Bilde av Good, Clara
Bilde av Good, Clara
Teknologiija ja sihkarvuođa instituhtta +4777645162 You can find me here

Clara Good

  • Bright Appiah Adu-Gyamfi, Clara Good :
    Electric aviation: A review of concepts and enabling technologies
    Transportation Engineering 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tobias Boström, Bilal Babar, Jonas Berg Hansen, Clara Good :
    The pure PV-EV energy system – A conceptual study of a nationwide energy system based solely on photovoltaics and electric vehicles
    Smart Energy 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Clara Good, Mahmoud Shepero, Joakim Munkhammar, Tobias Boström :
    Scenario-based modelling of the potential for solar energy charging of electric vehicles in two Scandinavian cities
    Energy 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Torhildur Fjola Kristjansdottir, Aoife Anne Marie Houlihan Wiberg, Inger Andresen, Laurent Georges, Niko Heeren, Clara Good et al.:
    Is a net life cycle balance for energy and materials achievable for a zero emission single-family building in Norway?
    Energy and Buildings 2018 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Clara Stina Good, Torhildur Kristjansdottir, Aoife Anne Marie Houlihan Wiberg, Laurent Georges, Anne Grete Hestnes :
    Influence of PV technology and system design on the emission balance of a net zero emission building concept.
    Solar Energy 2016 DOI
  • Torhildur Kristjansdottir, Clara Stina Good, Marianne Rose Inman, Reidun Dahl Schlanbusch, Inger Andresen :
    Embodied greenhouse gas emissions from PV systems in Norwegian residential Zero Emission Pilot Buildings
    Solar Energy 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Clara Stina Good, Francesco Goia :
    Integrated ground source heat pumps and solar thermal systems for zero energy buildings
    Aalborg Universitetsforlag 2016
  • Clara Stina Good :
    Environmental impact assessments of hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) systems - a review
    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016 DOI
  • Clara Stina Good, Inger Andresen, Anne Grete Hestnes :
    Solar energy for net zero energy buildings - A comparison between solar thermal, PV and photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) systems.
    Solar Energy 2015 DOI
  • Aoife Anne Marie Houlihan Wiberg, Laurent Georges, Selamawit Mamo Fufa, Clara Stina Good, Birgit Dagrun Risholt :
    Sensitivity analysis of the life cycle emissions froma an nZEB concept
  • Clara Stina Good, Jinfeng Chen, Yanjun Dai, Anne Grete Hestnes :
    Hybrid Photovoltaic-thermal Systems in Buildings - A Review
    Energy Procedia 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Clara Stina Good, Inger Andresen, Anne Grete Hestnes :
    Solar energy for net zero energy buildings - A comparison between solar thermal, PV and photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) systems
    Solar Energy 2015 DOI
  • Clara Stina Good :
    Upgrading post-war buildings with solar energy – Impressions from involving end-users in the energy transition
  • Clara Stina Good :
    Kan solenergi gi nytt liv til gjenreisningshus?
  • Clara Good :
    Solenergi i nord – fungerer det?
  • Clara Good :
    Northern Homes - Refurbishing the north with solar energy
  • Clara Good :
    Combining solar energy and EVs (in Voices: Opportunities and barriers to net-zero cities)
    One Earth 2022 DOI
  • Clara Good :
    Vil koronapandemien endre våre reisevaner? Resultater fra spørreundersøkelse om korona og flyreiser
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Clara Good, Stein Vidar Loftås :
    Klima i hvert bygg - og kjøretøy
    11. Feb 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Clara Good, Tor Sandberg :
    Hver tredje vil fly mindre
    24. Feb 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Clara Good :
    Solar energy for self-sufficient electric aircraft operations at Bardufoss flight school
  • Clara Good :
    Solressursen i Nord-Norge
  • Clara Good, Mahmoud Shepero, Joakim Munkhammar, Tobias Kristoffer Boström :
    Corrigendum to “Scenario-based modelling of the potential for solar energy charging of electric vehicles in two Scandinavian cities”[Energy 168 (1 February 2019) 111–125](S0360544218322540)(10.1016/
    Energy 2020 DOI
  • Clara Good :
    Electric vehicles and solar energy in Tromsø
    2020 OMTALE
  • Clara Good :
    Solenergi – funker det i Nord-Norge?
  • Clara Good :
    Solar energy and electric transportation
  • Clara Good, Mahmoud Shepero, Joakim Munkhammar, Tobias Boström :
    Large-scale integration of electric vehicles and solar charging in Tromsø
  • Clara Good, Tobias Boström :
    Solenergi + elbil = sant
    Nordnorsk Debatt 22. Jan 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Clara Good :
    Solenergi + elbil = sant?
  • Clara Good :
    – Alle i Tromsø kan kjøre elbil ladet på solenergi
    18. Oct 2019 FULLTEKST
  • Clara Good :
    Solenergi + elbil = sant?
  • Clara Good, Tobias Boström :
    Analyis of the solar energy potential on buildings in Tromsø
    2018 FULLTEKST
  • Clara Good :
    Solenergi - muligheter i nord
  • Clara Good :
    Solenergi i byer og på bygninger
  • Clara Good :
    Solenergi - fremtiden er lys!
  • David Lingfors, Mahmoud Shepero, Clara Good, Jamie Bright, Joakim Widén, Tobias Boström et al.:
    Modelling City Scale Spatio-temporal Solar Energy Generation and Electric Vehicle Charging Load
  • Clara Good :
    Vi må snakke om det å fly
    Nordnorsk Debatt 18. Oct 2018 FULLTEKST
  • Clara Good, Tobias Boström :
    Solar energy for residential electric vehicle charging in Northern Norway – a feasibility study
    2018 ARKIV
  • Clara Good :
    Photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) systems for zero emission residential buildings
  • Clara Good :
    World Hacks: Checking out the Solar Hotel
    19. Mar 2017 DATA
  • Erlend Homme Falklev, Clara Good :
    Mapping of solar energy potential on Tromsøya using solar analyst in ArcGIS
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017 DATA / FULLTEKST
  • Torhildur Kristjansdottir, Clara Stina Good, Inger Andresen, Harald Amundsen :
    Design phase calculation of greenhouse gas emissions for a Zero emission residential pilot building
  • Clara Stina Good :
    Photovoltaic-thermal systems for zero emission residential buildings
    Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet 2016
  • Aoife Anne Marie Houlihan Wiberg, Laurent Georges, Selamawit Mamo Fufa, Birgit Dagrun Risholt, Clara Stina Good :
    A zero emission concept analysis of a single family house: Part 2 sensitivity analysis
    SINTEF akademisk forlag 2015 FULLTEKST / ARKIV
  • Reidun Dahl Schlanbusch, Marianne Rose Inman, Torhildur Kristjansdottir, Clara Stina Good :
    Klimagassberegninger av solceller i og på bygg - tre norske case
  • Aoife Anne Marie Houlihan Wiberg, Laurent Georges, Selamawit Mamo Fufa, Clara Stina Good, Birgit Dagrun Risholt :
    Sensitivity analysis of the life cycle emissions from a nZEB residential concept
  • Clara Stina Good, Inger Andresen, Anne Grete Hestnes :
    Solar energy for zero energy buildings - a comparison between solar thermal, PV and photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) systems
  • Clara Stina Good :
    Solen skinner også i Norges teknologihovedstad
    Adresseavisen 29. Dec 2015
  • Torhildur Kristjansdottir, Clara Stina Good :
    A review of life cycle assessments of photovoltaics
  • Clara Stina Good, Gabriele Lobaccaro, Siri Hårklau :
    Optimization of solar energy potential for buildings in urban areas – a Norwegian case study

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →