Bilde av Andersen, Anna
Bilde av Andersen, Anna
Arkeologiija, historjjá, oskkoldatdiehtaga ja teologiija instituhtta +4777645526 You can find me here

Anna Andersen

  • Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Anna Andersen :
    Cities in Sápmi, Sámi in the Cities. Indigenous Urbanization in the Nordic Countries and Russia
    Berghahn Books 2022
  • Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Anna Andersen :
    The Sámi and Sápmi: The People and the Land
    Berghahn Books 2022
  • Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Anna Andersen, Astri Dankertsen :
    Urban Indigenous Organizing and Institution-Building in Norway and Russia: By and For Whom?
    Berghahn Books 2022 ARKIV
  • Anna Afanasyeva, Elena Bjørgve, Andrei Rogatchevski, Svetlana Sokolova :
    Book review: Funkcionirovanie russkogo jazyka v transgraničnom prostranstve Arktiki
    Scando-Slavica 2022 DOI
  • Astri Andresen, Håkon Hermanstrand, Anna Andersen :
    Det var aldri helt stille 1917-1940
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2021
  • Astri Andresen, Jan Patrik Lantto, Jukka Nyyssönen, Teemu Sakari Ryymin, Katri Somby, Håkon Hermanstrand et al.:
    Kampen om rettighetene: Fra språk og kultur til naturressurser 1963-1990
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2021
  • Anna Andersen :
    Residential schooling of the Sámi in the Soviet Union: Historical development and impacts. In: The Sámi World. Edited By Sanna Valkonen, Áile Aikio, Saara Alakorva, Sigga-Marja Magga.
  • Anna Andersen :
    Colonialism, Multi-voice history and Exploration of Indigenous oral accounts in Western Greenland.
  • Anna Andersen :
    Introduction to Eastern Sámi studies in pedagogy: educational, linguistic and modern socio-cultural situation of the Kola Sámi people. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM1100, 1st year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    System of Russian educational legislation in relation to Indigenous curricula and extracurricular components of education. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM1101 and V5POM1101, 2nd year)
  • Anna Andersen :
    Indigenizing Education: Indigenous education and development of Indigenous curricula. Part 1. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM3100 and V5POM3100, 4th year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    Overview of legislation and Regional National (Indigenous) Component in Russian education (RCN). Part 1. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM1101 and V5POM1101, 2nd year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    First Sámi curricula, Talent Foundry and overview of the Sámi educational history in Russia. Part 2. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM1100, 1st year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    Russian side of Sápmi: Opportunities, challenges and future perspectives in Indigenous education. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM3100 and V5POM3100, 4th year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    Indigenous research about colonial education and residential schooling: Examples from Sápmi
  • Anna Andersen :
    History of Kola Sámi education: Historical development and impacts of residential schooling. Part 1. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM2100 and V5POM2100, 3rd year), Sámi allaskuvla.
  • Anna Andersen :
    Indigenous Research in Action: Positionality
  • Anna Andersen :
    Indigenous Research in Action: Methods
  • Anna Andersen :
    Resettlement of indigenous peoples in the Arctic: Case study of the Sámi people on the Kola Peninsula, North-West of Russia. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM1100, 1st year)
  • Anna Andersen :
    First Sámi curricula, Talent Foundry and overview of the Sámi educational history in Russia. Part 1. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM1100, 1st year)
  • Anna Andersen :
    Urfolkserfaringer med industrielle utviklingsprosjekter og tvangsflyttinger i Russisk Sapmi
  • Anna Andersen :
    Indigenizing Education: Indigenous education and development of Indigenous curricula. Part 2. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM3100 and V5POM3100, 4th year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    Indigenous curricula and language revitalization in Russia, USA and Australia. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM3100 and V5POM3100, 4th year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    Overview of legislation and Regional National (Indigenous) Component in Russian education (RCN). Part 2. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM1101 and V5POM1101, 2nd year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    History of Kola Sámi education: Historical development and impacts of residential schooling. Part 2. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM2100 and V5POM2100, 3rd year), Sámi allaskuvla.
  • Anna Andersen :
    Capacity building, resource evaluation and Sámi language activism on Kola. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM2100 and V5POM2100, 3rd year, Sámi allaskuvla.
  • Anna Andersen :
    The role of the Sámi pedagogues in Indigenous language revitalization. At: Sámi teacher training program (V1POM2100 and V5POM2100, 3rd year, Sámi allaskuvla.
  • Anna Andersen :
    Videolecture "Indigenizing education: Approaches to Sámi inclusive education".
  • Anna Andersen :
    Introduction to Sámi studies and Indigenous methods in research
  • Anna Andersen :
    Indigenous research about enforced resettlement of Indigenous peoples in the Arctic: Examples from Sámi and Inuit in Greenland
  • Anna Andersen :
    Indigenous Research in Action: Ethics
  • Anna Andersen :
    Indigenous perspective on decolonizing knowledge about the Sámi in visual documentaries at the end of the 1950s.
  • Bjørg Evjen, Anna Andersen :
    Samenes historie: Samer og andre verdenskrig
    06. Jan 2022 DATA
  • Anna Andersen :
    Resettlement of Indigenous peoples in the Arctic: Case study of the Sámi people on the Kola Peninsula, North-West of Russia. Goals of the present research on resettlements in Greenland.
    2022 DATA
  • Anna Andersen :
    Resettlement of Indigenous peoples in the Arctic: Invitation to conversations on relocations in Sápmi and Greenland.
  • Anna Andersen :
    Kvalitativ minnestudie: samenes erfaring med tvangsflytting og utdannelse på internatskole
    2021 DATA
  • Anna Andersen :
    On the History of Establishment of the first Kola Sami Youth Organizatioin "Saam' Nuraš"
    19. Nov 2021 DATA
  • Anna Andersen :
    Østsamiske håndlagde kunst 'duodji'- historisk utvikling av samiske ornamentikk og klesdesign
  • Anna Andersen :
    Kola samenes etnopolitikk i fortid og nåtid
  • Anna Andersen :
    Innføring i samfunnsstudier av østsamiske sosikulturelle, økonomiske og politiske forhold
  • Anna Andersen :
    Tvangsflyttingspolitikk og kola-samer på 1950 og 1960-tallet.
  • Anna Andersen :
    Displacement, Urbanization and ‘New Nomadism’: Perspectives on Indigenous urbanity in Sápmi and Greenlandic contexts
    2021 DATA
  • Anna Afanasyeva :
    Recommendations to an exhibition publication to accompany the art exhibition at Sámi Pavilion at the Venice Art Biennale 2022.
  • Anna Andersen :
    From classical historian to STS work in archives
  • Anna Andersen :
    Boarding school policies in education of the Kola Sámi people from 1930s up to the end 1980s: Historical development and impacts. Part 2. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM1100, 1st year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    Boarding school policies in education of the Kola Sámi people from 1930s up to the end 1980s: Historical development and impacts. Part 1. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM1100, 1st year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    Introduction to Eastern Sami studies on modern educational, linguistic and socio-cultural situation of the Kola Sámi people. At: Sámi teacher education program (V1POM1100, 1st year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    Introduction to Eastern Sápmi: Contemporary educational, linguistic and socio-cultural situation of the Kola Sámi people. At: Sámi teacher education program.(V1POM3100 and V5POM3100, 4th year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    Overview of the 20th-century Sámi educational history and legislation on the Kola Peninsula. Part 1. At: Sámi teacher education program. (V1POM3100 and V5POM3100, 4th year).
  • Anna Andersen :
    Pedagogical 'Indigenous Insider' view upon colonial school curricula: Opportunities and perspectives of Indigenous education (V1POM3100 and V5POM3100, 4th year)

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →