Barbara Stein

  • Barbara S. Stein :
    Minoritizing Processes and Power Relations between Volunteers and Immigrant Participants—An Example from Norway
    Nordic Journal of Migration Research 2022 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Barbara Stein, Gunn Elin Fedreheim :
    Problematization of integration in Norwegian policymaking–integration through employment or volunteerism?
    Ethnic and Racial Studies 2022 DOI
  • Andrea Berg Foss, Barbara Sophia Stein :
    Har kunstig intelligens fordommer mot kjønn?
  • Barbara Sophia Stein, Andrea Berg Foss :
    Har kunstig intelligens fordommer (mot kjønn)?
  • Gunn Elin Fedreheim, Barbara Sophia Stein, Tina Hansen, Stine Dale, Torjar Urdal :
    Forskning MED NAV – en suksesshistorie om et pilotprosjekts bidrag til tjenesteutvikling i NAV
  • Barbara Sophia Stein :
    Integration and the Voluntary Sector: An Unfavourable Pairing, or the Perfect Match? - Exploring Integration Processes of Immigrants through and in the Voluntary Sector in Norway
    2023 FULLTEKST
  • Barbara Sophia Stein :
    Paneldebatt - Frivillighetens rolle i integreringsarbeidet
  • Barbara Sophia Stein :
    Frivillighet og integrering - hva vet vi?
  • Barbara Stein :
    Frivillighet og integrering
  • Barbara Stein :
    På labben med integreringsforsker Barbara
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Barbara Stein :
    Mer mangfold = mer konflikt?
  • Barbara S. Stein :
    Det er ingen som kommer og sier 'velkommen' - Frivillighet og integrering
  • Barbara S. Stein :
    Frivillighet – mål eller middel for integrering?
    Nordnorsk Debatt 05. Aug 2020 FULLTEKST
  • Barbara S. Stein :
    Engaging Women in Integration: Exploring Relations between Integration, Gender and the Voluntary Sector
  • Barbara S. Stein :
    Power-imbalance, intersectionality and processes of integration: Exploring relations between integration of immigrant women and the voluntary sector in Norway
  • Barbara S. Stein :
    Visions of integration: How immigrants make sense of a new landscape
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017 FULLTEKST

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →