Gilles Gauthier,
Dorothee Ehrich,
Maria Belke-Brea,
Florent Dominé,
Ray Alisauskas,
Karin Clark
et al.:
Taking the beat of the Arctic: are lemming population cycles changing due to winter climate?
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2024
Lauri Oksanen,
Katariina Elsa M Vuorinen,
Tarja Maarit Oksanen
The paradox of searching efficiency or why are violent population cycles so uncommon in terrestrial ecosystem
Katariina Elsa Maria Vuorinen,
Tarja Maarit Oksanen,
Lauri Oksanen,
Timo Vuorisalo,
James David Mervyn Speed
Why don't all species overexploit?
Lauri Oksanen
Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Tanhuanpää M et al., J Anim Ecol 1999 68(3):562-570].
Faculty Opinions 2021
Lauri Oksanen
Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Tanentzap AJ and Smith BR, Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2018 373(1761)].
Faculty Opinions 2021
Lauri Oksanen
Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Bråthen KA et al., Front Ecol Environ 2021]. In Faculty Opinions, 14 Oct 2021
Faculty Opinions 2021
Lauri Oksanen
Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Fischer W et al., Biogeosci Discuss 2021 :preprint]. In Faculty Opinions, 12 Oct 2021
Faculty Opinions 2021
Lauri Oksanen
Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Neutel AM et al., Nature 2007 449(7162):599-602
Faculty Opinions 2021
Tarja Maarit Oksanen,
Lauri Oksanen,
Katariina Vuorinen,
Christopher Wolf,
Aurelia Mäkynen,
Johan Olofsson
et al.:
The impact of thermal seasonality on terrestrial endotherm
food web dynamics: a revision of the Exploitation
Ecosystem Hypothesis
Dorothee Ehrich,
Niels M. Schmidt,
Gilles Gauthier,
Ray Alisauskas,
Anders Angerbjörn,
Karin Clark
et al.:
Documenting lemming population change in the Arctic: Can we detect trends?
Fidele Bognounou,
Philip E. Hulme,
Lauri Oksanen,
Otso Suominen,
Johan Olofsson
Role of climate and herbivory on native and alien conifer seedling recruitment at and above the Fennoscandian tree line
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS) 2018
Maria Wilhelmina Tuomi,
Sari Stark,
Katrine Skamfer Hoset,
Maria Väisänen,
Lauri Oksanen,
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur
et al.:
Herbivore Effects on Ecosystem Process Rates in a Low-Productive System
Lauri Oksanen,
Johan Olofsson
Vertebrate Herbivory and Its Ecosystem Consequences
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences 2018
Katrine S. Hoset,
Lise Ruffino,
Maria Wilhelmina Tuomi,
Tarja Maarit Oksanen,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen,
Aurelia Mäkynen
et al.:
Changes in the spatial configuration and strength of trophic control across a productivity gradient during a massive rodent outbreak
Katariina Vuorinen,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen,
Tarja Maarit Oksanen,
Anni Pyykönen,
Johan Olofsson,
Risto Virtanen
Open tundra persist, but arctic features decline - vegetation changes in the warming Fennoscandian tundra
Global Change Biology 2017
Tim Horstkotte,
Tove Aagnes Utsi,
Åsa Larsson-Blind,
Peter Burgess,
Bernt Johansen,
Jukka Kayhko
et al.:
Human-animal agency in reindeer management: Sami herders perspectives on vegetation dynamics under climate change
Henni Ylänne,
Johan Olofsson,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen,
Sari Stark
Consequences of grazer-induced vegetation transitions on ecosystem carbon storage in the tundra
Functional Ecology 2017
Risto Virtanen,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen,
Tarja Maarit Oksanen,
Juval Cohen,
Bruce C. Forbes,
Bernt Johansen
et al.:
Where do the treeless tundra areas of northern highlands fit in the global biome system: toward an ecologically natural subdivision of the tundra biome
Lise Ruffino,
Tarja Maarit Oksanen,
Katrine S. Hoset,
Maria Tuomi,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen,
Erkki Korpimäki
et al.:
Predator–rodent–plant interactions along a coast–inland gradient in Fennoscandian tundra
Mari Lyly,
Tero Klemola,
Elina Koivisto,
Otso Huitu,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen ,
Erkki Korpimäki
Varying impacts of cervid, hare and vole browsing on growth and survival of boreal tree seedlings
Johan Olofsson,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen ,
Tarja Maarit Oksanen,
Maria Wilhelmina Tuomi,
Katrine S. Hoset,
Risto Virtanen
et al.:
Long-Term Experiments Reveal Strong Interactions Between Lemmings and Plants in the Fennoscandian Highland Tundra
Katrine S. Hoset,
Kukka Kyrö,
Tarja Oksanen,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen ,
Johan Olofsson
Spatial variation in vegetation damage relative to primary productivity, small rodent abundance and predation
Juval Cohen,
Jouni Pulliainen,
Cecile B Menard,
Bernt Johansen,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen ,
Kari Luojus
et al.:
Effect of reindeer grazing on snowmelt, albedo and energy balance based on satellite data analyses
Remote Sensing of Environment 2013
Risto Virtanen,
John Arvid Grytnes,
Jonathan Lenoir,
Miska Luoto,
Jari Oksanen,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen
et al.:
Productivity-diversity patterns in arctic tundra vegetation
Tarja Oksanen,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen ,
Gunnar Johannes Søderbacka ,
Katrine S. Hoset,
Lise Ruffino,
Maria Tuomi
Impact of marine-subsidized predators on lemming-plant oscillations
Evolutionary Ecology Research 2013
Jonathan Lenoir,
Risto Virtanen,
Jari Oksanen,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen ,
Miska Luoto,
John Arvid Grytnes
et al.:
Dispersal ability links to cross-scale species diversity patterns across the Eurasian Arctic tundra
Global Ecology and Biogeography 2012
James A. Estes,
John Terborgh,
Justin S. Brashares,
Mary E. Power,
Joel Berger,
William J. Bond
et al.:
Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth
Lauri Oksanen
evalauation of "About the invasions of the Norwegian lemming and other irregular animal migrations, with an overview of small rodent gradations in Finnish Lapland 1900-1948" by Olavi Kalela
Faculty Opinions 2023
Lauri Oksanen
Tunturit ovat poronhoidon kulttuurimaisemaa
Helsingin sanomat 01. Oct 2023
Lauri Oksanen
Poroja tarvitaan tunturiluonnon suojelussa
Helsingin sanomat 25. Oct 2023
Lauri Oksanen
Tunturit ovat poronhoidon kulttuurimaisemaa
Poromies 04. Dec 2023
Lauri Oksanen
Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Biuw M et al., Ecosystems 2022 17(5:890-905)]
Lauri Oksanen
Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Lagerholm VK et al., Mol Ecol 2022 23(8:2060-2071)]. In Faculty Opinions, 24 Aug 2022;
Faculty Opinions 2022
Lauri Oksanen
Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Holt RD, Theor Popul Biol 2022 12(2:197-129)]. In Faculty Opinions, 09 Nov 2022;
Faculty Opinions 2022
Katariina Elsa Maria Vuorinen,
Tarja Maarit Oksanen,
Lauri Oksanen,
James David Mervyn Speed,
Timo Vuorisalo
Erratum to: Why don't all species overexploit (Oikos, (2021), 130, 11, (1835-1848), 10.1111/oik.08358)
Lauri Oksanen
Correction: Exploitation Ecosystems in Gradients of Primary Productivity (American Naturalist 118: 240–261)
The American Naturalist 2020
Dorothee Ehrich,
Niels M. Schmidt,
Gilles Gauthier,
Ray Alisauskas,
Anders Angerbjörn,
Karin Clark
et al.:
Correction to: Documenting lemming population change in the Arctic: Can we detect trends?
Lauri Oksanen
Poro tunturiluonnossa: ongelma vai ratkaisu?
Lauri Oksanen
Poro tunturiluonnossa: ongelma vai ratkaisu?
Lauri Oksanen
Kesälaidunnus ei ole ylilaidunnusta
Lauri Oksanen
Tunturit, laidunnus ja kukat: näköaloja Jotunheimilta Pohjoiskalotille
Bruce C. Forbes,
Tim Horstkotte,
Tove Aagnes Utsi,
Åsa Larsson-Blind,
Philip Burgess,
Jukka Käyhkö
et al.:
Human-animal agency in reindeer management: Sami herders’ perspectives on Fennoscandian tundra vegetation dynamics under climate change
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen,
Bruce C. Forbes,
Jouko Kumpula,
Timo kumpula,
Jukka Käyhkö,
Sari Stark
Laidunnus ei ole juuri lisännyt eroosiota
(Beite har neppe skapt erosjon)
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen,
Johan Olofsson
Renbetet inte skadligt för sällsynta fjällväxter
J. Käyhkö,
Tim Horstkotte,
Sonja Kivinen,
Jarmo Vehmas,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen,
Bruce C. Forbes
et al.:
Warming Climate and Changing Societies - a Challenge or an Opportunity for Reindeer Herding
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen
Reindeer and tundra in a changing world: threats and opportunities (språk: engelsk og samisk)
Jukka Käyhkö,
Tim Horstkotte,
Sonja Kivinen,
Jarmo Vehmas,
Lauri Oksanen,
Bernt Johansen
et al.:
Warming Climate and Changing Societies – a Challenge or an Opportunity for Reindeer Herding?
J. Käyhkö,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen ,
Tim Horstkotte,
Sonja Kivinen,
Tarja Oksanen,
Pekka Niemelä
et al.:
Can reindeer grazing stop expansion of woody vegetation in the warming tundra?
Käyhkö Jukka,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen ,
Lars Ericson,
Bruce C. Forbes,
Tim Horstkotte,
Rolf Anker Ims
et al.:
How to preserve the tundra in a warming climate?
Tove Aagnes Utsi ,
Lauri Kalervo Oksanen ,
Rune Muladal
Hvordan bevare tundraen i et varmere klima?