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Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan

  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer, Erlend Kirkeng Jørgensen, Per Johan E Sjøgren, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan, Peter Jordan :
    Investigating long-term human ecodynamics in the European Arctic: Towards an integrated multi-scalar analysis of early and mid Holocene cultural, environmental and palaeodemographic sequences in Finnmark County, Northern Norway.
    Quaternary International 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Marianne Skandfer, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan :
    Dwelling in the Past
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan :
    Rapport fra befaring og registrering på Fella, Vatnan og Gåshopen i Hammerfest kommune, Finnmark fylke 2019
    2021 FULLTEKST
  • Marianne Skandfer, Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan, Charlotte Brysting Damm :
    Dokumentasjon av tuftefelt i Hasvik kommune, Sørøya 2017 under forskningsprosjektet «Stone Age Demographics». Feltrapport
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Kenneth Webb Berg Vollan :
    Estimating population sizes on a coastal Stone Age housepit site
  • Charlotte Brysting Damm, Marianne Skandfer, Kenneth Webb Vollan, Erlend Kirkeng Jørgensen, Peter Jordan :
    Prehistoric Demographic fluctuation in Arctic Norway: correlations to climate change and cultural processes
  • Marianne Skandfer, Charlotte Brysting Damm, Kenneth Webb Vollan :
    Investigating Long-Term Human-Environment Relationships in the European Arctic
  • Kenneth Webb Vollan :
    Befolkningsstørrelse og -tetthet ved Sørøysunf, Vest-Finnmark, i steinalderen med utgangspunkt i tufttelokalitetene. Samtidighet, brukslengde, gjenbruk.

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →