Bilde av Oksanen, Lauri Kalervo
Bilde av Oksanen, Lauri Kalervo
Árktalaš ja mariinna biologiija instituhtta

Lauri Kalervo Oksanen

  • Gilles Gauthier, Dorothee Ehrich, Maria Belke-Brea, Florent Dominé, Ray Alisauskas, Karin Clark et al.:
    Taking the beat of the Arctic: are lemming population cycles changing due to winter climate?
    Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2024 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen, Katariina Elsa M Vuorinen, Tarja Maarit Oksanen :
    The paradox of searching efficiency or why are violent population cycles so uncommon in terrestrial ecosystem
    Oikos 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Katariina Elsa Maria Vuorinen, Tarja Maarit Oksanen, Lauri Oksanen, Timo Vuorisalo, James David Mervyn Speed :
    Why don't all species overexploit?
    Oikos 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Tanhuanpää M et al., J Anim Ecol 1999 68(3):562-570].
    Faculty Opinions 2021 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Tanentzap AJ and Smith BR, Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 2018 373(1761)].
    Faculty Opinions 2021 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Bråthen KA et al., Front Ecol Environ 2021]. In Faculty Opinions, 14 Oct 2021
    Faculty Opinions 2021 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Fischer W et al., Biogeosci Discuss 2021 :preprint]. In Faculty Opinions, 12 Oct 2021
    Faculty Opinions 2021 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Neutel AM et al., Nature 2007 449(7162):599-602
    Faculty Opinions 2021 DOI
  • Tarja Maarit Oksanen, Lauri Oksanen, Katariina Vuorinen, Christopher Wolf, Aurelia Mäkynen, Johan Olofsson et al.:
    The impact of thermal seasonality on terrestrial endotherm food web dynamics: a revision of the Exploitation Ecosystem Hypothesis
    Ecography 2020 ARKIV / DATA / DOI
  • Dorothee Ehrich, Niels M. Schmidt, Gilles Gauthier, Ray Alisauskas, Anders Angerbjörn, Karin Clark et al.:
    Documenting lemming population change in the Arctic: Can we detect trends?
    Ambio 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Fidele Bognounou, Philip E. Hulme, Lauri Oksanen, Otso Suominen, Johan Olofsson :
    Role of climate and herbivory on native and alien conifer seedling recruitment at and above the Fennoscandian tree line
    Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS) 2018 DOI
  • Maria Wilhelmina Tuomi, Sari Stark, Katrine Skamfer Hoset, Maria Väisänen, Lauri Oksanen, Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur et al.:
    Herbivore Effects on Ecosystem Process Rates in a Low-Productive System
    Ecosystems 2018 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen, Johan Olofsson :
    Vertebrate Herbivory and Its Ecosystem Consequences
    Encyclopedia of Life Sciences 2018 DOI
  • Katrine S. Hoset, Lise Ruffino, Maria Wilhelmina Tuomi, Tarja Maarit Oksanen, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen, Aurelia Mäkynen et al.:
    Changes in the spatial configuration and strength of trophic control across a productivity gradient during a massive rodent outbreak
    Ecosystems 2017 DOI
  • Katariina Vuorinen, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen, Tarja Maarit Oksanen, Anni Pyykönen, Johan Olofsson, Risto Virtanen :
    Open tundra persist, but arctic features decline - vegetation changes in the warming Fennoscandian tundra
    Global Change Biology 2017 DOI
  • Tim Horstkotte, Tove Aagnes Utsi, Åsa Larsson-Blind, Peter Burgess, Bernt Johansen, Jukka Kayhko et al.:
    Human-animal agency in reindeer management: Sami herders perspectives on vegetation dynamics under climate change
    Ecosphere 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henni Ylänne, Johan Olofsson, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen, Sari Stark :
    Consequences of grazer-induced vegetation transitions on ecosystem carbon storage in the tundra
    Functional Ecology 2017 DOI
  • Lise Ruffino, Tarja Maarit Oksanen, Katrine S. Hoset, Maria Tuomi, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen, Erkki Korpimäki et al.:
    Predator–rodent–plant interactions along a coast–inland gradient in Fennoscandian tundra
    Ecography 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Risto Virtanen, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen, Tarja Maarit Oksanen, Juval Cohen, Bruce C. Forbes, Bernt Johansen et al.:
    Where do the treeless tundra areas of northern highlands fit in the global biome system: toward an ecologically natural subdivision of the tundra biome
    Ecology and Evolution 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mari Lyly, Tero Klemola, Elina Koivisto, Otso Huitu, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen , Erkki Korpimäki :
    Varying impacts of cervid, hare and vole browsing on growth and survival of boreal tree seedlings
    Oecologia 2014 DOI
  • Johan Olofsson, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen , Tarja Maarit Oksanen, Maria Wilhelmina Tuomi, Katrine S. Hoset, Risto Virtanen et al.:
    Long-Term Experiments Reveal Strong Interactions Between Lemmings and Plants in the Fennoscandian Highland Tundra
    Ecosystems 2014 DOI
  • Katrine S. Hoset, Kukka Kyrö, Tarja Oksanen, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen , Johan Olofsson :
    Spatial variation in vegetation damage relative to primary productivity, small rodent abundance and predation
    Ecography 2014 DOI
  • Juval Cohen, Jouni Pulliainen, Cecile B Menard, Bernt Johansen, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen , Kari Luojus et al.:
    Effect of reindeer grazing on snowmelt, albedo and energy balance based on satellite data analyses
    Remote Sensing of Environment 2013 DOI
  • Risto Virtanen, John Arvid Grytnes, Jonathan Lenoir, Miska Luoto, Jari Oksanen, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen et al.:
    Productivity-diversity patterns in arctic tundra vegetation
    Ecography 2013 DOI
  • Tarja Oksanen, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen , Gunnar Johannes Søderbacka , Katrine S. Hoset, Lise Ruffino, Maria Tuomi :
    Impact of marine-subsidized predators on lemming-plant oscillations
    Evolutionary Ecology Research 2013
  • Jonathan Lenoir, Risto Virtanen, Jari Oksanen, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen , Miska Luoto, John Arvid Grytnes et al.:
    Dispersal ability links to cross-scale species diversity patterns across the Eurasian Arctic tundra
    Global Ecology and Biogeography 2012 DOI
  • James A. Estes, John Terborgh, Justin S. Brashares, Mary E. Power, Joel Berger, William J. Bond et al.:
    Trophic Downgrading of Planet Earth
    Science 2011 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    evalauation of "About the invasions of the Norwegian lemming and other irregular animal migrations, with an overview of small rodent gradations in Finnish Lapland 1900-1948" by Olavi Kalela
    Faculty Opinions 2023 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Tunturit ovat poronhoidon kulttuurimaisemaa
    Helsingin sanomat 01. Oct 2023
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Poroja tarvitaan tunturiluonnon suojelussa
    Helsingin sanomat 25. Oct 2023
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Tunturit ovat poronhoidon kulttuurimaisemaa
    Poromies 04. Dec 2023
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Biuw M et al., Ecosystems 2022 17(5:890-905)]
    Svart á hvítu 2022 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Lagerholm VK et al., Mol Ecol 2022 23(8:2060-2071)]. In Faculty Opinions, 24 Aug 2022;
    Faculty Opinions 2022 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Oksanen L: Faculty Opinions Recommendation of [Holt RD, Theor Popul Biol 2022 12(2:197-129)]. In Faculty Opinions, 09 Nov 2022;
    Faculty Opinions 2022 DOI
  • Katariina Elsa Maria Vuorinen, Tarja Maarit Oksanen, Lauri Oksanen, James David Mervyn Speed, Timo Vuorisalo :
    Erratum to: Why don't all species overexploit (Oikos, (2021), 130, 11, (1835-1848), 10.1111/oik.08358)
    Oikos 2021 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Correction: Exploitation Ecosystems in Gradients of Primary Productivity (American Naturalist 118: 240–261)
    The American Naturalist 2020 DOI
  • Dorothee Ehrich, Niels M. Schmidt, Gilles Gauthier, Ray Alisauskas, Anders Angerbjörn, Karin Clark et al.:
    Correction to: Documenting lemming population change in the Arctic: Can we detect trends?
    Ambio 2020 DOI
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Poro tunturiluonnossa: ongelma vai ratkaisu?
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Poro tunturiluonnossa: ongelma vai ratkaisu?
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Kesälaidunnus ei ole ylilaidunnusta
    Poromies 2019 ARKIV
  • Lauri Oksanen :
    Tunturit, laidunnus ja kukat: näköaloja Jotunheimilta Pohjoiskalotille
    Poromies 2019 ARKIV
  • Bruce C. Forbes, Tim Horstkotte, Tove Aagnes Utsi, Åsa Larsson-Blind, Philip Burgess, Jukka Käyhkö et al.:
    Human-animal agency in reindeer management: Sami herders’ perspectives on Fennoscandian tundra vegetation dynamics under climate change
    2016 DATA
  • Lauri Kalervo Oksanen, Bruce C. Forbes, Jouko Kumpula, Timo kumpula, Jukka Käyhkö, Sari Stark :
    Laidunnus ei ole juuri lisännyt eroosiota (Beite har neppe skapt erosjon)
    Helsingin sanomat 29. Sep 2016 FULLTEKST
  • Lauri Kalervo Oksanen, Johan Olofsson :
    Renbetet inte skadligt för sällsynta fjällväxter
    Hufvudstadsbladet 30. Oct 2016 FULLTEKST
  • Lauri Kalervo Oksanen :
    Reindeer and tundra in a changing world: threats and opportunities (språk: engelsk og samisk)
    2015 ARKIV
  • Jukka Käyhkö, Tim Horstkotte, Sonja Kivinen, Jarmo Vehmas, Lauri Oksanen, Bernt Johansen et al.:
    Warming Climate and Changing Societies – a Challenge or an Opportunity for Reindeer Herding?
  • J. Käyhkö, Tim Horstkotte, Sonja Kivinen, Jarmo Vehmas, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen, Bruce C. Forbes et al.:
    Warming Climate and Changing Societies - a Challenge or an Opportunity for Reindeer Herding
  • J. Käyhkö, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen , Tim Horstkotte, Sonja Kivinen, Tarja Oksanen, Pekka Niemelä et al.:
    Can reindeer grazing stop expansion of woody vegetation in the warming tundra?
  • Käyhkö Jukka, Lauri Kalervo Oksanen , Lars Ericson, Bruce C. Forbes, Tim Horstkotte, Rolf Anker Ims et al.:
    How to preserve the tundra in a warming climate?
    2013 DATA
  • Tove Aagnes Utsi , Lauri Kalervo Oksanen , Rune Muladal :
    Hvordan bevare tundraen i et varmere klima?
    01. May 2013 DATA / FULLTEKST

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