Dresden University of Technology, first edition.
Astrid Hovden
Who were the sponsors? Reflections on recruitment and ritual economy in three Himalayan village monasteries
Astrid Hovden
Rinchen Sangpo og den andre spreiinga av buddhismen i Tibet – sett frå Limi, Nepal
Astrid Hovden
Coping with floods: changing environmental adaptation strategies in a community in the Nepal Himalayas
Astrid Hovden
Paying the monk tax: Reflections on recruitment and ritual economy in Himalayan village monasteries
Astrid Hovden
Seminar on Academic Writing and Study Techniques
Astrid Hovden
Still paying bod khral and mon khral: Taxes and community obligations in a Himalayan village
Ane Ohrvik,
Astrid Hovden
Erfaringer med å søke og gjennomføre phd-prosjekter
Astrid Hovden
Ethical considerations in ethnographic fieldwork – experiences from Nepal
Astrid Hovden
Rinchenling gompa in Halji - the oldest monastery in the Nepal Himalayas?
Astrid Hovden
Rituals of Rinchenling - preliminary results from fieldwork in Limi, northwestern Nepal
Astrid Hovden
If this is what a small glacial lake flood can do, imagine a big one
Nepali Times 29. Jul 2011
Astrid Hovden
Himalayan village caught between culture and nature
24. Aug 2011
Astrid Hovden
Astrid Hovden
Tibetanske festival- og pilegrimstradisjonar: Feiring av Saga Dawa og Drugpa Tseshi festivalane i dagens Lhasa
Astrid Hovden
Seminar in academic writing
Astrid Hovden
Omgrepet "stad" som analytisk kategori i religionsvitskapen
Astrid Hovden
Vidareføring av tibetanske pilegrimstradisjonar i dagens Lhasa
Astrid Hovden
Celebrating festivals, negotiating memories: A study of the Drugpa Tseshi tradition in Lhasa
Astrid Hovden
Ritualised memories: Maintenance of the Saga Dawa festival tradition in contemporary Lhasa
Astrid Hovden
Ritual, place and memory: maintenance of religious festival traditions in contemporary Lhasa
Universitetet i Bergen 2006