Andreas Kvammen,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Theresa Rexer,
Andres Spicher,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
NOIRE-Net–a convolutional neural network for automatic classification and scaling of high-latitude ionograms
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2024
Samuel Kociscak,
Andreas Kvammen,
Ingrid Brigitte Mann,
Nicole Meyer-Vernet,
David Pisa,
Jan Souček
et al.:
Impact ionization double peaks analyzed in high temporal resolution on Solar Orbiter
Samuel Kociscak,
Andreas Kvammen,
Ingrid Mann,
Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye,
Audun Theodorsen,
Arnaud Zaslavsky
Modeling Solar Orbiter dust detection rates in the inner heliosphere as a Poisson process
Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A) 2023
Andreas Kvammen,
Kristoffer Wickstrøm,
Samuel Kociscak,
Jakub Vaverka,
Libor Nouzak,
Arnaud Zaslavsky
et al.:
Machine learning detection of dust impact signals observed by the Solar Orbiter
Derek McKay,
Andreas Kvammen
Auroral classification ergonomics and the implications for machine learning
Andreas Kvammen,
Kristoffer Knutsen Wickstrøm,
Derek McKay,
Noora Partamies
Auroral Image Classification With Deep Neural Networks
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 05. Oct 2020
Andreas Kvammen,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Tima Sergienko,
Urban Brändström,
Michael T Rietveld,
Theresa Rexer
et al.:
The 3‐D Distribution of Artificial Aurora Induced by HF Radio Waves in the Ionosphere
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2019
Derek McKay,
Tuula Paavilainen,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Andreas Kvammen,
Noora Partamies
Lumikot: Fast auroral transients during the growth phase of substorms
Geophysical Research Letters 2019
Lankeswar Dey,
MJ Valtonen,
A Gopakumar,
S Zola,
R Hudec,
P Pihajoki
et al.:
Authenticating the presence of a relativistic massive black hole binary in OJ 287 using its general relativity centenary flare: Improved orbital parameters
The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ) 2018
Michael D Reed,
EL Armbrecht,
John H Telting,
Andrzej S Baran,
Roy Østensen,
Pere Blay
et al.:
K2 Campaign 5 observations of pulsating subdwarf B stars: Binaries and super-Nyquist frequencies
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2018
Andres Spicher,
Theresa Rexer,
Andreas Kvammen,
Mahith Madhanakumar,
M. Zettergren,
Kjellmar Oksavik
et al.:
Characterization and Assessment of Structuring Connected to Auroral Dynamics using EISCAT_3D (CASCADE): A brief overview
Andreas Kvammen,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Theresa Rexer,
Andres Spicher,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
NOIRE-Net - A convolutional neural network for automatic classification and scaling of high-latitude ionograms
Andreas Kvammen,
Andres Spicher,
Matthew David Zettergren,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Theresa Rexer,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
Conditions for the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Polar Ionosphere
Andreas Kvammen,
Andres Spicher,
Matthew David Zettergren,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Theresa Rexer,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
Formation and evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Arctic Ionosphere
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Andreas Kvammen,
Matthew D. Zettergren,
john swoboda
et al.:
Interferometric Imaging of the Ion-Line with EISCAT_3D
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Andreas Kvammen,
Matthew D. Zettergren,
john swoboda
et al.:
Interferometric Imaging of the Ion-Line with EISCAT_3D - Development and Software
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Andreas Kvammen,
Matthew D. Zettergren,
john swoboda
et al.:
Interferometric Imaging of Ion Lines with EISCAT 3D - Resolving In-Beam Structures Using Long Baselines, Singular Value Decomposition, and Tikhonov Regularization
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Andreas Kvammen,
Matthew D. Zettergren,
john swoboda
et al.:
Interferometric Imaging of the Ion-Line with EISCAT_3D
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Andreas Kvammen,
Matthew D. Zettergren,
john swoboda
et al.:
Interferometric Imaging for Fine-Scale Ionospheric Plasma Parameter Determination with EISCAT_3D
Andres Spicher,
Andreas Kvammen,
M. Zettergren,
Roger Roglans,
John W Bonnell,
James LaBelle
et al.:
Characterizing ionospheric turbulence on the poleward side of the cusp using sounding rocket observations and modelling work
Andres Spicher,
Andreas Kvammen,
Matthew David Zettergren,
John W. Bonnell,
Lasse Clausen,
Kshitija Deshpande
et al.:
Understanding the creation of ionospheric F-region turbulence and its spatio-temporal evolution using GNSS scintillations, auxiliary instruments and modeling
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Juha-Pekka Vierinen,
Andres Spicher,
Andreas Kvammen,
Matthew D. Zettergren
EISCAT_3D Imaging Techniques for Ionospheric Incoherent Scatter Spectra Reconstruction
Samuel Kociscak,
Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye,
Andreas Kvammen,
Ingrid Brigitte Mann,
Arnaud Zaslavsky,
Audun Theodorsen
Bayesian inference of β-meteoroid parameters with Solar Orbiter
Andreas Kvammen,
Ingeborg Frøystein,
Isabel Maria Sundström Nerland,
Etienne Gavazzi
Velkommen til Romfysikk ved UiT
Samuel Kociscak,
Arnaud Zaslavsky,
Nicole Meyer-Vernet,
Ingrid Brigitte Mann,
Jakub Vaverka,
Audun Theodorsen
et al.:
Double-peaked dust impact electricalsignatures partially explained
Andreas Kvammen,
Kristoffer Wickstrøm,
Samuel Kociscak,
Jakub Vaverka,
Libor Nouzák,
Arnaud Zaslavsky
et al.:
Machine learning detection of dust impact signals
Andreas Kvammen,
Andres Spicher,
Matthew D. Zettergren,
Devin Ray Huyghebaert,
Theresa Rexer,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
et al.:
Conditions for the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Polar Ionosphere
Andres Spicher,
Andreas Kvammen,
James LaBelle,
Matthew D. Zettergren,
John W. Bonnell,
Roger Roglans
et al.:
Examining the relevance of different instability mechanisms in causing ionospheric cusp irregularities based on sounding rocket data and numerical simulations
Theresa Rexer,
Andres Spicher,
Andreas Kvammen,
Juha Vierinen
Characteristics of polar ionospheric plasma density irregularities with multi-point measurements
Theresa Rexer,
Andres Spicher,
Juha Vierinen,
Andreas Kvammen
Exploring Characteristics of Turbulent Density Fluctuations in the Arctic Ionosphere with Multi-Point Measurements
Samuel Kociscak,
Ingrid Mann,
Andreas Kvammen,
Audun Theodorsen
Dust Populations in the Inner Solar System Observed Continually with Solar Orbiter
Andreas Kvammen
Introduksjon til Nordlysforskning:
Fra Birkeland til i Dag
Samuel Kociscak,
Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye,
Andreas Kvammen,
Ingrid Mann,
Arnaud Zaslavsky,
Audun Theodorsen
Bayesian Approch to β-meteoroids Detected on Solar Orbiter - How Fast is the Cosmic Dust?
Samuel Kociscak,
Andreas Kvammen,
Audun Theodorsen,
Ingrid Mann
Cosmic Dust Populations: Modelling Inside 1AU
Andreas Kvammen
Introduksjon til Nordlysforskning:
Fra Birkeland til i Dag
Andreas Kvammen
Machine Learning Classification of Dust Impact Signals Observed by The Solar Orbiter Radio and Plasma Waves Instrument
Samuel Kociscak,
Sigrunn Holbek Sørbye,
Andreas Kvammen,
Audun Theodorsen,
Ingrid Mann,
Arnaud Zaslavsky
Bayesian Approch to β-meteoroids Detected on Solar Orbiter
Andreas Kvammen
Auroral Image Processing Techniques - Machine Learning Classification and Multi-Viewpoint Analysis
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021
Andreas Kvammen,
Björn Johan Gustavsson
Anisotropic Electron Fluxes - An Explanation of the Flat Altitude Distributions of Radio Induced Optical Emissions?
Derek McKay,
Tuula Paavilainen,
Björn Johan Gustavsson,
Andreas Kvammen,
Noora Partamies
Lumikot: fast auroral transients
Andreas Kvammen
The 3D Distribution of Artificial Aurora Induced by HF Radio Waves in the Ionosphere
Andreas Kvammen
The 3D Distribution of Artificial Aurora Induced by HF Radio Waves in the Ionosphere